Молодой человек, только что разорвавший отношения, и уведомление о выселении воссоединяется со своей матерью Ребеккой после более чем двадцатилетнего перерыва. Он покидает город, чтобы переехать в ее дом с двумя дочерьми от другого брака, Сандрой и Люси. Появятся новые возможности для работы и игр, а также новые способы определения ваших отношений с вашей недавно обнаруженной семьей. Что вы будете делать и как это повлияет на окружающих?
Чтобы играть в 0.15 (глава 10+), вы должны закончить 0.14 (глава 1-9) и использовать сохраненную игру, которую вам будет предложено создать в конце.
Christmas Special Here it is people, the little My New Family Christmas special. This one happens a few months after the ending of the epilogue, with all the children born etc. Usually, I don't make these kind of seasonal specials, but since I'm not able to fully work on My New Memories at the moment, I decided to at least give you guys this to build a small bridge until I can return to it in full effect again. It's a bit longer than your average MNF day, so I hope this will give you a smile during the holidays!
Also, you don't need any saves for this one. Just start a new game and enjoy! But you should have finished the epilogue, or nothing of this will make sense!
Epilogue Added six more ingame days - The story is complete now! Added ~850 new renders Added ~25 new animations
v0.23 Added six more ingame days Added over 850 CG's Added 24 Animations Bugfixes/Tweaks: Fixed a few gallery entries Fixed a few typos
v0.22 Added six more ingame days Added 992 renders Added 12 Animations Bugfixes/Tweaks: Added a variable that will lead to the "true" ending v0.21 Added six more ingame days Added over 800 CG's Added 29 Animations Bugfixes/Tweaks: Fixed a few gallery entries Fixed a few typos
Added six more ingame days Added over 850 CG's Added 22 Animations
Moved the "Return" button in the gallery to the top right Added more girls to the gallery
v0.19 Added six more ingame days Added over 805 CG's Added 20 Animations
Bugfixes/Tweaks: Fixed a few gallery entries
v0.18 Added six more ingame days Added over 800 CG's Added 21 Animations Bugfixes/Tweaks: Tweaked the gallery a bit ( since we're going to lewd a lot more sidegirls soon ) Reverted back to Renpy 7.3.5
Added six more ingame days Added over 840 CG's Added 36 Animations
Bugfixes/Tweaks: Updated to the newest version of Ren'Py Fixed some gallery issues
v0.16 Added six more ingame days Added over 800 CG's Added 32 Animations
Bugfixes/Tweaks: New Main Menu screen Two new Music tracks for certain events v0.15 Drastically reduced the game size ( Read above ) Added six more ingame days Added over 800 CG's Added 24 Animations Bugfixes/Tweaks: The gallery now has a nice mouse over effect Added new music v0.14 Added six more ingame days! Added over 900 new cg's! Added 20 Animations Bugfixes/Tweaks: Fixed two gallery entries where the replay didn't stop at the right time Fixed the Lucy gallery entry where the MC's name was not set correctly. v0.13
Added six more ingame days! Added over 900 new cg's! Added 21 Animations Updated the main menu again
Bugfixes/Tweaks: Remade ~15 cg's + two animations for the Fiona office scenes. If you want to check them out just click her second scene in the gallery!
v0.12 Added six more ingame days! Added over 1000 new cg's! Added 21 Animations The main menu is now animated ( pc only )
Bugfixes/Tweaks: Remade 35 cg's for the second ingame day. This is the day where Lucy wakes you up with water splashing. All of her scenes have been remade for that day!
Public release extras: Remade the Mary boobjob completely ( new animations, new cg's ) Added a small event to the first day of 0.12 ( pool area ) Added about 15 extra cg's for the 0.12 days ( and one special cg during a certain letter reading scene Fixed two crashes Edited a lot of the first day dialogues, mainly before decisions to give you a small hint on what decision would give you lovepoints. Removed a lot of the early game dialogue that happened when the day ended. The MC won't think about the whole day anymore.
v0.11 Added six more ingame days Added over 900 images Added 35 Animations More than 10k lines of code At least 2 hours of new content Bugfixes/Tweaks: Updated the main menu screen ( again ) Fixed a bunch of old typos that were present in the early days
v0.10 ⦁ Added six more ingame days! ⦁ Added over 1000 cgs! ⦁ Added 26 animations! Bugfixes/Tweaks: ⦁ Updated the main menu screen ⦁ Reduced the filesize for the Android version drastically ( thanks to Ryahn for that )
v0.9 ? Added six more ingame days! ? Added over 1000 cg's! ? Added 21 animations! Bugfixes/Tweaks: ? Updated the main menu screen ( again ) ? Added a new endscreen with some infos once you reach the end of 0.9!
v0.8 ? Added six more ingame days ? Added over 1200 cg's ? Added 39 animations Bugfixes/Tweaks: ? Updated the main menu screen ? Added a new icon and loading screen for Android ? Fixed the lovepath with Lucy. Now in order to get Lucy you have to be in a relationship with Sandra - Since Sandra is the harem enabler and the harem route is currently the main route!
v0.7 Added six more ingame days Added over 1200 cg's Added 24 animations! Started the love path with...someone! Fixed the bug where you got certain events with Mary/Fiona/Becca even when you didn't pursue a path with them. ( For real this time ) Added persistent savegames for Android (check developer notes)
v0.6 Added six more ingame days Added over 1000 new renders Added six NSFW animations Bugfixes/Improvements: Fixed a bug that gave you events with certain girls you didn't like to be in a relationship with ( Fiona/Becca/Mary ).
v0.5 Added three more ingame days! Added over 500 new cg's! Added four new NSFW Animations! Bugfixes/Improvements: Fixed some minor dialogue bugs. Stuff like a question not disappearing etc. Cleaned up the code a bit ( no one told me you don't need == True :( ). For F95 Only: Changed all "Mum's" to "Mom".
v0.4: · Added three more in game days · Added four new NSFW Animations · Added over 450 new Renders · Added the start of the harem path
Bugfixes/Improvements: · During question times (with Lucy/Maddie/Yvonne) questions will now disappear once you asked them · Updated the gallery to include the new NSFW scenes · Fixed a bunch of dialogues and missing image errors · Reduced the game size a bit again · Added a icon and splashscreen for Android
v0.3: Added three more in game days. (over 310 renders). Added four new animations. Added a gallery to view past events. (you have to enter your name again for replays, only once.) Added two options for Fiona’s path. Added two new characters for the story. Added a new textbox. (you can use the old one if you don’t like it, it’s in the GUI folder, just rename textbox_old.png to textbox.png) Added the option to pursue relationships for characters you missed points with. An explanation for that is below. Redone all renders for the very first day of the game*
Bugfixes and tweaks: Tweaked the love points gain for Sandra and Maddie slightly. (This means you get more love points in the beginning for Sandra in case you missed a few that weren’t as obvious) Fixed missing label bug if you decided to not visit Lucy at the beach. Fixed several dialogue decisions resulting in an error.
v0.2.1 Fixed certain dialogues that didn't make sense if you picked a different path.
v0.2 Added three more in game days! Added a new main menu screen and removed the changelog window Added two new characters that will play a key role in the future Added over 350 new CGS! Added two new NSFW Animations Added the function to hide the dialogue on Android when you swipe up Added a new game Icon Fixed some script errors
v0.1 First Release
24-03-2024 была обновлена русская версия игры My New Family.
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