Эпифания - это город, где за деньги можно купить все. Эта автономная территория управляется мегакорпорациями, частными армиями и независимыми профсоюзами. Вы амбициозный человек, который приехал в этот грешный город в надежде сделать его большим. Однако у вас здесь нет влиятельных или богатых родственников. Единственный человек, который, кажется, верит в ваш потенциал, - это печально известный инвестор-Дьявол. И у нее просто есть для вас миссия: отремонтировать заброшенное здание и превратить его в лучший бордель в городе Эпифания!
Тренируйте куртизанок, накапливайте ресурсы, покупайте оборудование и улучшения, манипулируйте рынками, сокрушайте своих конкурентов, управляйте корпоративным гаремом и создайте самую успешную мегакорпорацию развлечений для взрослых в этой игре по управлению борделями!
v0.25: - New BDSM specialisation - New unlockable nighttime location: the Dungeon. - Continuation of the main story in "Arrange a Meeting" - New specialisation events for Caroline, Nicole, Hannah, Clara - New Alternative auto trainer
v0.24: -Full progression to rank A for all courtesans, lots of training animations. -Fixed bug that would break affection interactions with the wives. -Fixed Caroline's broken previews. -New cyclable animation added to the Sauna.
v0.23: Rank A training progression for Hannah and the Pianist New Affection animations for Sophia and Shannon v0.22: -Rank A training for Zoe, Nicole, Ayaka. (24 new animations) -New "Special Cow" status screen added to the milk farm -Fix for Denise-Julia rank A mix-up and other bugs -New Denise repeatable animation in the club
v0.21: -Rank A training for Julia and Denise (16 animations) -2 Specialisations paths for Julia: Porn, Breeding -New expertise events for Julia and Caroline -Fixed bug where climax animations and other cutscenes would not be displayed for some players. -Sauna is now correctly displayed as being purchased. -Other Bugfixes.
v0.20: -Rank A progression for Caroline (8 new training animations) -6 unique porn and breeding specialisation events for Caroline -Breeding specialisation training with the Doctor (Tutor) -New Room interaction for Caroline (Breeding specialisation events) -New expertise menu -New STATS screen after promoting a Rank A courtesan
v0.19: -Acting lessons with the Witch: 4 Events (optional) -New threesome event for Sophia + Shannon -Breeding content now available for The Pianist -"Observe Nancy": New event chain at the milk farm (3 timed events) -Tweaked requirements for the first Witch event -Fixes for vacation and contraception errors and other bugs
v0.18: - Continuation of the Witch story - New district: Victorie Avenue - New (optional) courtesan: The Troupe Leader. Full progression to rank B. - New gameplay mechanic: The Auction (+cheat available)
v0.17: -Story event added for the Witch during corporate meeting -New special solo animation for Julia in the reception -Degenerate games added to the Casino: Breeding Roulette and Mystery Cum Donut -Content Poll: Breeding room content for Denise, Hannah + an alternative breeding scene for The Doctor -Added loading screen -New contraceptives option for Corporate Wives -Fixed raid stats being displayed incorrectly
v0.16: -New District: Oriental Town -New special employee: Ellie, the spa therapist -New Facility: Spa -New Upgrades: Bathhouse, Sauna -New raid available at Abdel Heights (optional) -Caroline: Remake for 2 training animation sequences -Overhaul for Caroline's first evaluation event -Fixed Piano cost error -Fixed bug that caused some courtesans to not earn daily revenue -Removed wallet money cap
v0.15: -New optional District: Abdel Heights (req. Breeding Room upgrade) -Special Employee: Nancy -Private ranch: Milk Factory upgrade -Pregnant courtesans can be milked -Daisy, the milk cow, event chain -New repeatable event for Shannon + Sophia -Performance/optimization improvement by clearing useless data whenever player sleeps -MCT in wallet now capped at 1 trillion -Money cheat: it now sets your total money to 10 billion MCT -New cheat: Bypass Raids: instantly win raids with this cheat activated
v0.14: -Brothel Level 4 -New corporate wife: Shannon K. -New autotrainer system -Shannon: Full intimacy and story progression. -Shannon + Sophia event -Breeding content for Caroline, Julia, Nicole
v0.13: -New courtesan pregnancy system available for The Doctor -'Visit Room' content for The Pianist, Clara, The Doctor -2 Gifts added -Certain optional events cannot be triggered if an involved courtesan is tagged as 'busy' -Fixed The Doctor courtesan revenue bug -Fixed lots of dialogue naming errors in the rooms
v0.12: -New district: Academic District -New Courtesan: The Doctor. Full progression to rank B. -New facility: The Ranch, upgrade: Breeding Rooms (WIP) -Groundwork for upcoming "rooms" updates -Code for some animations have been changed to conform to the other animation sequences in the game. -Disabled "framedrop" setting for cutscenes. -New vintage main menu screen and splashscreen
v0.11: -Brothel Megacorporation: Entertainment District Part 2 -New courtesan: Bunny Girl Clara (full progression to rank B) -New Facility: the Casino. Upgrade: Prizes -Courtesan raid enemy: The Dice Cartel. 3 events. -Manager Grades nerfed -Bugfix: Stalls and Raids bugs
v0.10: -New district: The Entertainment district -New courtesan: The Pianist (full progression to rank B) -New restaurant upgrade: The Piano -New CCTV animations for all courtesans -Fixed Rank B tutorial bug -Fixed Hannah raid HP bug
v0.9: -Practical exam for the Rank B training license (unlocked after you get all the recommendation letters from the 4 generals). -Full progression to Rank B for all 7 courtesans (29 new animations and 7 ranking events). -New training system for Rank B: specialise your courtesans by selecting different perks. -New gameplay feature: Courtesan Raids. -Courtesan raid enemy: The Genoa Family. 4 events. -1 Raid item in 5 rarities. -3 new upgrades for the brothel: Stripper windows, Pole dance stage, Dancefloor. -Special skill training bugfix
v0.8: -New feature: Mobile phone -New feature: Sophia Alignment! (wip) Influence your wife's personality. -2 events and animations for the content poll winners. -9 Training Animation Remakes -Fixed bugs related to auto-forward and skipping during free roam sections. -Added a tutorial screen after player unlocks hacking and MC training. -Added a custom frame to the textbox. -Replaced placeholder images in certain events.
v0.7: -New corporate takeover area: the Red Light district -Progression to B rank part 1: train MC skills. -Moaning sounds added to some animations. -Balance changes: Ad Agency and Law firm staff upkeep significantly increased. It now scales based on business level. -Fixed laggy menus by disabling autosave after every choice. Now the game will autosave after 200 interactions instead. -Revamped cutscene and audio code -New tutorial screens and notification system to direct players towards the business takeover system. -EXP cost rebalanced for customer service perks. -Fixed training menu bug. -New cheat option to bypass puzzles and certain minigames -Remake of 9 animations from 0.1
v0.6: -New Feature: Quickly cycle between courtesan train/CCTV menus by clicking on the sides of the screen -Courtesan Catalogue added to the reception at night -Content Filter option -Porn event for Nicole -Bar FFFM Foursome event -Residential complex: random heir events -New song added to the soundtrack -Fixed Sophia bugs/errors -Fixed STATS screen bug
v0.4: - Room visit feature: Unlocked in Rank C. You can now visit the courtesans in their rooms to get to know them better. - Relationship level: Talk to the courtesans and give them the right gifts to increase your R level. - 14 casual sex animations for R level 2. - Content poll winner: R level 2 event for Caroline and Julia. - Gift system: Businesses that are being managed by you will generate unique gifts every week. Give them to your courtesans to increase their R level. - Android version: New "Hide" button to hide the UI
v0.3: - 2 new unlockable D rank courtesans: Ayaka and Hannah. - New events for Ayaka and Hannah - New district with 3 competing businesses. - New Facility: the Restaurant. Upgrades: Kitchen and Special Service - Legal Dispute Rework: Now it's a high-risk, high-reward battle card game. You can collect new cards and add them to your basic deck. - Content checklist in "Help" section that shows what content is available for the current update. - Overhaul of the Stock Trading in Portfolio: >Fixed stock numbers being displayed incorrectly >Bailouts have been adjusted to prevent business from failing repeatedly. >Bubble burst mechanic: stagnated and overpriced stocks can now be slashed in half, resulting in maximum profits for those who invested in their competitors. - 4 new CCTV animations for the 0.1 girls - You can now increase the business grade in greater increments. Business grade limit and upkeep now scales based on you business level. - Fixed Investment bug where Revenue was being displayed incorrectly. - Continuation of the Julia event (unique animation and CGs) - Vacation Feature: Fast forward the game after opening your company. - New update button in the office to fix older saves.
v0.2: - Quick Train Mode: new option to skip training animations. - Added "thousands separators" to make numbers more legible (1000000 will now read as 1,000,000). - Gloryhole Bootcamp: a new alternative for training courtesans based on RNG. - New event chain for the Nightclub + Threesome animation. - Remade 3 Rank C animations (Caroline G, Zoe G, Nicole A). - Now you can travel to and from the office using the world map button. - Going to the gym is now more expensive. - Max Energy Stat can now decay over time (-5 every week until 100). - Tutorials for the Target System and the Company have been added. - Busy system: courtesans can become unavailable during the day if they are busy doing something else. - Updated Renpy Engine to the latest version. - Fixed a bug where you could get negative alternative EXP points. - Fixed a bug where you could get stuck when clicking on the STATS button.
v0.1 Initial Release
13-12-2024 была обновлена русская и английская версия игры Brothel Megacorporation.
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