МС приходит домой из колледжа и много занимается сексом. Ваша стандартная игра с инцестом в форме печенья со всеми основными элементами, которые вы ожидали, такими как подглядывание в душ, ощупывание сна и классическая прогулка по утренней сцене MC в лесу. За исключением того, что на этот раз есть поворот, ты будешь соблазнять свою бабушку, а не маму. *Еще не реализовано
Версия: v0.16 Part1 Rus | Eng / v0.37 Part2 Rus | Eng / v0.53 Part3 Rus | Eng / v0.68 Part4 Rus | Eng / v0.70 Part 5 Rus / v0.72 Part 5 Eng GrandmasHouse-v0.72-Eng-release.apk
v0.69 -Day 122 (1700 lines and 720 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.66 -Day 119B (1600 lines and 650 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.64 + 65 -Day 118 and 119A (3400 lines and 1300 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.63 -Day 117B (1700 lines and 640 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.62 -Day 117A (1700 lines and 760 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.61 -Day 114 (1600 lines and 670 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.60 -Day 115 (1550 lines and 640 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.59 -Day 114 (1600 lines and 635 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.58 -Day 113 (1700 lines and 710 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders v0.57 702 Renders
v0.55 Waiting for Moon
v0.54 -Day 108 (1850 lines and 720 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.52 -Day 105 (1650 lines and 570 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.51 -Day 105 (1700 lines and 595 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.50 -Day 103 and 104 (1650 lines and 650 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.49 -Day 102 (1650 lines and 625 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.48 -Day 98 (1800 lines and 625 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.46 -Day 97 (1700 lines and 590 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.45 -Day 97 (1600 lines and 570 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.44 Will be added by Moonbox later
v0.43 -Day 94 and 95 (1550 lines and 520 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.42 Will be added by Moonbox later
v0.41 -Day 93 (1750 lines and 640 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.40 -Days 91 and 92 (1700 lines and 550 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.39 -Day 90 (1850 lines and 650 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.38 -Day 88 and 89 (1725 lines and 600 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.37 -Day 87 (2000 lines and 760 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.36 -Day 86 (1650 lines and 650 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.35 -Days 84 and 85 (1800 lines and 660 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.34 -Days 82 and 83 (1600 lines and 570 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.33 -Days 80 and 81 (1600 lines and 540 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.32 -Days 79 (1700 lines and 600 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.30/v0.31 -Days 75 to 78 (3300 lines and 1150 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.29 -Days 73 and 74 (1800 lines and 625 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.28 -Days 71 and 72 (1600 lines and 600 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.27 -Days 68 to 70 (1650 lines and 615 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.26 -Days 64 and 65 (1650 lines and 540 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.24 -Days 62 and 63 (1600 lines and 560 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.22 -Days 58 and 59 (1650 lines and 585 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.21 -Days 56 and 57 (3000 lines and 1150 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.20 -Days 54 and 55 (1850 lines and 625 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.19 -Days 53 (1600 lines and 560 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.18 -Days 51 and 52 (1600 lines and 500 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.17 -Days 49 and 50 (1600 lines and 500 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.16 -Days 47 and 48 (1750 lines and 590 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.15 -Days 45 to 46 (1700 lines and 600 renders) -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.14 -Days 42 to 44 (1900 lines and 650 renders) -More gallery fixes -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.13 -Days 40 and 41 (1500 lines and 450 -More gallery fixes -Fixed some typos and renders
v0.12 -Days 38 and 39 (1500 lines and 370 renders) -Fixed MCs name in gallery (You need to start a new game, name the MC and then quit for it to register) -Fixed some typos
v0.11 New tags: Prostitution, Group Sex -Days 35 to 37 1750 lines and 550 renders -Added Gallery -Fixed some typos
v0.10 -Days 32 to 34 2500 lines and 720 renders -Fixed some typos
v0.09 New planned tags: Penis worship -Days 29 to 31 3000 lines and 850 renders -Fixed some typos -Rerendered most of the demo
v0.08 New tags: Sex Toys -Days 26 to 28 2500 lines and 700 renders -Fixed some typos
v0.07 New tags: Lactation -Days 24 to 25 2500 lines and 750 renders -Fixes some typos
v0.06 New Tags: Incest -Days 21 to 23 2500 lines and 750 renders
-Fixes some typos
v0.05 New tags: Footsex, Cosplay, Sleep sex -Days 18 to 20 2800 lines and 800+ renders -Fixed MC name color, needs new game -Added wedding rings to married women -Fixes some renders and typos
v0.04 New tags: Harem, GILF
-Days 15 to 18 2600 lines and 700 renders
-Fixed the Walking Liz home scene from v0.03
-Fixed typos
V0.03 New tags: Virgin, Titjob
-Days 11 to 14 Less days but the days are longer, 2600 lines and 700 renders
-Named saves (Courtesy of Wolf™ ) There no pop-up, just write the name in the top left corner then save.
-Typos Fixed a bunch of typos from older versions.
V0.01 Beta New Tags: Anal, BBW, Squirting, Teasing, Stripping, Masturbation, Cheating, Big tits, Handjob, Maledom, MILF, Interracial
-Days 2 to 5 New content is about 3x longer than the demo, not as long as I would have like but considering the demo took me longer to make, I'd say I'm making decent progress
-Added quick menu to PC/Mac versions It was actually always there but the custom font made it appear off-screen.
-Switched images from PNG to WEBP Not much of a choice, update would have been over 3GB which is just false advertisement because it's really not that long.
-Denoised all renders They should look less grainy now.
-Fixed some demo renders and typos Just the really bad ones. I'll be re-rendering the demo and likely the first few updates eventually so I don't want to waste time redoing them now.
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Скачать Grandmas House
Обновлена: 27-01-2025
Размер: 424.9MB
Андроид версия: v0.16 Part1 Rus | Eng | v0.37 Part2 Rus | Eng | v0.53 Part3 Rus | Eng | v0.68 Part4 Rus | Eng | v0.70 Part 5 Rus | v0.72 Part 5 Eng
ПК версия: v0.16 Part1 Rus | Eng | v0.37 Part2 Rus | Eng | v0.53 Part3 Rus | Eng | v0.68 Part4 Rus | v0.68 Part4 Rus | Eng | v0.70 Part 5 Rus | v0.72 Part 5 Eng