Вы только что начали работать в высокотехнологичной компании в качестве основного кодера. Ваш босс - красивая девушка «Сильвия». Через несколько месяцев у вас уже есть хорошие рабочие и дружеские отношения. Тем временем «Lea» молодой помощник, похоже делает все, чтобы создать роман между вами и Сильвией. Безопасно ли заниматься сексом на работе? Должен ли ты прятать свою настоящую подругу от своего босса или прятать эту ситуацию от своей девушки? и почему Ли так заинтересована в том, чтобы завести вас между ног вашего босса? Дело не в том, сколько у тебя концовок ... дело в том, как ты до них доберешься. Наши истории имеют разные ветви и перекрестные ссылки. Мы планируем сделать 5 различных концовок. В любом случае, путь, чтобы добраться до этих концовок, может быть другим, сделайте свой собственный путь !
January 2025 - New story, character sprites and artwork for chapter 2 . New Artworks for Léa on the beach, Valérie desk, Sylvia at the hotel . Swimsuits can be purchased and kept through the game . New animations for Sylvia's titfuck . Updated background artworks . New character Tania (BoatRun manager) . Updated sprites for Sylvia, Léa, Valérie . New BoatRun section using 3D perspective . New Accident sequence using 3D perspective . 7 new music tracks . 360 new voice lines including Bordeaux Black's commercial for swimsuits - New Auto-Forward mode - Improved thighfuck animation in chapter 1 . Improved scenes, transitions and artwork in chapter 3 including but not limited to: Sylvia & Léa shower scene, Léa pensive/crying in car . Improved scenes, transitions and artwork in chapter 4 including but not limited to: Sylvia narrating events at "La seine", Valérie driving Léa back at hotel)
- Updated Extras . Scene selector* (including some tests/teasers for chapter 5) . Game credits . 71 new images in the Gallery
- Upgraded to Renpy 8.3.4 . Better scaling, performance improvments (a lot) . Bugfixes (many) . Increased number of save slots to 192 . Improved audio (for chapter 1 & 2) - Upcoming updated Android port
* Scene selector is a Fiancé Edition Exclusive
December 2020 - Léa path end for chapter 4 voiced (152 new voiced files) - Léa standing fuck against mirror scene improved - Gallery extended to 17 pages in total (153 unlockable images in total) - Updated Android Port - Minor bugs fixes and improvments
August 2020 - Valérie path ended for chapter 4 (voice acting for secondary character pending) - Talk Battle added to the bar scene - Added one background and one artwork - Added 100 new voice lines for Valérie path (Valérie, Léa and Sylvia) - French voice for Léa (A total of 73 lines in chapters 0,1 and first part of chapter 2) - Compressed desktop versions - Updated UI: added quick_menu in more screens allowing to load/save/rollback in choices,maps and during interactivities - Updated UI: added more saveslots (150 instead of 96) - Updated Android Port - Minor bugs fixes and improvments
July 2020 - Completed Valérie handjob & fingering scene and added one artwork (Valérie cumming) - Valérie path story extended with new artwork for the bar scene - Interactivity added to Valérie in bar scene (Choices, custom menus and QTEs) - new characters Sergei,Claude and Philip - 50 new voice lines added for both Valérie and Léa - Added lines in Valérie's and player dispute in chapter 1 to better introduce Valérie's father story - Added 2 music tracks - Updated Android Port - Minor bugs fixes and improvments
May 2020: - Valérie path story extended - Added Valérie Kiss scene - Added Valérie intimate massage scene early version (interactive) - Topless version for Sylvia in lingerie sprites (seen after titfuck scene) - Fixed bug in Sylvia's titfuck scene (mouse wheel now controls speed) - New expressions for Valérie sprites - Improved graphical assets in Lea's Room (Better notebook + glow effects) - Added 2 music tracks - Updated Android Port - Minor bugs fixes and improvments
April 2020 - Rework of chapter 4 hospital scenes (faster pace, more intuitive choices) - Added transitions and animations in chapter 4 hospital scenes - Completed artworks and added variants for Sylvia "Doggy Style" sex scene - Added 2 animations for Sylvia "Doggy Style" sex scene - English Voice over for Sylvia "Doggy Style" sex scene - Sylvia path story extended with L?a's secret (including short mini game) - New background for L?a's room - New outfit for L?a - Updated Android Port - Minor bugs fixes and improvments
March 2020 -Added English voice over (600+ voice lines) for the first part of Chapter 4, performed by Pixie Willow, VoiceLikeCandy, Milly Stern and ZeroDiamonds -Added new backgrounds and updated old ones (The office of Dr Moore, Sylvia’s Bedroom, Chapter 0) -Translation of Chapter 0 and new version of Val?rie’s letter in French -French voice for Val?rie (140 total lines) for Chapters 1-3, performed by Midnight Datura -Minor bugfixes, polishes and improvements
September 2019 – Completed French translation – Completed French voice over for Sylvia (110 new lines) – Improvements on chapter 3 Sylvia’s kitchen background, splash screen and game logo – Fixed an issue with typewriter display – Fixed an issue with French voices replaced with English voices during the TitFuck interactive scene – Fixed an issue with TitFuck interactive scene halting half way through if viewed from scene selector – Replaced ‘Hold’ interactivity with ‘View’ in Valerie’s scene (‘Hold’ was not funny to play) – Gallery updated with chapter 3 content (15 new unlockable images) – Updated to Ren’Py
June 2019 This build contains many improvements and the sex scene with Valerie (first penetration scene). I want to thank again BBCchan and Marjaana for the artworks on Val?rie's scene. This scene include a new interactive section, I hope you will enjoy it. Voice acting is also shining in this release. VoiceLikeCandy did a fantastic job with Valerie. Her performance is great! And we now have all our character voiced (except for the player), thanks to Ivan E. Recshun, SilkyMilk and Laddinger for providing additional voices. - Valerie sex scene playable - 3 additional musics for Valerie Scene - Improvement of chapter 1 offices backgrounds - Game-play improvement during chapter 2 swimsuit quests leading to L?a different behaviors - Additional branches to include L?a new reactions - Full Voice Cast in English (except for player) - French Translation for Chapter 2 & 3 (Except for Valerie sex scene) - French voice acting completed until chapter 3 shower scene with Lea and Sylvia - Additional music for Val?rie's Memory - Graphical options set to full AUTO (*) - Bug-fixes and minor improvements - Updated to Ren'Py
April 2019 This build is the result of quite intensive work from the art department. You will discover younger Val?rie! It's an intermediate release progressing story only. Not everything is done for the scene (it miss 2 artworks and their variants for the spicy scene) And the new dialogues are not voiced yet From the "cinematic" standpoint, this memory scene is one of the most complex ones I coded with many elements in sync. I can't wait for our voice actress to bring even more life to this scene. I added rocks in the boat at night sequence and in Sylvia's nightmare. Here is the changelog: - Story completed until the end of chapter 3 (the "spicy" scene with Valerie is still to be drawn) - New sprites and expression for Valerie (young) - New sprites for dr mikes - New backgrounds and variations (hospital room, nature) - New interactive view (using two layers) - Animation for Valerie eyes and jewels - 2 New pieces of music for Val?rie's Memory - Added rocks in dream sequence and boat at night animation - Shift + G shortcut enabled to change Renderer options to improve performances on low-end GPU - Typo fixes in the English version in chapter 1 and 2 (I may have missed some be patient)
14-01-2025 была обновлена английская версия игры Sylvia.
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