Ты переехала к своему лучшему другу и его семье при одном условии: Что ты не встречаешься с милой младшей сестренкой своего друга Ли, которая, кажется, влюблена в тебя. Игра начинается с того, что Лия жалуется, что ее сиськи слишком маленькие, поэтому, чтобы заставить ее чувствовать себя лучше, вы вытаскиваете карманные часы своего дедушки и размахиваете ими перед ней, говоря ей, что ее сиськи будут расти. Это как-то работает, и вскоре все друзья Лии просят вас загипнотизировать их тоже.
Выбирайте между тем, чтобы быть хорошим парнем и мудаком с каждой девушкой. Можно встречаться с несколькими девушками одновременно, но вы обнаружите, что девочки в небольших частных школах склонны сплетничать. Есть пять основных девушек с сюжетными линиями, чтобы исследовать романтически.
v1.5.1b Over 600 renders 29 animations 6,000 lines of code/dialogue Incorporated Hypnosis Halloween into the main game Added bonus scene "Christmas With Leah" A little cameo v1.5.0 Over 600 renders 29 animations 6,000 lines of code/dialogue Incorporated Hypnosis Halloween into the main game Added bonus scene "Christmas With Leah" A little cameo
v1.4.3 The second half of Episode 14 This episode was the longest one yet, with almost 1000 renders, 50 animations, and 12,000 lines of script.
v1.4.2 Hotfix
The Broken Watch Path Part 5 - v1.2a This update completes the Broken Watch Branch by finishing the third epilogue and adding the second one. -Added over 6,000 lines of code, 350 images and 20 animations.
The Broken Watch Path Part 4 - v1.1f The last update for the Broken Watch Path, although some scenes still need to be completed. Also includes the Halloween update
The Broken Watch Path Part 3- v1.0.9 This update contains the first epilogue titled the Big Ending in which the girls struggle to keep themselves from growing too large. It also begins the other two epilogues, the Huge Ending and the Gigantic Ending which will continue in future updates.
The Broken Watch Path Part 2 - v1.0.5 128 new images and 17 short animations. Not yet played, but it seems the update still doesn't contain the BE ending...
Broken Watch Ending part1v1.0.4 This update (v1.0.4) is a beta release and is only intended for game testers. It is missing many scenes, contains errors and is not meant to be played.
Broken Watch Ending part1v1.0.3
This ending takes place on the timeline where you never recovered the watch. Finish the previous episode to find the link to the new content. Also, find a list of all the major endings after the credits.
Ep. 13b part2 v1.0.1
What's added since the testing version?
Beth's storyline is now simplified. Instead of there being five steps to get with her, there are now only three. If you tell her you are still hooking up with other girls she will feel less guilty about you hooking up with her, and when she asks if you find her attractive, the answer is yes.
Her scenes, and their interaction with Ashley as well as the morality of the game in general, were something that really took a lot of focus. I wanted to give your choices a weighted feel with clear choices and reactions, and I had to pull back several times to compare previous interactions to keep everything consistent with all the different paths.
There's a quick scene with Brittany. This was fan service, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
I spent a lot of time cleaning up the uh... confrontation at the end of episode 13 to set everything up for different paths. I also wanted to make everything cleaner and more black and white because it will be the main choice to set up future endings.
I also debated the good vs evil angles quite a bit. I didn't want the paths to be split up with that designation because I felt that it's too vague.
Eventually, I settled on the choices "Listen to your heart" or "Listen to your dick" because I felt that breaks down the choice to its essence. Future paths will focus on that divide of whether you care more about the girls or yourself.
I also focused on the path when you don't recover the watch. This path will lead directly to the BE ending coming out at the end of this month (fingers crossed) so I wanted to get it aligned. It also merges back into the main story, for the most part.
Ep.13b (Beta) v0.9.9 This version contains one new h-scene, spanning 12 images and some other character introductions and such. Totally 93 new images.
Ep. 12 (v.0.9.5) Changelog: For Episode 11: New route added if you tell Laura you love her. The experience is more chill and you can sit down and have a civilized discussion with her. When you hypnotize Laura on the evil path you have the option to "make her your bitch". This doesn't affect anything yet. But kinda fun. If you call Rachel to save you, you can now choose to stick around to hook up with Daphne. If you end up still at Laura's the next day, Brittany is more selective in saving you. She only saves you if she is one of your addicts and she won't save you if you refused her at the bar, choosing instead to let Laura keep you for a pet so that Brittany can use you at her convenience. A few scenes and images were changed and updated to fix errors and issues.
For Episode 12: Since there will be extra time until the next episode of Hypnosis, I made an effort to follow up on certain requests. You can now cum inside Haley after your date with her (Corben Dallas, your Multi Pass checked out). After your date with Jenn she now has a distended stomach (Banana Man's idea). There is now a quick preview of the next episode which is essentially just the next morning with Ashley (thanks especially to everyone for this idea). Added an introduction to the game to go over expectations and strategies. Added a note from the developer to the beginning of Episode 12 where Kassie (the redhead from the cruise ending) goes over details about the Watch Thief arc as well as act as a teaser for Endowed. Fixed a lot of issues, including the desk animation mentioned and a few other animations and images. Changed the look of Tiffany, the neighbor you bump into if you aren't on the evil path (or if you don't ask out the bartender)
Is this new update worth playing if you already played through the episode? Probably not, unless you want to see any of the scenes mentioned. All together there is probably about a half hour of new content throughout, but most of it is spread out. My main goal was to spend the time I didn't have when I was trying to get out the past two updates to polish up and expand some of the storylines to what I had initially envisioned and to add in some people's ideas because they were too good not to.
v0.9.2 Ep11 Episode 11 concludes the Watch Thief storyline with over six different ways to confront the thief, as well as the option to avoid the thief entirely. Some paths contain far more content than others, so check out the walkthrough for more info. All the paths merge back into the main story.
v0.8.2 Ep10.5 The Cruise Ending- Take Laura and Grace on a cuise. Good luck keeping them from the buffet. It begins when you ask Laura to be your girlfriend at the beginning of Episode 10 This ending is longer than Episode 10 in content. And more fun.
v0.8.1 Ep10 Discover the answer to "what happened to the pocket watch?" You have a few different paths to explore as you are helped by your volunteer "detectives" Daphne and Grace.
v0.7.2 EP9 This version includes the first real ending of the game. It is over half the length of Episode 9 and has a decent amount of content, especially if you hooked up with Brittany in Episode 7. I had a lot of fun making it and I hope you guys like it!
v0.6.2 Ep8 Fixed a couple wardrobe inconsistencies and issues with dialogue names being wrong in certain scenes. Added more to the Leah/Ashley sex scene toward the end. 40+ fixes on grammatical errors and mistakes throughout the game.
v0.6.1 Ep8 Pool Party! Take all the girls and put them in one place. Add ice, booze and stir. It's going down. Ep. 7 (v.0.5.3) What's new in 0.5.3? Lots of bug fixes. Thanks to everyone who spotted them and reported them, especially Buddha who caught a day missing in one of the paths.
The alternate Leah storyline is now updated and begins in Episode One. You have the option not to kiss her initially, and this starts an alternate (possibly better?) storyline where your relationship with Leah begins slower and is encouraged by Ashley. It also avoids making the girls angry at you for trying to date them at the same time, but you still end up with both girls. It took longer than I hoped, as some of the days got moved around and a lot of dialogue needed to be rewritten on top of the new scenes. I tested it, but I'm sure I missed a few things. Let me know any errors on Discord as you spot them.
v0.4 This release mostly focuses on Grace and Laura. Expect hot tubs, spoilers and...
v0.3b Taking Ashley out on your date and the aftermath is the main focus of the update. Once again I also went back to update a lot of animations and pictures. The vote for whether to add hints to the game came out close so I added it as an optional choice, both at the beginning of the game and the beginning of the episode. The game is now divided into episodes, this update being episode five. If you start from the beginning you will find the submissive route for Jenn (which is more fun, in my opinion.)
v0.2c New pictures, animations and dialogue. You won't be able to keep everyone happy this time around, but that is what happens when you try to date five girls that know each other at once. I tried to keep old saves working but I'm afraid too much was changed and you will most likely have to start over. To make up for the repetitive parts, Jenn's story line now includes the submissive path.
20-12-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Hypnosis.
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