Удивительная и в то же время странная история, рассказанная мной моим старым другом по переписке. Рассказ рассказывает нам о временах, когда он был простым мальчиком, жаждал молодых женщин и их тела. Но суматоха событий, в которые он был ввергнут, привел его к очень плачевному концу. Его рождение было окружено тайной, и его цели были основаны на уровне простого человека. Его ранняя жизнь могла быть предметом зависти многих. Но его судьба, я бы не смог вынести этого сам.
0.11.2-beta-fix3 (5.1.2025) 0. All the fixes, adjustments and additions that were implemented in 0.10.10-beta-fix3 are also present in 0.11.2-beta-fix3 1. Fixed multiple crashes caused by interacting with letters and packages. 2. Fixed several crashes which happened after summoning a person for a visit. 3. Fixed a bunch of other bugs and issues reported by our dear players (thanks! <3)
0.11.2-beta (25.12.2024) 0. All the fixes, adjustments and additions that were implemented in 0.10.10-beta are also present in 0.11.2-beta 1. Fixed a crash which happened when trying to view the abilities tree or to level-up abilities in the old plot 2. Updated the music tracks with mastered versions with higher overall quality 3. Fixed the incorrect use of the titles across the game, such as "House", "Headmaster", "Professor", etc. 4. Fixed multiple calls to non-existing layers for the characters when showing emotions and other layers, such as arms, changes in clothing and so on 5. Fixed a crash in the second Elf-maid scene if auto-forwarding for the dialogues was active 6. Adjusted tooltips when hovering over the items in the inventory to make them more readable and consistent with other tooltips' style 7. Fixed incorrect position for certain tooltips 8. Dialogue lines that were long enough for the scrollbar to appear in the dialogue window will now not scroll to the end automatically if the speed for the text to appear was set to instant 9. Implemented other various fixes and adjustments based on the reports from our players (thanks! <3) 🎁🎄🎁
0.11.1-beta-fix1 (7.11.2024) 0. All the fixes, adjustments and additions that were implemented in 0.10.9-beta-fix1 are also present in 0.11.1-beta-fix1 1. Fixed the crash happening when playing the spell-casting minigame 2. Fixed Luna's miniature in one of the events in Act 2 Chapter 1 3. Fixed several cases of hands resetting for Snape and Minerva during drinking events in Act 2 Chapter 1 4. Fixed the crash in Sonya's knowledge base section 5. Fixed Minerva's character not disappearing which prevented a certain scene with her to appear in Act 2 Chapter 1 6. Fixed the crash that happened when receiving stories from Hagrid 7. Fixed the crash that happened when making a screenshot if the path to the game contained specific characters 8. Added a short dream event with Susan which has a chance to happen in Act 2 Chapter 2 when going to sleep having Susan as waifu 9. Adjusted the description and visibility for the memories so that they appear in correct groups if the old plot is activated 10. Adjusted the visibility for Polaroid photos in the photoalbum. Now only those photos that are obtainable in the current type of plot will be shown there 11. Implemented other various fixes and adjustments based on the reports from our players (thanks! <3)
0.11.1-beta (31.10.2024) 0. All the fixes, adjustments and additions that were implemented in 0.10.9-beta are also present in 0.11.1-beta 1. Updated the interface in the main menu. The art for the book has been updated together with the interactive elements on it 2. Added Live2D animations for the Hogwarts Corridor version of the main menu background 3. Added a better scaling technique to be used for Live2D animations which utilize 4k texture atlas. This should result in overall reduced aliasing (jaggedness of the edges) for the moving parts in such animations 4. Added an option that makes the tooltips appear in a static position rather than next to the cursor when hovering over them. This should be especially useful for players on mobile devices. The option is available in Extra section in Preferences 5. Added a background for tooltips for better readability 6. Checked and adjusted the achievements in the Sonya's knowledge base according to their availability in the old / new plot. You will now only see the achievements there that are available in the current version of story that you are playing 7. Fixed a minor visual issue during Luna's stockings/pantyhose demonstration 8. Implemented various other version-specific fixes, corrections and adjustments based on the reports from our players (Thank you! <3) 🎃🎃🎃
0.11-beta-fix2 (06.09.2024) 0. The saves are compatible between 0.11-beta, 0.11-beta-fix1 and 0.11-beta-fix2 0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.8-beta-fix2 are also present in 0.11-beta-fix2 1. Fixed the issue with letters regarding new stockings becoming available in Huntress when trying to read them in Act 2 Chapter 1 2. Slightly adjusted the ending in Act 2 Chapter 1 for smoother transition to the upcoming events in Act 2 Chapter 2 (version 0.12A) 3. Adjusted the dialogue between the students on the bench during certain events in Act 2 Chapter 1 4. Added emotions for dialogue portraits for several events in Act 2 Chapter 1 5. Fixed a bunch of other bugs and issues reported by our dear players (thanks! <3)
0.11-beta-fix1 (23.08.2024) 0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.8B-fix1 are also present in 0.11B-fix1 1. Fixed the bug that happened with the collectable cards event when transitioning between the chapters 2. Fixed the bug that happened after using the sleeping pills on the door
0.11-beta (20.08.2024) 0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.8B are also present in 0.11B 1. Added a sandbox mode for Act 2 Chapter 2 which includes new side content and interactions with the characters. The main plot for this chapter will be added in 0.12-alpha 2. Added a new side quest for Act 2 Chapter 2 sandbox which includes a fullscreen scene with a side character that participated in the events of Act 2 Chapter 1 3. Added a new main menu background featuring Luna Lovegood, including Live2D animated version 4. Added a new series of fruitful interactions with a mysterious student which can be found somewhere in Hogwarts starting from Act 1 Chapter 4 5. Added a set of new pantyhose and thigh-high pieces to the Huntress catalogue which, after acquiring, can be given to the Head Girls via special interactions with them 6. Added a new mechanic that unlocks alternative versions for the main menu backgrounds and allows certain modifications for them after completing the current plot with the respective Head Girl selected as waifu. At the moment this is only applicable for Luna's background, but in future it might be expanded for the other backgrounds, depending on the feedback from the players 7. Added Live2D animations for Minerva's Maje-stick scene in Act 2 Chapter 1 8. Added Live2D animations for Elf-maid's office fullscreen scene in Act 2 Chapter 1 9. Added interactions with Elf-maid in Act 2 Chapter 2 sandbox, including chit-chat, customization for her looks, and more 10. Adjusted the logic for the events that depend on the presence of the waifu, it should now be possible to continue them in Act 2 Chapter 2 and forward 11. Added text corrections and emotions for the entirety of Act 2 Chapter 1 12. Fixed typos and minor visual artefacts for Hufflepuff Common Room location art 13. Fixed a bug with unlocking a memory with Elf-maid's scene in the bedroom when certain conditions were active 14. Slightly updated clothes' art for Xandria 15. Fixed missing brows in Elf-maid's office scene 16. Fixed a bug caused by reading the St. Valentine's letter in Act 2 Chapter 1 17. Fixed a bug with Nola's flower art during certain event in Act 2 Chapter 1 18. Fixed and corrected other bugs, mistakes and typos based on players' reports specific for the Supporter's version. Thanks!🫡
0.11-alpha-fix1 (03.05.2024) 0. This is a bug-fix version aimed at correcting the issues reported after the release of 0.11-alpha, plus adding other features. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.7-beta-fix1 are also present in 0.11-alpha-fix1 1. Fixed crashes on Android during the spellcasting events in new chapter 2. Fixed other bugs and typos based on reports from our players <3
0.11-alpha (21.04.2024)
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.7B are also present in 0.11A 1. Added a new chapter that continues the events of the prologue in Act 2 2. Added two new locations - Great Hall and Hufflepuff Common Room, which are a part of the new chapter 3. Added a new fullscreen scene with Elf-maid 4. Added an expanded fullscreen scene with Minerva which includes a new item and interactions with it based on the existing scene at the table 5. Reintegrated most of the art involved in Minerva's scene from the old plot 6. Added new music tracks for the Great Hall and Divination Classroom 7. Added a first iteration of the spellcasting mechanic for certain events 8. Added a botched cake art to Susan's Halloween event for better immersion 9. Fixed many typos, grammar mistakes and other game bugs in general based on your reports (thanks! <3)
v0.10 Beta 0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.7B are also present in 0.10B 1. Added chapters 5 and 6 to act 1 (new plot) 2. Added two new fullscreen scenes with two prefects 3. Added a new fullscreen scene with Helena 4. Added a new fullscreen scene with Minerva 5. Added a new fullscreen introductory scene with Xandria 6. Added Live2D animation for the first Ginny's scene 7. Added Live2D animation for Susan's "Inner Rod punishment" scene 8. Added first part of casual dialogues for prefects 9. Added a new location - "Road to Hagrid's Hut" 10. Added a new location - "Gryffindor male dorms" 11. Some of the side quests, like Ginny's quest and seasonal events, are now available in more chapters and will carry their progress between chapters 12. Slightly expanded the scene with Moaning Myrtle 13. Implemented numerous fixes and adjustments specific to 0.10.4A, based on your reports in Discord and other platforms (<3 thanks!) 14. TODO: don't forget to add more bugs before the release!!!
v0.9 Beta Expanded chapter 2 in act 2 with new side content Added a new side quest with multiple sub-quests Added three fullscreen events, two with main girls, one with a side character Added Live2D animation for a certain scene at night near the lake Removed consequent skip cap when sleeping without any activities Added several costumes and other items to the dressing rooms Added an ability to activate community translations (more on that @ our website) Adjusted continue button functionality during scenes to be more player friendly Numerous corrections and adjustments based on player feedback and reports (thanks!) Long-awaited bugs were finally added to the game v0.9A 0. All changes and fixes introduced in 0.8.3-beta update are also included in this version 1. Added a continuation to the new story - chapter 2 in act 2 2. Added two new fullscreen scenes (available in new chapter) 3. Added a new location - Hagrid's Hut 4. Added 6 collectable photos. Get them all! (available in new chapter) 5. Added 3 new costumes for Sonya 6. Outdated bugs were successfully updated Full list of changes can be found in changelog.txt file, or in the Extra section in the game itself.
v 0.8.3B 1. Adjusted the story in the prologue and act 1 chapters up to chapter 3 2. Added a fullscreen scene in chapter 3 3. Added several spicy side quests available in chapter 2 and 3 4. Added a teaser for one of the new characters 5. Added Halloween events for each of the main girls in Act 2 Chapter 1 (new plot) 6. Added new Halloween costumes for main girls 7. Added "Mysterious Fan" quest available starting from Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot) 8. Extended the polyjuice event in Act 2 Chapter 1 (new plot) 9. Added "Risky Student" quest starting from Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot) 10. Added Daphne encounter in Abandoned wing (new plot) 11. Added Live2D animation for Hermione's "Book of Runes" scene (old plot + memories) 12. Tweaked a couple of core settings to improve stability on Android devices 13. Several quality of life tweaks for game's interface on Android devices 14. Game should stutter less on other platforms as well 15. Saves can now be renamed in-game
v0.8.2 Beta 0. Saves from 0.8.1-beta are compatible with this version 1. Enhanced Live2D animation engine to support more seamless transitions between movements 2. Fixed existing inconsistencies in Live2D engine to reduce flickering during scenes 3. Added "Sandbox" mode to Hermione's "Book of Runes" Live2D scene (available in the memories) 4. A bunch of cosmetic UI fixes and additions for different in-game mechanics 5. A couple of bug fixes across the game 6. Shown the new coder how to efficiently add game-breaking bugs 0.8.1-beta
Added Live2D animation for Hermione's "Book of Runes" scene (old plot + memories). Fixed "Mysterious Fan" quest in Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot). Fixed appearance logic for the night creatures in the office. Updated art for Halloween events (Luna, Hermione, Susan). Fixed a number of game breaking bugs in Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot). Fixed triggers for Halloween events (they should start correctly now). Fixed glitchy visuals when interacting with the keyhole in the office. Corrected a number of typos. Expanded functionality of Live2D engine in Ren'py to support future content. Improved bugs throughout the game. You can grab your copy on our website - https://www.teamsadcrab.com/
After this release we’ll most likely finish a couple of the smaller fixes for beta, as well as fix any bugs that will be reported for the 0.8.1B, and then release another version (0.8.2B). In the meantime, the work on 0.9A is already at full speed. We’ll share more news and previews in the coming weeks, stay tuned!
Thanks and have fun <3 Yours, Team Sad Crab.
0.8B 1. Added Halloween events for each of the main girls in Act 2 Chapter 1 (new plot)
2. Added new Halloween costumes for main girls
3. Added "Mysterious Fan" quest available starting from Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot)
4. Extended the polyjuice event in Act 2 Chapter 1 (new plot)
5. Added "Risky Student" quest starting from Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot)
6. Added Daphne encounter in Abandoned wing (new plot)
7. Added hidden quest *~E■ORR▣⚬ in Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot)
8. Added random creatures that can appear during the night before sleeping (new plot)
9. Added a couple of new achievements
10. Added and updated several music tracks
11. Various small fixes and adjustments here and there (new plot)
12. Optimized existing bugs and added several new ones
0.8 Alpha
1. Adjusted the story in the prologue and act 1 chapters up to chapter 3
2. Added a fullscreen scene in chapter 3
3. Added several spicy side quests available in chapter 2 and 3
4. Added a teaser for one of the new characters
5. Added a new system for buying and selling items (it will be actively used in future chapter 4 and 5)
6. Added a scene involving two Slytherin girls in act 2 chapter 1 (new plot)
7. Added two new music tracks
8. A number of polishing and QA adjustments and fixes based on your feedback <3
9. This version includes all the additions and fixes from 0.7.2-beta
10. We heard you like bugs, so we put more bugs in our bugs so you can enjoy bugs while playing with bugs
1. Updated saving system internals to make saving much faster
2. Added the ability to change the opacity of the dialogue window
3. Boosted saves and persistent files manipulations replaced with a more convenient system
4. Fixed game crash during bedroom random encounters
5. Updated Irma Pince minion
6. Updated Forest Girl minion
7. Added Wiki button
8. Added a bunch of memory scenes
9. Added dressing room for Nola
10. Added background minions in the library
11. Added the ability to change the background in dressing rooms
12. Added new items to the changing rooms
13. Many smaller fixes and adjustments based on your reports (thanks!)
14. Bugs.
v0.7 Beta
0. (Most of the new content is available in the new story) 1. Added four side quests with juicy rewards 2. Added a fullscreen scene with one of the main girls 3. Added new uniform for the main girls 4. Restored unofficial meetings with main girls 5. Added random encounters in the corridor 6. Added new minions in bedrooms for the last stage of the main quest 7. Updated x-ray acquisition and functionality in new plot 8. Slightly updated the new plot scene with Minerva 9. Added 7 new music tracks 10. Fixed a number of annoying bugs (thanks for the reports!) 11. Added a number of QoL improvements 12. Added new bugs in accordance with multiple requests
v0.7.1 Alpha
1. Fixed the error caused by sending letters in some chapters
2. Fixed Marcus floating in the cabinet after a certain event
3. Fixed game crashing after the age check on some Android devices
4. Fixed numerous visual glitches and bugs in the new chapter
5. Fixed music and sound glitches in the new chapter
6. Polished the new chapter to make the gameplay smoother overall
7. Updated alchemy minigame interface
8. Added undressed state for Andromeda's portrait in the new chapter
9. Minerva's encounter in new chapter can now be replayed via memories
10. Fixed other bugs and glitches, and added new ones for you to enjoy <3
v0.7.0 Alpha 1. Added the first chapter of the updated plot 2. Integrated Live2D Susan's scene into the game (no need for additional animations file anymore) 3. Integrated Live2D animations in the showers into the game 4. Added alternative scene with Minerva 5. Partly updated Helena's and Minerva's idles 6. Added a bunch of new and updated sexy minions 7. Added several new locations 8. Added three plot-related interactive events 9. Introduced several new characters for future events 10. Reworked and updated some of the core game's mechanics based on the feedback 11. Added three new music tracks 12. Updated preferences screen to make it more user-friendly 13. Updated saving system and added new ESC menu 14. Updated interfaces throughout the game 15. A bunch of other fixes and adjustments based on the feedback 16. Bugs
v0.6.5F 1. Fixed animations being stuck in certain situations (special thanks to those who helped with the debug) 2. Fixed an exception with transferring persistent data from a very old version 3. Fixed several notification and goals issues 4. Other minor fixes and adjustments
v0.6.4-final 1. Fixed a rare crash during transition to the next day 2. Fixed incorrect swimsuit demonstration in act 1 chapter 4 3. Fixed incorrect speaker portrait during Cho Chang encounter in act 1 chapter 4 4. Other minor fixes and adjustments
v0.6.3-final 1. Updated Daphne's animation in main menu to Live2D version 2. Fixed several critical problems with Sonya's leveling 3. Fixed animations being stuck in certain situations 4. Other fixes and bugs
1. Hermione's background animation in main menu was updated to Live2D 2. Fixed errors with saving/transferring game progress 3. Fixed a bug caused by sending letters to multiple recipients 4. A bunch of fixes and adjustments based on the players' feedback (Thanks!) 5. Updated old bugs and added several new ones
v0.6.1 Final 1. Fixed the Book of Runes event 2. Fixed incorrect/missing translations 3. Fixed the Wheel of Fortune (WoF) event 4. Added slightly different endings for the WoF event based on the difficulty 5. Random bedroom encounters should be reachable now 6. Further updated the drinking minigame interface 7. Fixed Xandria interactions in Act 2 Chapter 2 8. Adjusted the difficulty/time-to-finish of some of the minigames 9. Added the option to use old music from the previous versions 10. Fixed problems with saving/transferring the progress 11. Other fixes and adjustments 12. New bugs
We have spent a great deal of time revamping the game and without further ado:
New things:
Complete edit of chapters through chapter 4, text and flow
Added hinting arrow system that guides you through clicking, only works up to chapter 2
Added ambient sounds, that happen when you open the window or doors, or change location
Added continuance of drinking game
Added test functionality of minigame with Hermione (not yet complete)
Added new Susan minigame, with rewards
Updated objectives as things changed in game
Added small rewards for choices in chapter 2
Added more main plot to Act2 Chapter 1
Added spying on girls prior to dating scene in chapter 4
Added dating scene in chapter 4
Swimsuit quest is simpler and easy to follow, ripped out a lot of redundant text from chapter 4 (We apologize this sucked up a lot of development time but has been the biggest complaint)
You now pick a Waifu at the beginning of that chapter and only solve/read papers of one girl
Added sound functions to support random sounds (not in use atm)
Added function to enable fining Markus for bad actions
Built scripts to swap out translations as we will be redoing the engine completely in the future, so we had to do this to support it
And last, but not least, a new scene with one of the girls, finish Act2 Chapter goals, and you will see the steps required for it in your goals, once you are on the right track.
Things that didn’t quite make it: Minigames with Luna, Daphne and a special minigame for Chapter 3
Side dating scenes for Act 2
About the new scene:
We now have movement continue while text is displayed, this is a custom module we made for Innocent Witches and is not standard renpy behaviour
Due to this, we have added intro sounds, that have loops queuing after, which then play while the animation is happening, once the player continues, the outro music is queued, this makes it so the sound is seamless, regardless of how fast you play through the scene.
1. Fixed most of the critical bugs that were reported to us by the players (you're the best <3) 2. Probably added a couple of bugs as a result
1. Dark path in chapter 5 is now passable! 2. Continuation of Luna’s scene 3. Additional scenes for dark path added 4. Miniskirts quest line, you can get 2 shorter skirts on the main girls now (more later) 5. This will allow you to buy new things from an old friend 6. Dressing room added 7. Peeking on the girls in the shower introduced (minimum functionality) 8. Quest to introduce drinking game added 9. Drinking game itself added (preliminary, basic functionality) to make money 10. Sexecution catalogue and market introduced 11. Dark path special scenes with Susan for tutoring 12. Dark path scene with Hermione 13. Manipulation/Fervor mini-game added 14. Continuation of Diadem quest line added 15. Combining and breaking apart of items mechanic 16. Special scene with Daphne introduced 17. Easter egg with portraits is in game 18. Portraits now have random texts 19. Haggling with Filch mechanic added 20. Chapter 4 was slightly overhauled (updated with goals + fixed bugs + more streamlined now) 21. Added an option to change the speed of scenes/events (can be accessed via the "Advanced" tab in preferences) 22. Ability to save screenshots into the in-game gallery (can be accessed by hiding the interface via the button in the dialogue window, or by pressing "H") 23. Bunch of different QoL fixes and additions for interface and translations
1. Fixed a bunch of critical bugs 2. Fixed other non-critical bugs 3. Changed the version of the game (saves made in 0.5B won't work)
1. Act 2 begins! (there are several additions in act 1 chapter 5 as well) 2. New scene with main girl (these scenes are on light path for now) 3. Dark path can now allow you to suspend Hermione and Daphne as well 4. Drinking scene bonus for Hermione and Daphne added 5. Art added for Hermione and Susan interactions with Markus tutoring 6. Added Christmas decorations for Marcus' office! (better late than never) 7. Updated idles for Nola and Ginny 8. Ginny's scene was updated 9. Changing room added (WIP, only Daphne is partially added at the moment) 10. New commissar scenes with all girls 11. New random interactions with portraits (WIP, may be broken in pre-release) 12. Dark path continues up to our next minigame which is still WIP (sorry) 13. Memories were added for all girls 14. Changes to Daphne Bathwater event 15. Many quality of life improvements and additions 16. Fixed a multitude of bugs 17. Added new bugs
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