Защита Лидии Коллиер-это история лондонского адвоката, призванного защитить жену одного из самых влиятельных и богатых бизнесменов города, который недавно исчез. Вы будете с обвиняемой во время допросов в полиции до суда, работая над рассмотрением доказательств и помогая построить ее дело. По пути вы встретите различных других персонажей и испытаете жизнь в настоящее время одного богатого лондонского адвоката. Если ваш свежий из школы помощник или местный полицейский бросается в глаза, вы сможете решить, с кем вы хотите взаимодействовать и выбрать романтически преследовать. Эта игра будет содержать ругань, наготу и сцены для взрослых.
v0.16.1 Adds in 54 Achievements to the game, each with a corresponding unlockable image! Adds in new content with Tiffany, Sophie and Vanessa, totally just over 500 renders, including Tiffany's phone and the group's return from the island. Many bug fixes and quality of life changes to the earlier days to make the game more replayable and the computer less intrusive, this include persistent flags for finding information on the PC, and warnings when a choice will take you off a character's path. Adds in missing content with Stephanie on Sunday and during the motorway stop if you've dated her before.
v0.16 Adds in 244 new renders featuring Lydia and Ellie. Fixes multiple typos and dialogue errors. Fixes Vanessa's 5th scene in the Replay Gallery.
v0.15.9.2 Bugfix
v0.15.9.1 Bugfix
v0.15.9 800+ New Renders! 5 New Animations! An entire new day with Jenna, with two different branching paths based on Player choices! New Story Scenes! Multiple Bug Fixes.
Excluding any bug fixes if required, the next update will be Ellie and Lydia's evening together which will be released in April!
v0.15.8 Expands Sunday night with 8 new scenes between Lydia and Stephanie totally 620 new renders!
v0.15.7 Featuring new content for Tiffany, Sophie and Vanessa! This update expands the scenes on the island following Tiffany's wedding, opening up some new variations to existing paths and adding in brand new content for Tiffany, Vanessa and Sophie! 589 new images and a new animation are included with this update! Following on from the v.0.15.7 update, Stephanie and Lydia's update will be coming soon and will be released on Halloween!
v0.15.6 Hotfix Bugfixes
v0.15.6 1001 new renders on Sunday evening with Emma, Helena and Ellie. Multiple Typos Fixed. Opens up branches on Sunday evening to meet Emma and Helena whilst on both Solo Ellie and Ellie and Lydia's routes. You will need to go back to prior to arriving at Lydia's and choose "go home" to experience these. Keep an eye out for v.0.15.7 coming in the next month or two which will add in new content for Vanessa, Tiffany and Sophie on the Island!
v0.15.5 Lydia solo path scene
v.0.15 to v.0.15.2 Fixed a huge number of earlier bugs and typos. Added in a bug screen with Steph (pictured above) for incompatible saves with errors. Removed the redundant "voice" slider as sounds are not linked to this, but to the other sliders.
v0.14 The total render count will be 2,291 with three new animations and more than ten new adult scenes!
v0.13.7 Extends the day adding around 30 new renders. Over 25 new pieces of evidence added to be found by the player's teams. Over 3,000 words of new story related text. New Dark Mode GUI. New Saving Mode to detect incompatible saves.
v0.13.5 5,335 New Renders! New Animations! New Audio! New Content for all Major Characters!
v0.13.2 Bimbo Steph's Update Adding an additional 1,267 renders and 4 new adult scenes.
v0.13 Part 1 Full update for Ellie, Jenna and Lydia 2000+ renders.
v0.12.2 Bimbo Steph's Update Adding an additional 1,267 renders and 4 new adult scenes.
v0.13 Part 1 Full update for Ellie, Jenna and Lydia 2000+ renders.
Firstly, to avoid confusion, this is not the v.0.13 release of Defending Lydia Collier. This is a "Pre-Patch" that adds in most of the missing content in terms of the computer and Sophie's tablet to v.0.12.1 where it was missing, but it does not advance the game, it instead sets the game up to be ready to roll straight into v.0.13 next weekend. This is also the first public test of the new remade and simplified computer and tablet systems, so there may be bugs and any feedback on this is appreciated. With the game I do not go back and alter old content at the moment, that is something I will do after v.0.16, so the old computer continues up until the end of Day 11, and the new one takes over from Day 12 onwards until the final polishing update. Betting & Searching are disabled intentionally in v.0.12.2. Searching will be re-enabled in v.0.13, whereas Betting will have a full overhaul in the near future to make it more engaging.
v0.12.1E including new and extended scenes with Ellie and Jenna. Added in story scenes bringing the player closer to discovering the truth about the Collier case. New audio including voice acted audio evidence! Bug Fixes
v0.12.1 Alpha What will be included: New adult scene and an extended earlier scene with Ellie. New office scenes with Ellie, Samantha and Stephanie. New evening scene with Jenna. New adult scene with Jenna. New mission scene with Kylie. New mission evidence images.
So v.0.12.1 will add over 350 renders to the game, making it a mini update as such, additionally these improvements will be included with v.0.12.1:
Transparency slider for the text box. Bug fix and complete code overhaul for Chloe's Whistle (enormous thanks to Morbil for helping me with this). Bug fixes for all v.0.12 bugs. New Gallery to replay unlocked adult scenes. New voice acted evidence to advance the story. Complete and up to date walkthrough. Sophie's tablet containing her diary. Audio implemented throughout the day.
v0.11.3 Audio added on all days! Over 175 new unique pieces of audio! Several commissioned sounds exclusively for the game! Improved Transitions across nearly all days! Minor Bug Fixes
v0.11 Part 2 Over 300 renders & 4 animations . New main menu interface.
v0.11 Part 1 Over 800 renders long with an animation and stops just before the mission decisions and then Part 2 will pick up exactly where it left off!
v.0.10.2 Adds the "Teams" fully into the game. New GUI when choosing who you are going to side with, with 14 character biographies, images, strengths and weaknesses added in. Fixed several bugs and typos that were reported.
v.0.10.1 Fixes multiple bugs and typos.
BETA to v.10: Fixed multiple bugs/typos. Restored betting system. Few new images all relating to the in-game web. Added remaining missing side images. Alpha 2 to Beta: Fixed multiple bugs/typos. 60 additional renders. Restored branching game over endings. Restored email system. Additional scene ending the day. Added several missing side images. v.09.1.1 to Alpha 2: Entire new day with 1,389 new renders along with a new animation. Fixed multiple spellings/typos reporting after v.09.1.1 release.
v.09.1.1 Fixed StephNumber flag capitalisation creating two different variables. Changed variable so Steph should now correctly recognise you after the lunch trip on Day 1. Fixed inconsistencies in Yennifer's and Lydia's stories, they now should report the same way of getting home. Fixed typo with an image not displaying in the Day 4 Steph date, image should now display correctly. Fixed Mayor/Vanessa image being the wrong size in the Day 10 news article. Fixed the wrong style with the Ellie/Tanya Whistle conversation, making a message appear to come from the wrong person. Fixed exit button on Whistle Desktop not closing the "about section" unless you opened another chat.
Replaced the .mkv Ellie Animation with a higher quality .webm one.
v.09.1 BETA to v.09.1 Fixed multiple bugs that were reported. Fixed multiple typos that were reported. Added stat score increases to some text messages.
v.09.1 Adds interactive computers into the game: News Websites. Betting Website. Messaging Platform. Work Projects. Evidence Gallery. Adds mobile phone into the game: Social Media Platform. Phone Galleries. Text Messages. Two New Scenes in Day 1. Revamped Interview Scene. New Images for Jenna and Ellie (check Social Media and the Gallery) as voted for by Patrons. Brings Steph's slave route up to the same ending as all the others.
v0.90 747 new renders 6 new adult scenes New day in the story
v0.8.1 Several dialogue grammar/spelling fixes! Game now has its own custom icon when running!
v0.8 Completes the previous day, and adds a new day to the story with 430+ new renders! Adds the game's second animation! Adds the ability to name saves for your different paths!
v0.7 Added a new day with 235 new renders
v0.6 Over 100 spelling and grammar changes from v.01 to v.06 A complete new day in the story, with 379 new renders added
v0.05.31 Fixes the errors with 3 characters side images being incorrect
v0.05.3 Completes the v.05.3 update adding in the Lydia evening with 135 new renders.
v0.05.25 Adds over 100 new renders exclusively to Vanessa's path and completes her path for the day. Adds in side images for the majority of characters to more clearly identify which character is currently speaking
v0.03.1: Fixes error if you did not meet Stephanie on day one
v0.03: Adds 360 new renders including: Lydia's first appearance in court 2 Completely Unique Dates Extends Day 1 disclosure dialogue with DCI Cavendish
17-06-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Defending Lydia Collier.
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