Вы с сестрой переезжаете в Рай для получения высшего образования. И ты, и твоя сестра очень взволнованы, когда вы, наконец, переезжаете вместе. Школа замечательная, люди дружелюбные (а девушки горячие!), и все, казалось бы, шло хорошо, пока ты не открыл для себя что-то в школе, что навсегда изменило твою жизнь!
v1.10 -> 400+ new images -> 60 new animations, 4 scenes
v1.9 400+ new images 24 new animations 16 New Cheat Codes! (To change character route and pregnancy preferences after the initial choice)
v1.8 Part 2: -> 400+ new images -> 203 new animations
v1.7 Part 2: -> 600+ new images -> 59 new animations
v1.6 Part 2: ->460+ new images ->20 new animations ->All caught up with the flash-forward scene at the beginning of p2.
v1.5 Part 2 -> 400+ new images -> 0 new animations (No lewd scenes this time. Sorry!)
v1.4 Part 2 -> 440+ new images -> 18 new animations
v1.3 Part 2 ->520+ Images ->55+ Animations
v1.2 Part 2 ->480+ Images ->30+ Animations The whole in-game day system won't work right now, since the first few updates of part 2 will be dealing with 2 timelines at once, so I can't really comment on that, but there's a fair bit of plot and character progression this time!
v1.1 Part 2 ->600+ images -> 12 animations (1 scene, Ava) -> Probably lotsa bugs. Like, seriously. Stuff just kept breaking the whole time. If you find any, please reach out to me. -> Various QoL features/changes
v1.0.0 Public -> 450+ new images (Short update, more like a build-up for the next one.) -> 15 new animations, 1 scene
This is (hopefully) the final version of part one. You will need a save from the ending of this part to play the next part without errors. If you've been waiting for a couple of updates to have more content to go through at once, now is the time to catch up!
v0.11.0 -> 750+ new images -> 37 new animations -> A little over 1 in-game day
v0.10.9 public -> 420-ish images -> 18 animations (1 scene) -> A-little-less-than-1 in-game day
v0.10.6 Public ->700+ new images -> 73 new animations (4 scenes)
v0.10.3 Public -> 1000+ new images
-> 57 animations (3 scenes, Emily, Nicole, Tiffany) I know they're not the poll winners, I just needed a liiittle extra time to set the stage for the big ones. Look forward to the next one!
-> A fair bit of story progress, not much focus on much lewd content
v0.10.0 Public -> Around 700~ish images -> 19 animations (1 scene, Chloe)
v0.9.9 Public -> 470-ish new images -> 0 new animations, no h scenes. Feel free to skip this update if you're here for the 'plot'. Yep, that happened twice in a row. Sorry!
v0.9.6 Public -> 1040 new images -> 0 new animations, no h scenes. Feel free to skip this update if you're here for the 'plot' -> 1 in-game day with fuckloads of content -> Content Warning: This update is gonna hurt.
v0.9.3 Public -> 950+ images -> 108 animations [5 scenes: Doc, Tiffany, Anna, Violet, Chloe, Claire, Iris ;) ] -> A little more than 1 in-game day
v0.9.0 Public -> 750+ images -> 91 animations (6 scenes: Lucy, Alyssa, Claire, Chloe & Iris) -> 1 in-game day, first of the two beach episodes
v0.8.6 Public ->700-ish images -> 68 animations (6 scenes: Lucy, Iris, Nicole, Emily, Claire) ->1 in-game day
v0.8.3 Public -> 650+ images -> 44 animations (3 scenes, Emily, Nicole & Lucy) -> 1 in-game day -> Remade a couple of scenes at the beginning
v0.8.0 Public -> 700+ images -> 44 animations (4 scenes, Iris & Lucy) -> 1 in-game day
v0.7.6 Public -> 750+ images (Progress with Lucy, Anna, and the main story, of course) -> 56 animations (4 events: Doc, Claire, Chloe & Anna) -> 1 in-game day
v0.7.0 -> 370+ Images -> 0 Animations, No lewd content. Feel free to skip this update if you're here for the 'plot'. -> 1 in-game day... I guess?
0.6.9 Public -> 700+ images -> 21 animations -> 1 in-game day
0.6.6 Public -> 800+ images
-> 23 animations
-> 1 in-game day
0.6.3 Public -> 600+ images -> 0 anims - no lewd content. Feel free to skip this update if you're here for the 'plot.' -> 1 in game day. Well... technically 1.5, but uhh... the .5 is really tiny.
0.6.0 Public > 750+ images > 9 animations > 1.5 in-game days > Temporary workaround for broken saves: A menu that lets you start at a checkpoint if your save can't be loaded. All choices are saved. > Lotsa story and not too much lewd content this time
v0.5.6 Public > 650+ renders > 14 animations > 1 in-game day
v0.5.3 Public > 300+ renders > 19 animations > 1 in-game day, Iris's POV. Feel free to skip if you're not into that.
v0.4.6 >650+ New renders >40 New animations >1 In-Game Day
v0.4.3 >400+ New renders >NO New animations. That's right, no lewd content in this one. But there's something else that might peak your interest! >(Almost) 1 In-Game Day
v0.4.0 >600+ New renders >19 New animations >1 In-Game Day >A (not so) secret ending >Scene gallery
v0.3.6 ->500+ new render -> 3 new animations ->1 in-game day
v0.3.3 600+ New renders 11 New animations 1 in-game day
v0.3.0 -1600+ new renders, and 18 new animations -3 in-game days of content -Weekend event' (Day3) (A poll will be up soon, let me know If you want more!) -Tweaked the script a little to make the infamous 'Claire scene' avoidable. You gotta start a new game for that though. -Fixed known bugs from 0.2.0, and probably added more
v0.2.0 - 1300+ New Renders - 22 New Animations - 3500+ lines in script - New Font for better readabilty - 'Hide Text' button for android builds
v0.1.0 Release -997 Renders -17 Animations -3000+ Lines of code
v0.1.0 (Android) -New font for better readability -Fixed all known bugs/typos -No new content yet.
1-12-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Trouble in Paradise.
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Обновлена: 1-12-2024
Размер: 1.8GB
Андроид версия: v1.0.0 Rus | Eng | v1.9 Part 2 Rus | v1.10 Part 2 Eng