Futadom World - Binding Sim - симулятор знакомств. Если вы знакомы с флеш-играми Sim Girl или Ganguro Girls, вы точно увидите, о чем идет речь. Это своего рода игра-симулятор, в которой вы играете парня, ищущего любовь. Эта игра немного отличается. Ваша цель - выбрать персонажа среди многих и соблазнить его ... прежде чем кто-то еще решит, что вы можете стать рабом лучше. Для этого вам придется учиться, ходить в спортзал, покупать одежду, работать, зарабатывать деньги, развивать свою сексуальную статистику и разговаривать со своим поклонником футы.
v0.9.6 - Introducing Melody and her crew! Join them on their escapades as the climb the illegal corporate ladder. - Melody will only come available after you've worked at the Rusty Starfish at lease once - A new silhouette in the City Center, on the right hand side - A new even with Diamond at her apartment
v0.9.5 New repeatable Mina event, accessible after a couple of run-ins at the Rusty Starfish and a little dose of honesty (Warning: Optional watersports content) Her apartment is on the FAR RIGHT of the City Center after your second visit. It is the FARTHEST RIGHT building on the horizon, NOT the Glendale apartment building. New repeatable Vicky event, accessible after a few dates (Warning: Optional watersports content) A new VR scene from Sleeve Shock, courtesy of our good friends over at TwoHotMilfs Brand spanking new UI, created by Kuja!
-Our thanksgiving special, Stuffed. -Bindr now lets you make sound financial choices with your Nigerian Princess friend -HYPER COCK DRIFTER in the VR arcade. -The journal now includes more replayable scenes, such as Wallis.
-We have a new route, accessible via asking the rec center hypnosis instructor about Yellow Flowers. -New VR scene by Hellacious Sundae. -New Chloe exhibitionism content, accessible through Chloe in the bar. -"The Phylosophers", new group vignette at the school. -Scene replay via phone journal
Wallis Part Two: I don't know how many new sex scenes there are. Like...four? Five, if you count that one multiple-participant sex that the player isn't actually in. There are eight endings, not counting ones where you just get shot for being mouthy. There are three "bailout" endings; two Dark Wallis endings, two Light Wallis endings, and, as the ancient VN masters taught us with Tsukihime, there is only one True End. The True End is a little counterintuitive to get to, and for the next few days, we're not giving you any hints. To get it, you need to talk to people other than Wallis. Okay, that was your only hint. MILF Steals Your Breath Away: New silhouette at the pool. This is actually more repeatable than you'd expect, and several parts of it change with the progression. Not Cuck?: New silhouette at the City Center. A weirdly wholesome look at a modern Imperial marriage
Demetria Chastity Sally Part 2!
Changelog: (Take note that Sally’s carnival date contains special guests depending on where you are in other heroines’ routes. Though our serious and dignified ladies wont be attending the carnival.) VR Theater Launch (Rec center) Playing Doctor (pool silhouette, sex) Silver Fox (pool silhouette, nonsexual) Updated art for Chloe's Night Out Updated art for Volleyball Gang
v0.9.1 Sally Complete Release.
v0.9 Sally Part One (Accessible from the gym if you have adequate STR) Girl's Night Out With Chloe (Accessible from the Irish pub) Dramatically reduced overall size due to file compression Removed legacy censored files from package
v0.8.0 -Wallis Part One is now coded into the game.
--To save you all a lot of guessing, you can find Wallis at the pool, a few days after she disappears from the park. Sometimes, later, she won't be in her apartment—that's because she's a busy futa who has a life. If you wait a few days she'll come back.
--Wallis is our secret character. Two years from now, y'all will be the cool veterans while all the Steam-game-come-lately noobs are crying on the forums.
--Heads up that this route contains a lot of weird and violent sexual content, especially if you keep telling Wallis that you're not scared of weird and violent sexual content. There's a more explicit disclaimer in the game, but as a reminder, please don't play content which you think will traumatize you. Completion trophies aren't a thing in real life.
--Or, maybe you're already meaningfully more perverse than I'm giving you credit for, and will find all the knifeplay/choking/struggle content fun, rather than edgelord. I'm often surprised by how hardcore masochist our players are.
-Pool's OPEN
-- (and there's a nice lady who needs help putting on sunscreen)
-Gabby has discovered anime
--and she's ready to go on a bizarre adventure with you
-Sara's running a clinic inside the MREA
--You can now deliberately lower your sex stats, if for some reason you want that
--(e.g., so you can fail checks, if you're curious about what happens)
-The Rusty Starfish now has a mildly literal tourist trap
--Some dastardly futa are seducing tourists into debaucherous sex. There was no way anyone could have predicted this.
-Four new Gabby Apartment Vignettes (Such as watching Real Housemales together.)
-The Rusty Starfish job now has a special event outcome: the Mina date. With the MREA badge, it has about an 8% chance of happening on a given day. Sorry to hit you with this gacha bullshit. -Hypnosis vignette in the Rec Center Maybe it's not your thing, but I like it. -Diamond's Cumflation Scene Invite only, via either her club silhouette or Claudia's endgame content. -Mallory Goddess Ending Addendum (with optional M/M content) Continues right in the harem where the last one left off. -Rye's Smoking and Watersports Scene As commissioned by our Empress-tier backer, Bardafree -Mallory's LSD Ending Incense doesn't need to contain anything otherthan mind expanding herbs, really. -Long Scrolling Credits V1 Are currently very fragile; don't click during them or they'll skip. We're working on that.
Notes -We still don't have our animation on lock. We're trialing like three different animators, but it turns out that the ability to take an unstaged picture and turn it into a juicy hump-loop in under twelve hours was rare and precious and we didn't appreciate it enough. As such, most of these scenes are unanimated. I hope to go back and get that fixed in the next release. -We did manage to scrounge some animation for Diamond's cumflation scene, though, because we know you have needs. -We're still crossing our fingers that we'll have XXX Files ready by the end of the month.
v0.7.6 New Dates -If you can call attending religious ceremonies a date -If you can call an incidental hobo four-way a date
New endings 1. Mallory Is Reformed 2. Mallory Didn't Reform For Shit 3. Mallory ???
Some other content -Verisimilitudinous incense-making experience -Wonderful musical choices
v0.7.5 -Finally made Apartment 3 visitable -Mallory Reform Content -Mallory Cult Content --Secret Abbesses Bad End -Intense Demetria staredown action --Now with eyes! -Angela is now 40% more violent and insane --Mallory actually not more violent or insane this path, you pretty much know her deal by now -Some really Angela music
v0.7.4 -Additional six Mallory dates. -Marital Arts now available in the Rec Center -An (optional) pee scene -Instead of being a snake-tongued megalomaniac—the perverse combination of Martin Luther and Sarah Palin—Mallory is now a vulnerable, sensitive character with human insecurities -Just kidding, no she's not. -Hidden Renee Bad End with MILFy goodness -Weird bondage stuff with G-MILFy goodness
My Futa Valentine
Our FutaDomWorld Side Story, My Futa Valentine, is now complete. It's a short kinetic novel set in the FDW universe, exploring a fetish we haven't much touched on.
v0.7.3 -Additional five-and-a-half Mallory dates. -Abbess Gretchen edging minigame -A futa-on-male scene added (for you heretics) -Fixed a bug that made Claudia's radio sound effects crash the game -Fixed a bug that made Twoholes crash the game -Hot Yoga -Mallory is now 30% more ruthless and insane
v0.7.2 -The locker room Team-Building-Activity is now animated, with some slick dialogue presentation stuff coded by the ever-brilliant Bert. -A gang of cockney hobos can now rail you in a back alley. (Finally) -Art for the Rusty Starfish jobs is now present -Mallory Part One is now implemented.
v0.7.1 bugfix
-Hanna is now hidden until the Athena quest has started (players were confused by her unclickability) -Rusty Starfish jobs now have art associated -The "no text" glitch should now be resolved—it turned out that players whose default system language was Russian or Portuguese would get (empty) translation files loaded in instead of actual text.
Sports Complex now visitable, with -Nude drawing class (legitimate), -Nude drawing class (illegitimate) -Steam room stat-gate, to --Locker Room (team-building activity)
Club updated -Diamond insists all males are bi -Cumlympics
Gym updated -Sweaty Futa finally lets you lick that sweat Rusty Starfish now visitable, with -Irene proposes an alternate to conventional employment (mechanically implemented but the art won't be out until at least Sunday) Downtown updated -Big Titty Goth GF -Absolute Bimbo -Just a little romance -Repeatable scenes with both -Display updated Such that place names now appear at the bottom of the screen rather than overlaid on the image -Flagging updated Such that incomplete paths (like confessing to Mallory that you were flirting with her) now announce as incomplete rather than just grayed-out.
-Now there's a Quick Sleep button -Instead of the game not containing Claudia Part Two, the game now includes Claudia Part Two. -Six possible Claudia endings ---Although tbh only two of those are really "endings" and the rest are more just interesting failure conditions -Eight new gallery scenes -Foot worship content -Genuine Manchurian Candidate experience -Erotic asphyxiation, kinda -Just a little bit more eating ass -Hot-blooded murder -Cold-blooded murder -Depraved hand-holding content -The largest orgy yet depicted in FDW -And a wholesome and heartwarming finale, for those of you who like that kind of thing
-Three new sex scenes with Shopkeeper Stacy -Claudia's tax day now contains an alternate payment option -Betty now offers you an opportunity to earn a discount on the rent -Ass-eating -A new futa to talk to in the park -School now contains a teacher -Teacher now abducts you -MREA no longer empty -When captured by Shauna, Claudia/Demetria phone calls now result in something new. (from the comments: Rye's friends will get some action soon too)
Claudia Content -Instead of the game not containing Claudia Part One, the game now includes Claudia Part One -Cop Tropes -Road Head -Medical Play -Eating ass -Eating a lot of ass, we sort of all wrote ass-eating this release and didn't coordinate on that -A Somewhat Humanized Claudia -A Threesome -"If you squint at it, it's kind of a foursome?" -A Cliffhanger v0.4a
Demetria -Added sex animation to the Sacrifice scenes -Added mouthfucking from the Teacher's Assistant -More illustrations for sex scenes -- pillory-fuck is no longer blindfolded, and is animated -- Mallory/Demetria spitroast is now visible -Animated the energy-drink-overdose scene -Animated the caught-with-spermicide punishment scene -Illustrated the last temple vignette -Fixed some textual bugs -Fixed the negative money glitch with the temple donation box
Rye New difficulty levels -- Softie: Infinite money and energy, max stats, and no stat loss -- Chubs - Futa cum drains your INT stat -- Throbbing - Futa cum drains your INT, is addictive, and the withdrawal is a bitch -New INT mechanic -- Failed dates/work events are no longer a game over -- Player starts with 100 INT -- Exposure to futa cum drains the player's INT -- INT can be restored at the School or via several events -- Zero INT results in Game Over. -A Hidden MIF Shop -- Energy drinks to help you get more done in a day -- Consequences for overdosing on energy drinks -- Spermicide to protect your brain -Goddess Day tweaks -- Relationships with heroines can only get you out of Goddess Day trouble once per game -- The Suni/Sara Goddess Day content should actually finally be available -- (why does it keep disappearing??) -And of course all the new Demetria content -- Imperious dismissal -- Benevolent neglect -- BDSM -- Weird BDSM -- Public Sex (very, very public) -- Several different configurations of Clergy threesome -- Four new endings (Mallory, Demetria Megachurch, Face/Off, Public Use, and some middling Game Over opportunities that come from pushing your luck.)
-Instead of the game ending at Rye Part One, you can now play Rye Part Two. -Drunkotron and Danceblow can now be enabled/disabled in the Settings -There is now animation on the previously unanimated things -Several million typos have now been corrected -With the introduction of Rye Part Two, several million new typos are now present -Nonlinear gameplay! Rejoice, in your free will! -Multiple configurations of Romanov family threesomes are now possible
-Instead of ending at Rye Part One, you can now play Rye Part Two. -Drunkotron and Danceblow can now be enabled/disabled in the Settings -There is now animation on the previously unanimated things -Several million typos have now been corrected -With the introduction of Rye Part Two, several million new typos are now present -Nonlinear gameplay! Rejoice, in your free will! -Multiple configurations of Romanov family threesomes are now possible
multiple sex scenes, new bad end, new characters New Silhouettes New Goddess Day Ending (When Rye likes you enough) New zone (the club) The new game engine (Ren'Py) Meaningfully updated text tweaks, typo-hunting, and eloquentification throughout.
Bad Events: New Sally Bad Event - triggered by failing at your job in the gym New Draga Bad Event - triggered by failing at your job in the gym backroom New Mallory Bad Event - triggered by failing while working in the school New Artwork for Rye's Bad Event - triggered by failing a date
Betty Bad End: Three new Betty Bad Ends - triggered by not paying rent
Also, we added artworks by ourselves for: Stacy - the more you invest, the less clothes she wears. And then... Chloe - her gang bang pic line is now illustrated School silhouettes - this place is not empty anymore! Goddess Day: The Goddess Day event is randomly triggered between Day 25 and Day 35. Betty will tell you a little more about this event at the very beginning of the game, when she first comes to collect rent. Depending on your stats and romances, there's a lot of different possible outcomes during Goddess Day:
Ask for Vicky's assistance. It didn't work with Shauna, but who knows? Try to blend in the crowd and meat with Sally and Draga. Seek protection at the MREA headquarters. Claudia is your friend, right? Flee to the temple and meet Mallory. Sanctuary! Hide in Buttfuck Lane, aka Rye's domain. A dubious choice... Trust Suni and Sara to "save" you...
2-10-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Futadom World - Binding Sim.
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