Живя с двумя приемными матерями и сводной сестрой, он стеснялся девочек, пока однажды, сидя на уроке, не увидел книгу, падающую с неба... Эта книга познакомит его с силой магии, где он приобретет много магических навыков с помощью Гомори, демона-хранителя книги, навсегда изменив свою жизнь и то, как он взаимодействует со своими друзьями, семьей и новыми врагами...
v0.23.0 10 New Animations. 5 New Wallpapers. 1 New location. 3 New backgrounds. 2 New Animated Menu Bugs fixing from previous versions.
You will find this new content in this update: Pregnancy. Handjob. Blowjob. Creampie. Voyeurism. Masturbation. v0.21.0 9 New Animations. 2 New backgrounds. New location. 2 New Characters 4 New Wallpapers. New Animated main menu. Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.20.5 7 New Animations. New outfits for Sue, Jane, Kylee, and Lydia. 3 New Wallpapers. New Animated main menu. Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.20.0 12 New Animations 5 New wallpapers 6 New Backgrounds New animated main menu. Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.19.5a To play all the new updated content we recommend using the feature “Skip to the new content” and playing the route JUST with the new content. To start a new game and skip to the new content you have to click START, and then choose the SKIP TO THE NEW CONTENT option. 12 Animations were updated and reanimated to 60 FPS. 4 New fully redesigned animations. Dr. Johnson and Angelina's story dialogues are corrected and improved in all scenes. New animated main menu. Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.19.0 8 New Animations. 3 New Wallpapers. 4 New characters. New animated main menu. New Phone hints system. Bugs fixing from previous versions. BONUS: TEASER with 4 new animations! News in the update!
v0.18.0 Lydia's design improvements. 8 New Animations. 3 New Wallpapers. New animated main menu. New minigame. New chat feature. Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.17.5 Hinn design is fully reupdated in all scenes.
11 Animations updated and reanimated to 60 FPS
4 New full redesigned animations
New animated main menu.
Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.17.0 8 New Animations 4 New Wallpapers New animated main menu. New minigame. Bugs fixing from previous versions. v0.16.0e - Fixed time in the new minigame, and some minor bugs.
v0.16.0d 8 New Animations 5 New Wallpapers New animated main menu. 3 New Christmas outfits Bugs fixing from previous versions. To play all the new content updated we recommend using the new feature "Skip to the new content" and playing the route with the new content (This route includes all the Sue Animations and Scenes) To start a new game and skip to the new content you just have to click START, and then choose the SKIP TO THE NEW CONTENT option.
v0.15.5 - 6 New Animations (Completely redraw and animated) - 5 Animation Reanimated From 2 FPS to 60 FPS - 3 New Wallpapers - New animated main menu. - Patch to fix the gallery lock bug with Kylee, Jane, and Mrs. White - Improvements on the files system to reduce size. - Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.15.0e - Bugs with the Nurse Mary, the Agamotto Eye and Shinigamis already fixed
v0.15.0d Bugs with the Nurse Mary and the Agamotto Eye fixed from the 0.15.0a v0.15.0 11 New Animations. 8 New costumes. 5 New Scenarios. 4 New Wallpapers. 3 New Animated Wallpapers. 2 New Character redesign. 3 New Characters. 1 New Minigame. 1 New Location. New animated main menu. Improvements on the files system to reduce size. Bugs fixing from previous versions. v0.14.5b 15 New Animations (10 Redraw and re-animated). 5 Re-animated animations from 4 FPS (Before) to 60 FPS (Now). 4 New Wallpapers. MC redesign. New animated main menu. Gallery improvements, Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.14.5a 15 New Animations (10 Redraw and re-animated). 5 Re-animated animations from 4 FPS (Before) to 60 FPS (Now). 4 New Wallpapers. MC redesign. New animated main menu. Gallery improvements, Bugs fixing from previous versions. v0.14.0: 3 Re-animated old Jane animations from 2 FPS (Before) to 60 FPS (Now). 11 Completely new High-quality animations (60 FPS) 5 New Wallpapers. 2 New scenarios. 1 New location. 1 New minigame. New splash animated Logo New Animated Menu.
v0.13.9: 8 New Animations (6 redraw and re-animated). 6 Re-animated animations from 6 FPS (Before) to 60 FPS (Now). New Mrs. White redesign. Bugs fixing from previous versions. New animated main menu. New start mode allows skipping to the new content. Gallery improvements,
v0.13.5 12 new sex animations (60 FPS). 6 hot new wallpapers. 2 new scenarios. 1 new minigame Bugs fixing from previous versions. v0.13.2 8 new sex animations (60 FPS). 4 hot new wallpapers. 1 new location and 3 new scenarios. 4 new characters. Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.13.1 8 new sex animations (60 FPS). 4 hot new wallpapers. 1 new location and 3 new scenarios. 4 new characters. Bugs fixing from previous versions.
v0.12.1 7 New sexual animations. 3 New hot wallpapers. 4 New outfits New and improved animation system with 60 FPS. Bugs fixing from previous versions. This special update will be a bit short, with only one event, but with 7 new really really HOT animations! In addition to this, we will bring you a new animation system that will be the one you will see from now on in future updates!
v0.11 15 New sexual animations. 8 New hot wallpapers. 1 New minigame. 1 New character. 2 New Locations. New events with Doctor Johnson and Angelina.
v.0.10 CHANGELOG: Added 2 new scenarios. Added 11 new sex animations. 10 New Simple SFW animations with a not detailed style. Added 3 new Wallpapers Full HD Lisa story flow rework. Old Saves compatibility guaranteed from 0.08. New character's images import improvements. Hints system, Gallery, SexNote bug fix.
v.0.094 CHANGELOG: Added 3 new scenarios. Added 1 new character. Added 12 new sex animations. Added 11 new Wallpapers Full HD Kylee story flow rework. Old Saves compatibility guaranteed from 0.08. New character's images import improvements. Hints system, Gallery, SexNote bug fix.
v0.093 Added 3 new scenarios. Added 1 new character. Added 12 new sex animations. Added 11 new Wallpapers Full HD Kylee story flow rework. Old Saves compatibility guaranteed from 0.08. New character's images import improvements. Hints system, Gallery, SexNote bug fix. v0.08 Added 3 new locations. Added 6 new characters. Added 11 new sex animations. Hinn story flow rework. Old Saves compatibility guaranteed from 0.07. New character's images import improvements. Hints system, Gallery, SexNote bug fix.
v0.075 Change Log:
-Added 3 new locations (Church, House's Pool, and Lydia's House). -Added 3 new characters. -Added 10 new sex animations. -It's story flow rework. -Navigation system bug fix. -Hints system, Gallery, SexNote bug fix.
v0.074 -Added 3 new locations (Church, House's Pool, and Lydia's House). -Added 3 new characters. -Added 10 new sex animations. -It's story flow rework. -Navigation system bug fix. -Hints system, Gallery, SexNote bug fix. v.0.069 - Some progress stopping bugs fixed.
v.0.065 - Bug with the limit of 150 magic power that prevents improved skills fixed. - Bug that prevents the encounter with mike in the school fixed. - Bug of the system of particles that do not disappear repaired fixed. - Bug with gallery unlock persistent message fixed. - Bug with Mike's name fixed. - Improved navigation to the Garage, Living room, Kitchen and bathroom. - Improved the interface of the Sexnote for the use of the Cheat code.
v.0.063 Change Log: -Added 3 new characters. -UI rework. -SexNote rework. -Added 10 new animations. -Updated Gallery system, With access to 36 Hot Scenes! -Story flow rework. -Minigame full rework. -Spell system full rework. -Navigation system bug fix. -Hints system bug fix.
v0.055: -Added 6 new characters. -Added 5 new locations. -Added 15 new backgrounds. -Added 4 new animations. -New Gallery system, With access to 27 Hot Scenes! -Dialogues full rework. -Minigame full rework. -Affection improved. -Navigation system bug fix. -Hints system improved.
v0.043: -Added 3 new characters. -Added 3 new locations. -Added 5 new sex scenes with animations. -New map navigation (for now there will be available 2 locations, more coming soon). -Affection system for characters. -Navigation system. -New tasks with each character. -Hints system for the character's full progress. -MC full redesign. -Cheat system added -Story flow rework.
v0.032 - Added Spanish language (You just go to preferences and switch the language to Espa?ol) - Some sprites bugs fixed - Android version released and optimized for 32 and 64 bits
v0.031 Full Game Rework!: - Moved to Renpy (It did take us a while, but we did it for you <3 ) - Redesign of ALL characters!!! - Added more locations (2 more locations) - Added some animations (3 animations, sexual animations ;) ) - And of course more sexual content (Enjoy it) - Added the windowed and screen size option - Added a final of the content warning - Gameflow Improvements - Rework of Minigame - Save and load system. - Add a menu of system configurations (Sound, text speed, etc). - Windows (32 bits) optimization. - Improvements with dialogs and story. - Corrections of grammar (We already have a Proofreader, so don't worry) - Bug fixes
v0.022 - Bug fixed from sister dialog - Bug fixed from 2th level of agamoto's eye crash
v0.021 - Added the windowed and screen size option - Gameflow Improvements - Rework of Minigame - Mac version release - Android Version release - Added the final of the content warning - Volume fixed - Bug fixes
v0.02 - New minigame - Menu UI fixes - Art fixes - Bug fixes
3-12-2024 была обновлена русская версия игры SexNote.
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