В одиночестве ты снова играешь роль вдовца Фрэнка, который вскоре разведется. История начинается с того, что Фрэнк возвращается на чердак, который он раньше делил со своей первой женой. Место, куда он никогда не хотел возвращаться после ее безвременной кончины. Вы ведете Фрэнка за собой, когда он начинает свою жизнь заново, вскоре он начинает находить друзей и любовь там, где он и не ожидал.
Персонажи Фрэнк Шавелл - Человек, за которого ты играешь. Эбигейл Шавелл - Приемная дочь Фрэнка. Лилит Окстон - сводная сестра Эбигейлс. Ребекка Окстон - старшая сестра Лилит. Ванесса Дэй и Элизабет Картер-Дэй - лесбийская пара, на которую работает Фрэнк.
Gameplay Ты разыгрываешь историю глазами Фрэнка с точки зрения первого лица. Если вы сыграли визуальный роман еще до того, как узнали о сделке. Если нет, то, по сути, вы немного читаете и так часто делаете выбор, который каким-то образом влияет на сюжет. Это действительно так.
Я думаю, что есть две вещи, которые отличаются от большинства других визуальных романов. В первом Single опять же гораздо больше внимания уделяется персонажам и сюжету, в результате меньше моментов "выбора", чем в аналогичных играх. Но некоторые из этих вариантов будут иметь большое влияние на то, как будут разыгрываться различные части сюжета. Например, выбор, сделанный утром, может полностью изменить сюжет вечером или даже через несколько дней.
Во-вторых, в игре нет смысловой системы, скрытой или иной. Когда я играю в другие подобные игры и прихожу к "выбору", то всегда просто перехожу к каждому выбору и вижу, какой из них дает очко, и это то, к чему я иду. Мне кажется, что это совсем не похоже на "выбор" и отрицает любую возможность воспроизведения игры. Я хотел избежать этого, поэтому я просто не вставил систему очков. Правильный или неправильный выбор - твой.
v1.24.1.1 I knew this update would not go over well with some of the decisions that I went with. The characters, namely Frank and Lilith acting outside how they've been written in the past. But I didn't expect the update to be (pretty much) universally hated. So, I've gone back and re-written parts of it.
The main issue people seemed to have was Frank pushing Abigail into a relationship with Lilith. That has been removed and all other dialog that came from that has been changed.
v1.23 It starts on Monday morning after Lilith stayed over. The update ends on Thursday night. Meiko is the main focus of this update but Lilith and Rebecca also get some decent screen time. Abby fans... Sorry. (She will get her time to shine, I promise.) v1.22 It starts right where 1.21 left off, with Frank on his way to dinner at Beth and Nessa's place. Covers the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday. If you don't sleep with Beth or haven't before, you will no longer get the option to sleep with her.
v1.21 It takes place over one and a half days. The second day is split up and 1.22 will continue where 1.21 leaves off. I have a bad habit of making choices that resolve in future updates. I really need to stop that. So, most of the choices in this update are just dialog changes, with two exceptions. I tried to resolve as many old choices as I could in this update. One of the choices will have a major change in the story. Namely where they go on vacation. I've talked about this on Discord, but the short version is that each choice will take multiple updates to complete. I'll make a poll when the time comes and you guys can decide which vacation is created first. v1.20 This update will cover Wednesday (The rest of Frank's trip) and all of Thursday (Becca and Lilly's moving day). This update is front loaded with a ton of lewd stuff including Becca's story for Abby winning Best girl as well as what happened with Lilly the night before. v1.19 This update takes place on Tuesday and lasts almost the entire day. What happens after the update ends will be played out in the next update. (Remember Becca's fetish) Lilly is the major focus of this update. (Lilly fans rejoice!) The side images for all the girls have been redone, as well as created a few more sets. Added a slider so the you can change the text window opacity. v1.18
This update focuses on the first day of Franks "trip". This by bar the biggest update I've made. About %20 bigger than the next biggest. Someone is posting my links for downloads on pirate sites. So if the links aren't working it means I'm in the middle of changing them... Again. (Seriously dude...) After the new year We'll do another best girl poll.
v1.17 This update centers on the Sunday pool day. One of the people Discord had the idea of of incorporating the images I made for Lilly's best girl win into the game. So from now on whoever wins each best girl poll, the images made to celebrate their victory will be added into the game as Becca's sexy story time (You'll see what I mean in 1.17). I went back and made even more spelling and grammar fixes to previous versions. (Thanks to everyone that helps with those). I'm not huge fan of the side images the way they are now, I'm gong to re do all of them for each girl. That may be in the next update or a little ways down the road. I'm going to be making a poll soon about Meiko that will change her role in the overall story. v1.16 This update finishes off date night with the girls (Most of the update), as well as dinner with Beth and Vanessa the next night. The next update will cover all of Sunday (Girls in Swimsuits!) Starting with this update, every update going forward will have some sort of sexy times in it, though you may have to look for them. ;)
Ch.1 - 1.15 - 1.14 and 1.15 have been added. - Side images for most characters have been remade using their gen 8 models. - The menu image changes depending on how far into the game you are. - More spelling and grammar fixes to earlier parts of the game
Chapter 1
Quality of life The text box is now permanent and will only disappear during choices and non-looping videos (No more flashing in and out). Dissolves were added between images where the camera doesn't move (Gives a more animated look to scenes). Non-looping videos can now be skipped. (no longer have to wait for them to play out before continuing). Fixed a ton of spelling/grammar mistakes (Well over a thousand corrections). Game changes Re-made 440 images (from 0.01 to 0.05). Re-made 3 videos (The ones when Abigail shows off her new haircut). Some dialog was re-written/ellipsis removed (Just minor changes to clean it up). Extra dialog between Frank and Rebecca during 0.13 scene (Added some story that I forgot to add when writing the scene). New Jess story added at the end of 0.13. Other notes Old saves won't work with this version (you can use ctrl or tab to skip what you want). Because old saves don't work there is no update file. I didn't add any audio (That is still planned but will have to wait). Reduced the quality of the credits video so the entire file size would be under 4 gigs. Now that the chapter is finished I'll look into getting an android port made.
v0.10.2 Bugfixes
v0.10.1 - The full 10.1 release to BnV tiers.
v0.10 - So what's new? 3000 lines of code, 319 new images, 4 new videos, 32 SFW wallpapers, and 53 NSFW wallpapers. - The ability to name your saves has also been added.
0.09 Only 65% of the release, the full release will be on Nov. 13th
18-11-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Single Again.
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Обновлена: 18-11-2024
Размер: 1.3GB
Андроид версия: Ch.1 v1.24.1 Rus | Ch.1 v1.24.2 Eng