Все началось с того, что мой отец потерял свою компанию, и все были вынуждены переехать в другой город. Здесь мы должны начать с нуля в маленькой квартире всего с двумя спальнями, так что "к сожалению" вам придется делить комнату со своей младшей сестрой. Поскольку вам уже 20 лет, пришло время помочь семье, как вы можете, поэтому вы будете искать работу.
Season 3 Episode 5.1 - v3.5.1 Fixed a bug on Charlotte's path and some typos.
Season 3 Episode 5.0 - v3.5.0 This episode starts with our beloved MC training to protect his loved ones, either with Denise or with Sheila. Once he returns home he can either go on a date with Charlotte or go talk to Tris about a few things that happened while he was away.
The main goal of this episode is progressing in the main story, however we also focus a lot on the relationship with Charlotte, Tris, Denise and a little bit of Sheila. 1100 renders +85 animations 26 gallery images 6 memories Season 3 Episode 4.1 - v3.4.1 Fixed a few bugs that happened on Sheila's path and some typos.
Just before leaving to train so he can protect himself and his household, our main character decides to spend some time with his girls, since he'll be away for one or two weeks. So after he does some shady business he'll decide how to spend the last night and morning before leaving, however some choices he made before are finally catching up with him. 650 renders +90 animations 8 gallery images Important As some of you know, the previous episode and this one was supposed to be a single one, but the amount of work I had to do for both parts was so big that I decided to split it in two. Unfortunately this means that I didn't managed to balance the girls too well in these two episodes, so this part is mainly about Lisa, Lauren and Emma. If none of these girls are of interest to you I suggest you skip this version, it might take longer to download than to play. This episode has a lot of content, but only for the 3 ladies.
SEASON 3 EPISODE 3 - v3.3.1
As some of you know, this episode was supposed to be a lot bigger, but I decided to split it in two. This means that episode 4 will come in July or August.
+500 renders +50 animations 18 gallery images After spending 4 weeks in bed, our main character realizes that he needs to make some changes in his life. So in this episode we see how our boy is starting his transition to a responsible man.
In this episode the focus is Tris and Charlotte, btu we also get to see a little bit of Denise, Bea, Katrina and Darlene.
Season 2 Episode 7 - 2.7.2 Changelog 2.7.2 Fixed a few typos and graphical errors. Nothing too important. About S2 E7 45-60 minutes worth of gameplay +400 renders 13 animations 9 gallery images 5 memories
v2.6.2 Before moving to the actual content of the game, I want to let you know that from now on, the old Gallery is named Achievements and there is also another tab called Memories. Here you can replay the most important scenes from each episode, if you have unlocked them. You can unlock memories by reaching them in the gameplay, however for old players the game will automatically unlock the right memories you have already seen.
This episode starts with our main character planning a date with Lisa or Lauren, based on the choices you made in the previous episode. There are two different outcomes based on your relationship with the girl.
After you finish your date if you didn't broke up with Emma, then she's going to need to talk to you about something very important.
But as soon as you get home, Charlotte and Tris are waiting for you in the tub. They would love to spend some time with you and who knows maybe even play a little game.
However the game is Tris' idea, because Charlotte had something else planned for today.
Once you're done with her, you should go take a shower and get ready for a date with Tris, because you promised her to help her with her alcohol tolerance.
Now that the night has come it's time for you to go out and have a little bit of fun.
That being said, this game is a choice based game and some of you might have a different gameplay, but these are all the available in this episode.
v2.5.1 Fixed a bug that won't let you close Beatrice's path or Lisa/Lauren's side path. If you want to close it make sure you replay the last update again. I'm sorry for the inconveniences.
About Season 2 Episode 5 In the beginning of the episode we have a very drunk Tris who had one too many drinks and feels like talking.
But the night is still young and a lot could happen.
However when the morning comes you have some talking to do about what happened last night. You can't just do things at night and then forget about them.
Also for those who missed spending time with Lisa and Lauren, well I have great news, especially if you want to spend time with both of them. So if you didn't know which one to choose and you tried to keep one on the side, well you'll finally make some progress there.
But like I was telling you, this episode is mainly about Tris, that's why for the rest of the day you'll be spending time with her.
Season 2 Episode 3 v2.3.1 Fixed a bug that prevented the unlocking of one of the gallery images.
Season 2 Episode 3 60 minutes worth of gameplay 400 renders 18 animations 5 gallery images anal sex a lot of touching/teasing/watching
Season 2 Episode 2 45-60 minutes worth of gameplay +350 renders 11 animations 7 gallery images more character/relationship development 2 sex scenes
Season 2 Episode 1 60 minutes worth of gameplay +550 renders +30 animations 7 new gallery images plenty of hot/sweet scenes three sex scenes Ep. 6 v0.6.1 45-60 minutes worth of gameplay +350 renders 10 animations 7 new gallery images a lot of romantic/hot/silly scenes one sex scene Small typo fixes Small images fixes
Mini Games v0.3 10 new levels with Lisa.
Ep. 5 v0.5.2 Fix for those of you who wanted to be faithful to Emma, but you were kinda forced to cheat on her. recommend playing the club scene again. Ep. 5 v0.5.1 90 - 120 minutes worth of gameplay (this time can vary between players based on choices from previous episodes) 600 renders 20 animations 10 new gallery images 2 sex scenes a lot of romantic scenes
Ep. 4 v0.4.1 + Mini Games v0.2 Added Mini games 10 new levels for Tris.
Ep. 4 v0.4.1 fixed the mc name where it was hardcoded changed the date for episode 5 to June instead of July Ep. 4 v0.4.0 75 minutes worth of gameplay 60 minutes on each path 500+ renders 40+ animations 12 new gallery images Ep.3 v0.3.2 + Mini Games v0.1 Added Mini games
Ep. 3 v0.3.2 - there was a big bug on the club side of the game, no matter what girl you wanted you only ended up with Lauren. If you're on the club path please replay episode 3, otherwise the game will break in the future. I apologize for this.
Ep.3 v0.3.1 Beside the new content I also added a few new features to the game to make it nicer. There is a gallery with hot images of the girls based on your choices. For those who will play on older saves, as soon as you start episode 3 you'll unlock all the images of the previous two episodes. I have added a progress bar below so you can see how much content is left. You can disable this bar in the options tab Changed the way our MC gets his messages on the phone. I created a custom screen where you can read the text better and access the images you receive. The +20$ patrons will the Gold Edition version of the game with the walkthrough integrated already. If you want to play the game without seeing the consequences of your choices you can disable them in the option tab Fixed some small bugs and changed the text here and there. Ep. 2 v0.2.1 - fixed the text - added the possibility to name the save - updated the credits
Ep. 2 v0.2.0 The amount of gameplay in this episode is around one hour, but given the fact that you get to choose one of two jobs, playing one side of the Episode should take around 45 minutes.
Ep. 1 v0.1.1 - Fixed the images that had that raised the "FAILED TO DECODE WEBP" error - Katrina will call the mc by it's name instead of Toby.
Ep. 1 v0.1.0 Initial Release
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Обновлена: 4-01-2025
Размер: 1.2GB
Андроид версия: v2.8.0 S2 Ep.8 Gold Gold Rus | Eng | v4.1.0 S4 Ep.1 GE Rus | Eng