Вы играете за Блейка Блинна, несчастливого парня, который должен был расти в трущобах, но на самом деле не нашел своего пути в жизнь головореза, и из-за серии несчастий он оказался горничной (да, горничной) в богатой семье. семейный дом. И ты решаешь, как он справится с этой ситуацией. Игра в основном сосредоточена вокруг вашего жестокого и садистского босса (или, скорее, владельца) Мелинды; ее непослушная и восторженная дочь Ребекка; ее деловой партнер Самуэль, доминирующий и внушительный человек; и ее дружелюбный и беззаботный помощник Лиам. И много других! В этом доме ты никогда не будешь одинок. Лучше или хуже. Хотя аспект феминизации в игре неизбежен, можно выбрать отношения Блейка и потенциальных фетишей, включая оба пола, поэтому, если вы не увлекаетесь M \ M, не пугайтесь: у вас много женственности. Как и многие другие вещи, такие как БДСМ, игра с животными, неторар, бимбофикация - все это, конечно, необязательно.
v0.22 187000 new words in 5 days total, 652 new renders (not counting the backgrounds), 103 new character sprites. Some of the older sprites were remade and several scenes from older acts were partially rewritten (including Melinda+Vanessa dream sequence and Ambrosia's earlier encounters). There's also a new pdf album that presents (almost) all characters in the game in high resolution with brief descriptions. I also now provide an update for the webp version so that you wouldn't have to download the entire build if you already have v0.21 webp.
v0.21 In this act you will find approximately 140k words, 620 new pictures, 95 new sprites and so on. I also reconverted the webp builds, so now they're almost 2 Gb lighter. Any further compression would result in significantly noticeable pixelisation but I agree that 5Gb+ size was way too much for a technically smaller version. Still, Shattered is a big game, so you have to accept certain limitations its size imposes.
v0.20 It consists of 185k words in seven new scenes, 773 full renders, and 176 new sprites. I also partially remade the sixth act.
v0.19 260k words in six days total, 975 new renders, and 173 new sprites.
v0.18 More than 290000 words, 1038 new renders not counting the backgrounds, 259 new sprites and total nine days for the story. I also recompressed the webp version, which is now significantly bigger, but its image quality is now on par with the png version. I also added music to it, which might cause some save game compatibility issues: report them, please.
v0.17 I no longer make full PNG builds, but you can still install the patch if you were using it before. But from now on I will only make webp versions. This update is much smaller than usual, but there were reasons for that. You get 160000 new words in 5 days total, 592 new renders (not counting the backgrounds), partially remade 6th act, 127 new character sprites. That's about it.
v0.16 280k words in seven days (in two completely different playthroughs), 1062 new renders (and a bunch of remade ones: v0.5 is remade completely, and v0.6 – partially), and 170 new sprites. The full build is now almost 20 Gb, so from now on I will only release patches for it, and even those are pretty big.
v0.15 It features eleven new scenes-days, ~270k words total, 253 sprites, 813 full pictures not counting the backgrounds. I also remade some stuff from v0.5.
v0.14 ~250k words 12 scenes (days) ~820 new renders ~370 sprites. Plus, I remade almost entire v0.4, and — the most important part! — made a new title screen. I've heard some people telling me that Blake doesn't physically change much throughout the game. Yeah, sure. That'll show them.
v0.13 275k words of dialogue, 9 days for each of the two storylines, 752 new pictures, and 208 remade ones for v0.2, v0.3, and v0.4 content, 251 new sprites, and a lot of story progression.
v0.12 Eleven new days. 265k words of dialogue. 649 new renders (not counting the backgrounds), and 67 remade ones. 291 new character sprites. New codex page to keep track of your progression. And the main point: around halfway through you'll have to make a choice between two completely separate paths. With some conditions. Don't miss it.
v0.11 What's new: 190000 words of dialogues, 436 new renders, 198 new sprites, and thirteen days total for the story, which contain several big, and important scenes. And on the side note, there's also a short new scene added to the first act (when Blake is in prison), and you can now avoid Melinda's route easier (you need to have at least 4 dom points, and either tell her the truth about Blake's first love or not argue with her about the buttplug in the gym).
v0.10 16 new days. 230000 words of dialogue. 472 new renders, and ~30 remade ones. New model for Candy (all of her scenes were remade). 270 new renders + 60 character sprites . You can now get locked on the bimbo route, and get on Suya's route as well, meet five new characters (one of which will get their own route eventually), and make lots and lots of important decisions. This is by huge margin the biggest update for Shattered so far.
v0.9 Six new days for the story 90000 words of dialogues 170 renders 72 sprites A lot of very important choices, events and even conflicts.
v0.8 70000 new words of dialogues, 176 new renders (not counting the backgrounds), 70 new character sprites, 16 sex scenes.
v0.7 Five new days for the story with some of the major plot points to be determined; 71000 words; 159 renders (100 for sex scenes); two sex scenes for Melinda and Samuel, one for each of the remaining routes, including secondary.
v0.6 Five new days for the story Important developments for Vanessa and Liam routes 66000 new words 17 sex scenes 153 renders 75 new sprites
v0.5 Blake is a redhead now and sports a new haircut which was voted for by my patrons. Reese's sprites have been replaced 5 new days of story 50000 words of dialogues 100 new renders and 80 new sprites Each of the main routes got a new event, as well as most minor ones Three new types of points that Blake can get: bi, bimbo, and some secret ones that will come to play later. Music shuffle is back
v0.4 50000 new words 78 renders (54 with sex or nudity) 9 backgrounds 170 sprites 5 new characters.
v0.3 Features major continuation of the story: 70000 new words of dialogues (more than 0.1 and 0.2 combined), 60 new renders (not counting the backgrounds), 110 new character sprites, 5 new characters. You're now able to get locked on a Melinda's, Samuel's, Liam's or Vanessa's route. There's also a walkthrough now. Enjoy!
v0.2 I have to remind you to start a new game, because saves from 0.1 won't work. I mean, they could, you'll just get locked out of several routes. As far as the content goes, we have several new characters, new scenes, new routes, and many, many new outfits for Blake. Which, in my opinion, was the most important thing out of all. Enjoy!
v0.1 First release.
27-08-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Shattered.
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