Chapters 35 & 36 [release 01/13/25] - Maddy's past is revealed. All the pieces of the puzzle comes together. Jehannes sneaks through the Vatican, the MC takes Maddy to the infirmary to heal her. And takes charge of the team.
Chapters 33 & 34 [release 05/11/24] - Countdown to the end. Jehanne's rampage.
Chapters 31 & 32 [release 02/08/24] - The team prepares for Armageddon.
Chapters 29 & 30 [release 06/10/24] - The beginning of the end.
Chapter 28 [release 04/02/24] - MC completes his training. - Jehannes path of revenge. - Jennifer's vigil.
Chapter 27 [release 03/02/24] - Sadie learns to shoot. - Sadie assumes her destiny. - Fixed some of the ring loading mechanics going back to the beginning of the game. Does not affect past saves.
Chapter 26 [release 02/02/24] - Maddy changes the paths of futures past. - Jehannes one woman war continues. - Finding Heronius.
Chapter 25 [release 01/02/24] - Jehannes. Deadly AND smart. - I'm telling you, I can fight! - Breaking through to Sadie.
Chapter 24 [release 12/02/23] - A timeless love. - You can't fool a healer. - The Great Game.
Chapter 23 [release 11/07/23] - Jehannes heart of vengeance. - Learning to fight. - Tilly gets bored.
Chapter 22 [release 10/02/23] - Last stand (part 2) - Keep the Faith - Where has all the time gone?
Chapter 21 [release 09/02/23] - The Pope is no more. - Trust issues. - The trouble with Healers - Last stand (part 1)
Chapter 20 [release 08/05/23] - The trouble with popes. - An unexpected guest. - Celine's story. - Tunnel vision.
Chapter 19 [release 07/03/23] - Trouble at the Vatican part III - We must stop her. - Jehannes kicks ass. - Where is the Pope?
Chapter 18 [release 06/02/23] - Trouble at the Vatican part II - Finding Heronius. - Sister Martine, Champion of the Light. - Betrayed!
Lots of tweaks applied to the entire game, including :
- Added an on screen PLAY button before each animation. So you know when some animated stuff is going to happen. - Removed almost all the hard-pauses in the game. Especially on the animations. - Re-mastered Jehannes first fight scene in the abandoned building. - Corrected and tweaked Karina's dialogue and she no longer uses contractions. Makes her a little more foreign sounding. - Fixed the mis-matched on some of the magic spells & their sound effects. - Removed the text during the magic spells, except for the first time or two they occur. - Tweaked the dialogue and fixed a few typos throughout the game. - Corrected the spelling of MISERICORDAE to MISERICORDIAE. Because yes, there actually really are people out there that speak Latin. Thanks for pointing it out. - Added an adults only confirmation when STARTing the game. - New splash screen. Hey, U guys like it? - Removed showing a picture of the ring every time you power it up, except for the first couple of instances. - Changed some of the ring power mechanics, especially at the beginning of the game.
Chapter 17 [release 05/02/23] - Never lie to a Healer. - Karina's new rig. - Trouble at the Vatican
Chapter 16 [release 04/02/23] - Taking charge. The MC assumes his leadership role during their very first mission briefing. - The Gardens of the Nephilm. Maddy takes our hero to the visit the Grey Lady, but all does not go as planned. She Who Walks in Twilight has her own ideas... - Doesn't that hurt? After returning to the Bunker, the MC heads to the bathrooms and learns exactly how brutal their training has become.
*Ch. 16 contains a shower scene with Celine, and an optional bust in on Karina in the bathroom stall scene.
Chapter 15 [release 03/02/23] - Maddy has second thoughts. Inquisitor Madelaine isn't sure if she made the right choice concerning Sadie's fate. * You have the chance to go back and change it... IF you decided to follow Maddy in chapter 14. - Voyeurism. Tilly and Karina take a break from the Armory to go spy on you and Sister Francine. - Safety first. Tilly, Karina and you have fun at the gun range.
* Chapter 15 is where the story hits it's first main branch: Do you enlist Sadie, or let her go her own way? There is an optional sex scene, where Tilly and Karina watch Francine pleasing you. Or not, depending on your game choices.
Chapter 14 [release 02/02/23] - I should stick with guns. Tilly stumbles across a weapons cache in the armory. - Please don't send her to the Hospital. Francine is desperate to keep Sadie under her care. - Meet the Shredder. Tilly and Karina hang out in the armory and play with their new toys.
Chapter 13 [release 01/02/23] - Full circle. Inquisitor Madelaine explains what she knows. And why she's older than she should be. - Beware of the Wendigo. Shower scene with Tilly, Karina and Celine. - A broken mind. Med bay scene with Celine, Sadie and Francine.
Chapter 12 - Fight or Die [release12/05/22] - Corned! - Fight for survival - Maddy's dilema - 300 stills - 20 animations - About 20 minutes play time
Chapter 11 - Sadie's Sacrifice [release11/02/22] - Fighting the Wendigo - Sensing Evil - Finding Jennifer - Sadie's sacrifice. - 240+ stills - Couple dozen animations - About 20 minutes play time
Chapter 10 - Endless War [release10/02/22] - Maddy endless war - Tilly, Francine and Karina are sworn in. - The truth about the Cathedral Notre Dame fire. - Killing red-heads. - 270+ stills - Couple dozen animations - About 30 minutes play time
Chapter 9 - Saving Maddy [release 09/02/22] - Maddy's broken. - Shopping with Tilly and Karina. - Endless war. - 230+ stills - 22 animations
Chapter 8 - Saving Maddy [release 08/02/22] - Sadie gets a job - Two sides of the same coin. - Saving Maddy. - 200+ stills - 20 animations
Chapter 7 - Pandora's Box, the conclusion [release 07/08/22] - Sadie's sugar rush. - Meet Sadie's mother. - Sadie's mother has a dark secret. - 223 stills - 18 animations
There is an issue that some players will encounter with restoring SOME of their past saves. This has been an ongoing issue with the game, and has now been resolved. Starting with this release. Which of course doesn't solve the problem that occurs in previous updates. Because I couldn't figure out a way to do it without destroying ALL past saves. So... one last time... you may or may not have trouble loading previously saved games.
Chapter VI - Pandora's Box continued [release 06/02/22]
- New undercroft scene - It's all about the ring. - New Coffee shop scene with Danny - X ray vision. - New Loft scene - Sister Francine hot tub hand job. - New game feature - optional - disable/fade text box. Available in Preferences. - New game feature - optional - dialogue text borders small/medium/large. - 249 stills - 26 animations - About 30 minutes game play. - Fixed a few dozen typo's and spelling mistakes throughout the entire game. - Fixed a bug where Danny's LEPOS bar wouldn't disappear if you chose the second path.
Chapter V - Pandora's Box continued [release 05/02/22]
- The MC continues learning about his new new found powers. - New Transportarium scene with Sister Karina. - New Undercroft scene with Sister Francine. - New Sacristy scene MC studying the Book of Ptomely. - New Loft scene with Sisters Francine, Tilly and Karina. - About 250 renders and a dozen animations. - Aprox 30 minutes game play
Chapter IV - Pandora's Box [release 04/02/22]
- The MC starts figuring everything out and begins wielding his new found powers. - New Undercroft scene. - New Transportarium scene. - New Memory scene with Karina. - 190 renders, 12 animations. - About 20-25 minutes game play. - Fixed restoring past saves issue.
Chapter III - Through the Looking Glass [release 03/15/22]
- Introducing three new Sorores Misericordae. Francine (healer), Karina (computer hacker) and Tilly, a true believer. - 250'ish renders and a half dozen animations. - New location Transportarium. With a mysterious gate. And it's very own creepy church music. :) - Fixed the introduction to the chapters, now it's obvious when a chapter ends and the next one begins. - Introducing new magic. Healing. - New dream sequence. - Aprox 30 minutes game play.
Chapter II - Down the Rabbit Hole [release 03/02/02]
- Uh, don't want to give the story away so just go play it. Shit happens, and then some more shit happens. Followed by some extra stuff happening. Something like 25 minutes play time.
- Introducing new Character Sadie. - Changed some of the LEPOS graphics that read LIKE instead of LEPOS. - Changed the fonts for the Characters names, and shrunk down the dialogue font a tiny bit. - And got rid of the red box around the Character names. - Redid a few of the renders from Chapter I that were a little wonky. - Ability to max out Sadie's LEPOS points, if you make the right choices. Shouldn't be that hard. :) - Score extra LEPOS points with Danny.
Chapter I - into Darkness [initial release 01/23/02]
You are dragged into an ancient Church conspiracy. Meet the main characters, learn about the murder, the book and the ring. And the Grey Lady.
14-01-2025 была обновлена английская версия игры A Fathers Sins.
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