Это совершенно бесплатная эротическая пародийная игра на известную вселенную. Академия колдовства и магии-последний действующий институт магического образования. Ужасный вирус был выпущен Темными перьями. Многие умерли, многие сильно заболели. Но основной эффект эволюционирующего вируса еще предстоит обнаружить. Последний доктор кампуса умер из-за этого вируса. Ты-последняя надежда академии. Вы должны опрыскать тела учеников и учителей подавителем, разработанным Высшим Руководством магического общества.
Выполняя свой главный долг, вы будете зациклены на непредвиденных тайнах замка древней академии и его окрестностей. Доживет ли волшебный мир до новых опасностей? Все зависит от Тебя.
v0.3.1p: -New Characters : Dora Noir, Madam Pompadure, Spraffle Ball; -New quest-independent event system(even if You stuck on some quest - You still can progress events, by going forward in time); -Lot's of completely new and reworked game assets, introducing deep-game content into early interactions;
v0.3.0p: -New locations : Mystic Forest + Village Elf Home; - New interaction option with beach sunbathers; - Lot's of ingame graphics was improved and reworked; - New characters including Wizards and Witch; - Quest counter reached number 105; - An epic cliffhanger at the end of update;
v0.2.9p: - New locations : Quarantined home + Teachers Dorm; - New interaction option with beach Miranda; - Two new quarantined dwellers; - Lot's of ingame graphics was improved and reworked; - New characters including talking portraits and furniture; - Quest counter reached number 100; - An epic cliffhanger at the end of update;
v0.2.8p: - New locations : Elven Kitchen + Elven dorm; - New fully interactive Kitchen Elf ; - New type of interactions; - Genny from the Pot; - Additional interactions with Jessica Wallters and Lina Longhood; - Gardening Teacher interactions was optimised following Mister Toccata's ideas on this topic;
v0.2.7p: - Expansion of castle's grounds - Gardening teacher - Fenek Chimera - New clothes for Casia - New type of massage - New potion brewary at the medical tower - New Toccata's ideas implemented: 1.Teleportation to medical tower via magical amulet; 2.Snoozing at medical tower; 3.Waiting and sleeping right at the dorm; 4.Instant roaming through whole fawn's forrest; 5.Payouts optimisation.
v0.2.6p: - Three new fairys - Three new quarantined girls - Quarantined girls secretary - Opened quarantine zone with new codes scattered around it - New photo sessions mechanic - Margaretson's sister - New fawns - AI characters was refined and reworked - Episode One changes (Training and economy balance + help in walkthrough)
0.2.5p: -Richard Voss Higginson's fishing spot; -Fully interactible and inspectable Foxie and Leora the fawns; -Reworked existing + 3 new mermaids; -Opened castle bathes with 9 new unique characters inspections; -New havaian beach with 5 new unique characters inspections; -Completely reworked and improved Donna sequences and interactions; -Reworked Prachariah Prabhti artworks; -Improved details and reworked over 20+ artworks over the game(the most interesting types of artworks, with improved bits); -Lot's High quality renders and meticulously refined generations; -New high quality animations; -New interactions with Donna MeanAss + improved existing ones(fully reworked videos+new ones); -New animated interaction with Jessica Wallters; -New teleportation mechanic to Havaii and back when-ever player wants it; -Whole game is tested and proved to be bugless; -Lina Longhood is now trained professional(33 training points right from beginning) ; -New promo teaser in the beginning of the game(when rules and mechanics of the game is explained), showing late game art and possible interactions;
0.2.4p - Almost every character in free roam is fully inspectable(Yes-yes, including Monroe under bridge and Fiona); - Enhanced ingame interactible scenes and highlights; - New free roam characters; - Replaced randomization system with cycles, corresponding to player's reviews on 'HF is Missing' quest; - Changes improving overall experience.
v0.2.3p -New medical tower clinic; -Thee new village women; -Academy's Health Magazine; -Amazonian rain forest; -New rain forest character; -Mysterious underground facility run by AI; -New possibilities via new previladgies; -And, as always, an epic cliff-hanger at the end;
v0.2.2f - Fixed beach map variable mismatch which caused map to be unable to display possibility to go to new locations, after those was discovered or unlocked.
v0.2.2 -New characters; -New locations; -New quests; -Proved to be bugless; -Previous saves will work; Enjoy !
v0.2.1 -New characters; -New locations; -New quests; -Proved to be bugless; -Previous saves will work;
v0.2.0p -New breasts massages at medical tower; -4 new students transfered from foreign Academy; -New videos with newcomers; -New village girl domestic treatment; -And as always an epic cliffhanger at the end of the update.
v0.1.9p_fix1 -Fixed game breaking bug with Prachariah being called permanently; -Fixed bug with double arrival of Prachariah each time you called her to the medical tower; -Whole game been tested from beginning to the end;
v0.1.9p -7 new locations; -7 new characters; -12 new quests; -Amazing new Academy in Hawai; -Whole new island-world to explore; -And more !
v0.1.8p Fix1 -Fixed 'hut' bug; -Fixed HF training to be more balanced;
v0.1.8p -Full nudity; -New minigame with Genna at Liondorfs bedroom; -Opened and functional public female pool; -7+ new interactive locations; -6 new interactible characters; -New exercise type; -New spell for full undressing in realtime world; -Rewritten and rerendered Herbione Flanger undressing and spraying sequences; -Improved and rendered Herbione's night reading on the bench sequence; -Rerendered Prachariah Prabhti clinic and undressing sequences; -Fixed 0.1.7p-fix2 bugs; -Playtested, 100% bugless;
v0.1.7p Fix Fixed game breaking bug, which broke the MCU unit menu if you was not having 5 Gennas codes in your possession.
v0.1.7p -Biggest Update in game's history; -Fully open huge world; -20+ new interactible locations; -15 new characters; -5 new shops all over the game world; -Completely new MCU(search for girls codes around the world) mechanic; -Added forrest, castle, outskirts and village zones; -Added support for old machines with 32 bit windows (x86);
v0.1.6p -Whole new under-world; -Three new locations; -Three new characters; -Five new outfits; -LOTS of new animations; -Completely new teleport mechanic;
v0.1.5p +20 new animations; +Two new awesome characters; +8 new quests; +New location; +Two new types of interactions;
v0.1.4j -Added 6 new motion capture animations; -Added new content into the memories library; -Added new plot twist inception; -60% of visuals was completely re-made(new awesome poses, reactions, and lingeries); -Daph... Donna was completely remade; -Training has been completely remade(now it's easier and less demanding): +Now training ain't split into levels and certain favors require fewer points of corruption; -DeVons room has been location completely remade; -Reworked existent animations; -Reworked outdoor interactions and dialogs; -Fixed some miss-spells;
v0.1.4p -Biggest in playtime update of all WT development history; -Ability to rename every in-game character; -Added memories menu for unaccessible elsewhere scenes; -Three new locations; -Three new characters; -Getting in charge of whole Academy; -Added new virus symptoms and effects; -Added group photo sessions mechanics(with calling everybody from any place, where you could meet the character in game world); -Added pregnancy virus effect; - 8 Big quests with up to four sub-quests for almost each one.
v0.1.3f -THIS IS TECH SUB-UPDATE, PLOT UPDATE WILL RELEASED IN ONE WEEK; -Complete rebuild on the new version of engine; -Redesign of 80% in-game characters; -Re-render of 20% in-game scenes and video animations; -Rewrite of some dialogs; -Code optimisations.
2021-06-08 v0.1.3p New features : -Free roam, interactive open-world; -Two new locations with three variations of each; -Four completely new characters Genna Whirlpool (just turned 18) Prachariah Prabhti (transferred from India) Donna MeanAss (Snakerin's bully) Inspector DeWon (HA agent to oversee our actions). -Lots of new high-quality animation videos; -New rendering physics-based system(including all modern technologies); -Three new gameplay features: +Spraying in the girl's dorm; +Recording naked dancing videos to report girls health to professor DoubleRoar(physical ability, with showcasing absence of visual symptoms on the skin); +Undressing who ever You encounter, while roaming through academy in real time; -All texts was proofread; -Android version was compressed with no quality impact.
2021-05-26 v0.1.2p Release -All typos were fixed; -Dialogues was partially rewritten; -Every sentence was Proofread.
2021-05-24 v0.1.2 Release -Some names of characters and activities was changed; - Miss H.(now J.) model was completely reworked and re-rendered; -Whole Miss L. training cycle was added; -New cheats was added; -Some mechanics were reworked and improved. Now training procedures are more balanced.
0.1p Release
10-02-2025 была обновлена английская версия игры Witches Trainer.
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