Мужчина возвращается в свой родной город, чтобы провести некоторое время в тишине после окончания учебы. Там он встретит старых знакомых и новых друзей, а также встречу, которая может изменить его жизнь.
Added 3 lust scenes with Dolla Added 3 affection scenes with Dolla Added one new animation with Dolla Added Dolla's room Added Fauna's room Now the looks in the rooms say different things depending on if there is someone there Now there is a clock to pass time without having to go to the room Slightly changed some of Fauna's dialogue to make more sense Remove the gui within the scenes The second affection scene of Fauna now takes place in her room Added different clothes for the Lust scenes with Fauna Added different clothes for the Lust scenes with Dolla ---------------------------------------------------------- BUGFIXES
Fixed the Dolla talks Fixed the images of the living room when no one was there Fixed the error when you went with Hana to the mall, and some dialogues did not appear if you bought the dress. Fixed images of Hana in the kitchen when you stroked her tail. Typos correction Fixed a problem with Lily's house in the mornings Fixed an issue when you stroked Hana's tail in the kitchen and she sent you to her room
Added 10 trust scenes with Dolla Added 3 lust scenes with Dolla Now the looks in the rooms say different things depending on if there is someone there Now there is a clock to pass time without having to go to the room Slightly changed some of Fauna's dialogue to make more sense Remove the gui within the scenes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUGFIXES Fixed the Dolla talks Fixed the images of the living room when no one was there Fixed the error when you went with Hana to the mall, and some dialogues did not appear if you bought the dress. Fixed images of Hana in the kitchen when you stroked her tail. Typos correction Fixed a problem with Lily's house in the mornings Fixed an issue when you stroked Hana's tail in the kitchen and she sent you to her room
The inventory works now! Rina fifth lust scene has been remade Farm intro remade Dolla Talks remade Dolla Hang out remade Fauna Talks remade Fauna Hang-outs remade Added 10 trust scenes with Fauna Added 5 affection scenes with Fauna Added 2 new affection animations with Fauna The 2 lust scenes with Fauna have been remade New option of clothing for Fauna in lust scenes Now you can repeat Lily's second lust scene at her house Now you can pet Hana's tail in her room and in the kitchen Fauna Affection bonus added Fauna Trust Bonus added ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUGFIXES Fixed the animations of Rina's headpats Fixed the animations of Rina's caress cheeks Fixed the problem where you can talk to Lily even when she was angry Now the sleep button all day and sleep do the same thing Lily's action button in the store now appears only if there is an action to perform Fixed the bug where Rina's fifth affection scene could occur with less than 20 affection The game now correctly says that Hana's third lust scene can be repeated Fixed an issue where you couldn't talk to Lily on weekends
CHANGELOG: The inventory works now! Rina fifth lust scene has been remade Farm intro remade Dolla Talks remade Dolla Hang out remade Fauna Talks Remade Added 10 trust scenes with Fauna Added 5 affection scenes with Fauna Added 2 new affection animations with Fauna Added 1 new lust animation with Fauna The 2 lust scenes with Fauna have been remade New option of clothing for Fauna in lust scenes
BUGFIXES Fixed the animations of Rina's headpats Fixed the animations of Rina's caress cheeks Fixed the problem where you can talk to Lily even when she was angry
CHANGELOG: Spanish translation added! Breakfast with Rina has been redone Breakfast with Hana and Rina has been redone You can now hang out with Hana and Rina at a certain point in the living room Added the three bonus scenes of Rina's first heart ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Massive typos fix Breakfast with Rina fixed Fixed a bug in Rina's gallery
CHANGELOG: Rina model slightly changed The clothing store in the mall has been changed The images in Rina's gallery has been changed The entire Rina story has been remade to made more sense Added 10 trust scenes with Rina Added 5 affection scenes with Lily Four existing lust scenes with Rina have been improved The headpats with Rina has been improved One new affection animation with Rina Added different clothes to the lust scenes with Rina The diary of Rina should work now ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Fixed a bug in Lily's diary
CHANGELOG: Added 3 bonus scenes for Lily ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Fixed Hana's action menu The game now correctly indicates when Hana's lust bonus scene has been activated
CHANGELOG: Lily model slightly changed Tara model slightly changed The entire Lily story has been remade to made more sense All the animations with Lily have been improved Added 10 trust scenes with Lily Added 5 affection scenes with Lily The three existing lust scenes with Lily have been improved Three new animations with Lily Added variations to the massage with Lily The diary of Lily should work now ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Fixed some typos Fixed a bug when buying something from Lily Fixed a bug with Rina's date Fixed a bug with Lily's second hang out in the shop Fixed the problem of not being able to advance with her route if you refused to scratch Lily's ears
CHANGELOG: Added 3 bonus scenes for Hana Added a new outfit for Hana Breakfast with Hana has been redone Changed the images of Hana in the gallery and diary New headpat animation with Hana at heart two ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Fixed a bug in the mall Fixed an issue where the dinning room would not display the correct time of day Fixed an issue where Hana's room would not display the correct time of day Fixed a bug in Hana's gallery where the scenes were not displaying correctly. You can repeat the titjob now Fixed a problem with the menu of the breakfast
CHANGELOG: Starting with this update, many parts of the game will be redone. The intro has been remade All the route of Hana has been remade Hana model changed Billy model changed All the animations with Hana have been improved Added 10 trust scenes with Hana. Added 5 affection scenes with Hana The three existing lust scenes with Hana have been improved The headpats with Hana have been improved Hana's tail petting has been improved. Hana will change both in the house and in the talks once you finish her first heart The diary of Hana should work now The Spanish translation has been disabled for now ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Fixed some typos Fixed a problem when stroking Fauna's horns Fixed bugs with Rina's diary Fixed more bugs with the new flags Fixed a bug with Hana's gallery
CHANGELOG: Added a new scene with Rina Remade the handjob with Rina Clothes variations added to some scenes with Rina Added the mall Added the park A few events with Rina The size of the game has been reduced, without losing quality ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Fixed a bug in the gallery with Rina Fixed some Tipos Fixed many bugs
CHANGELOG: Two events with Rina Two small events with Rina One new scene with Rina Changed the map so it makes more sense ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Fixed a scene with Fauna Correction of typos Fixed the map
CHANGELOG: Changed the way you move around the farm You can hang out with Tara in the bakery You can hang out with Fauna and Dolla in the evening Now you can sleep the whole day in the room More story with Fauna 2 scenes with Fauna 1 action with Fauna ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES Fixed plenty of bugs Fixed lots of typos Fixed a bug in the gallery with Dolla
v0.3.2 CHANGELOG: Changed Lily's animations in the shop Four events with Lily Two new scenes with Lily A new character and a new location! BUGFIXES Fixed a scene with Rina in the morning Fixed a bug when talking with Fauna Fixed some typos Fixed some problems with the Spanish version ------------------------------------------------------------------------
v0.3.1 Public Now you can have breakfast with Hana and Rina You can hang out with Hana and Rina in the Living Room A new scene with Rina in the shower BUGFIXES Fixed the journal (For now at least) Some typos corrected Fixed the scene with Rina in the shower v0.3 CHANGELOG: 1 action with Lily 1 new scene Two new characters! The farm is added!
BUGFIXES Some typos fixed Fixed the gallery Fixed some problems with the Hang outs with Lily The android version was too heavy to work, so at the moment there is only the compressed version ------------------------------------------------------------------------
v0.2.2 1 scene with Hana 1 event with Hana You can have breakfast with Hana and Rina now Lily is now at her house on the weekends
V0.2.1 CHANGELOG: 1 more hour added to the day Lily's house added 3 actions with Lily 1 scene with Lily ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The hints weren't displaying correctly, they should work now though they need more work Stats were not displayed correctly when reaching a certain level Some scenes with Rina could happen sooner than they should
V0.2 The intro of the game is the same but there have been many changes, so I recommend starting from scratch to avoid errors
CHANGELOG: Changed the story of Rina so it makes more sense More choices added 1 scene with Rina if you use the tail of Hana a few times Now you can repeat the tailjob with Hana The diary now shows hints about each stat Lily is now in the game! Although there are only a few events with her Android version added ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUGFIXES: Typos correction A lot of bugfixes, specially with Rina There was a problem with the new scene with Rina Fixed some stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHANGELOG: You can now raise Hana's Trust to 20, which will make the talk and hang out different You can now headpat Hana 1 scene with Hana if you keep touching her tail You can ask 1 action to Rina
v0.1.1 Now the hearts of the stats gradually fill up as they go up If you have decided to follow Rina's story, her talk and hang out will be different. 1 action with Hana 1 scene with Hana
BUGFIXES: Typos correction The diary now display hints correctly
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