Вы будете играть как MC, который имеет опыт издевательств со стороны трех девочек во время средней школы. Пробил свой путь через рай и ад только для того, чтобы изменить свой внешний вид, и однажды поклялся, что ты получишь свою месть. Однако, достигнув совершеннолетия, вы поняли, что месть это просто пустая трата времени, и решили просто двигаться дальше по жизни. Однажды, ваша хозяйка поставила другие комнаты в вашем доме в аренду. Без твоего ведома, эти три девушки переехали к тебе. Скоро вы откроете для себя то, что навсегда изменит вашу жизнь.
MBML (Chapter 1 - Episode 4): 1172+ images 6652 lines of codes 30 animations Moon's Second Arc Major Main Story Progress Chinese translation 105 new background music & SFX MBML (Chapter 1 - Episode 3) [Part 2]: Bugfix/Updates: — 30/01/2024 Chapter 1 - Episode 3 dialogues have been updated with a professionally proofread version to enhance clarity and narrative flow. [PATCH] Addressed minor compatibility issues for both macOS and Windows platforms. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: 965+ images 6108 lines of codes 18 animations Naomi's First Arc Aine's Second Arc Introduction to: Moon's Second Arc/Major Main Story Arc Main Story Progress 82 new background music & SFX MBML (Chapter 1 - Episode 3) [Part 1] is open to the public!
Bugfix: — 10/09/2023
Fixed all-or-nothing route being triggered despite missing any of the girls' routes [PATCH] Added missing ch1ep3_179a and ch1ep3_179b from both WIN and MAC patches — 10/12/2023
Fixed code line 2530 where the main character's name is hardcoded.
610+ images 3497 lines of codes 11 animations Freya's first Arc Major Harem Progress Main Story Progress 20 new background music & SFX
Chapter 1 - E2 Fix 1 Removed QTE Chapter 1 - E2 1082+ images 6684 lines of codes 23 animations Moon's 1st Arc Klara's 1st Arc Introduction Naomi's Introduction to the Main Story Gwen's 2nd Arc Small Main Story progress New game mechanic(Alpha) 76 new background music & SFX Emma's Solo Ending Changelog:
924+ images 5496 lines of codes 25 animations Emma's solo ending 43 total new background music and SFX GUI improvements
Chapter 1Ep1 Part2: 375+ images 2364 lines of codes 17 animations Introduction to Moon's story Progress with other girls Main Story progress 25 total new background music and SFX Fixed a bug on Sky's route** Changed the Scene Replay buttons and added Moon
Chapter 1 Ep1 Part1: 1165+ images 6333 lines of codes 11 animations Introduction to Freya's 1st Arc Klara's Character Introduction Aine's First Arc Finale Harem Progress Small Main Story progress 73 total new background music and SFX Episode 7b:
Changelog: (must read)
686+ images 4565 lines of codes 12 animations (This time, I pushed to create my own animations. At least, 90% of them are) Emma's Second Arc Finale Aine's First Arc - Part 1 Main Story Arc Placed Lily's Track backstory in a point checker - That means if you are not following her, you won't see that part of her story Dialogue improvements from Episode 1 to 3 (added and removed some) Reworked trigger variables for character routes Reworked Character Menu - Included Moon in the Selection You now have an option to change Klara and Sky's relationship tags mid-game. (Click on their character images inside the Character Menu) 15 total new background music and SFX PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: I have done a lot this release and it requires you to restart from the beginning. I wanted to keep things tidy before we jump to the next chapter of the game. I have provided a save at the end of Episode 6 for your convenience, please check the attached file. This is the last time, I promise. The tags within my save might not suit your tastes, so feel free to change them including MC's name. The Android version won't install anything more than 2gb, so I crunched down the files. Expect a lower quality than the PC version.
Episode 6
- 1025+ images - 6500 lines of codes - 9 animations - Second Main Story arc(Part 1) - Lily's first arc(Part 1) - Other girls' events(There are several that are highlighted) - A small tutorial screen ft. Naomi before the game starts - 27 new background music - New episode ending screen - New main menu background music(We will be using this from now on)
Episode 5
- 595 images in total - 3500 lines of codes - Emma's first arc/Main Story's first arc - 7 new background music - New episode ending screen - New main menu background music(Only for this episode)
Episode 4
- 300+ new renders - 10 new animations - Gwen's first arc events(main focus of the episode) - Other girl's short events - Short main story progress - Some new background music - Added the option to close the door on the three girls on Episode 1 XD - Credit roll added at the end of the episode(SKIPPABLE)** **We'll be doing this now on every episode ending.
Episode 3
- 435+ new renders - new Character Menu design - Aine's events - Gwen's events - Lily's events - Other girl's events - Short main story progress - new background music - Easter Egg Hunt event**
**4 images of a certain girl for you to unlock. And good luck. XD
Episode 2b - Bug fixes - Teaser added at the end part of the game
Episode 2 - 345+ new renders - new main menu slide - Sky's major event - Aine's event - Other girls' events - 2 new Characters - 4 new background music
Ep1 - Part 2
- 170+ new renders - new main menu slide - Gwen's event - Lily's event - Emma's event - Aine's and Sky's events *Please start right at the beggining of the game again to avoid bugs. Thanks.
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