Конец света не наступил с библейской серой и огнем. Или с треском. Или астероид, врезающийся в Землю. Это произошло со вспышкой, и когда этот яркий свет померк, все перестало существовать. Главный герой (ваше собственное имя) просыпается и обнаруживает себя в Промежуточном царстве, которое существует между старым миром и новым. Вскоре он натыкается на Миру, Антре - метафизическое существо, посланное ему на помощь. От нее он узнает, что он здесь для того, чтобы помогать тем, кому еще предстоит должным образом двигаться дальше. Поскольку эти оставшиеся в живых люди отчаянно цепляются за воспоминания о своих прежних жизнях, он должен помочь им смириться с их существованием, все время узнавая о причине своей собственной ситуации.
v0.31.0 New story for Selene (END), Allison (END), No One(END), Anya (END), Anita/Marisa Combo, Robin/Tina Combo Fix issue where Tina Choice is not available after Story 19 when Kaitlin's story is done Fix issue with Ending Choice screen where you don't need to have Roe as lover to get her option Fix issue where Kara Combo scene triggers after she leaves the Interim
v0.30.0 New story for Robin (END), Kara (END), Apollyon (END), Mira (END), Sammy (END), Natalie (10, END) Typos and grammatical issues Fix issue where difficulty choice doesn't work from main menu v0.29.0 New story for Anita (END), Marisa (END), Roe (END), Sammy (24, 25), Kara (10), Natalie (9) Continuity update: Added in code to remove scenes/mentions of Kara in Marisa Story 14-15, 17-19, 21 if you have ended Kara's Story Add in code in Replay Gallery to allow users to see Anita variants in Marisa's Story Fixed code issue where the wrong animations play during Sammy's Story 17 in hotel room Fixed a code issue where an Elsewhere scene ending sends you to Mina's Story Continuity update: Removed mention in Robin's Story about Ifuma affecting Susan if it's late in the game Continuity update: Removed the ability to see Tina Story 20 if Kaitlin is mad at you (Story 91/20) Added a difficulty screen and the option to reduce Qi requirements for ending. Also readjusted Normal ending requirements v0.28.1 Hey everyone, it's been brought to our attention that you don't get Qi from ending Robin's story, so we've whipped together a fix. Sorry for the inconvenience v0.28.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Tina (END), Anita (25), Marisa (25), Roe (25), Robin (25), Sammy (22, 23), Natalie (7, 8), Saaya (END) Continuity update: Added in code to remove scenes/mentions of Bud in Tina Story 7 if you get to a certain point in Sammy's Story Continuity update: Added in code to remove scenes/mentions of Robin in Tina's storyline if you end her story. Continuity update: Added in code to remove scenes/mentions of Marisa/Anita in each others storylines if you end their stories. Continuity update: Added in code to remove scenes/mentions of Kaitlin in Tina's Story 20 if you end her story. Add Story Replay Mode
v0.27.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Tina (24, 25), Anita (24), Marisa (24), Roe (24), Robin (24), Sammy (21), Natalie (6), Kara (10) Continuity update: Added in code to remove scenes/mentions with Tina in Marisa Story 15, 18 if you ended Tina's Story. Continuity update: Added in code to remove mention of Tina in Natalie Story 1 if you ended Tina's Story. Continuity update: Added in code to remove scenes with Tina in Roe Story 17 if you ended Tina's Story. Continuity update: Added in code to remove mention with Tina in Sammy Story 8 if you ended Tina's Story. Continuity update: Added in code to alter/remove scenes with Tina in Robin Story 8 if you ended Tina's Story or progressed too far along in Sammy's story. Continuity update: Added in code to remove mention/alter scenes with Tina in Robin's Story 9-23 if you ended Tina's Story. Adjust formulas for Qi (Kaitlin, Saaya, Mina) v0.26.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (25), Tina (23), Anita (23), Marisa (23), Roe (23), Robin (23), Sammy (20), Natalie (5), Kara (9) Fix additional typos and grammatical errors Fixed code that had Saaya combo scenes showing up too late in her story Continuity update: Added in code to disable progressing Robin's Story past 7 if you've progressed Sammy's Story past 17 (temporary). Continuity update: Added in code to disable progressing Tina's Story past 6 if you've progressed Sammy's Story past 17. Continuity update: Added in code to remove scene with Kaitlin in Tina Story 9 and 14 if you ended Kaitlin's Story. Continuity update: Added in code to remove scene with Kaitlin in Anita Story 7 if you ended Kaitlin's Story. Continuity update: Added in code to remove scenes with Kaitlin in Saaya Story 1, 6, 8 and 9 if you ended Kaitlin's Story. v0.25.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (24), Tina (22), Anita (22), Roe (22), Robin (22), Sammy (19), Natalie (3, 4) Fix additional typos and grammatical errors Fixed code that had Saaya combo scenes showing up too late in her story v0.24.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (23), Anita (21), Marisa (21), Robin (21), Allison (15), Kara (8), Natalie (21) Fix additional typos and grammatical errors v0.23.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Anita (20), Marisa (21), Robin (20), Roe (21), Sammy (18), Allison (14), Kara (7), Natalie (1) Fixed missing code that deducts Qi from saving Remnant (if you did it before this release, congrats you get to keep that 40 Qi) Added code to bring back girls who've gone Remnant Fixed audio issue with Sammy's Hot Tub scene in gallery
v0.22.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (22), Anita (19), Tina (20), Marisa (20), Robin (19), Roe (20), Sammy (17), Allison (13), Kara (6) Fixed typos and grammar errors Fixed issue with Saaya code in Selife gallery page Continuity error where you can get Saaya's threesome after she's gone Added Subscribestar links Add in Qi and Day options in the Character menu Add in code to fix Elsewhere scene where MC runs across Apollyon coming up well after you've met her 0.21.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (21), Anita (19), Tina (18), Marisa (19), Robin (18), Roe (19), Sammy (16), Allison (12), Kara (5) Fixed typos and grammar errors Fixed missing code that deducts Qi from saving Remnant (if you did it before this release, congrats you get to keep that 40 Qi) v0.20.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (20), Anita (18), Tina (18), Marisa (18), Robin (17), Roe (18), Sammy (15), Allison (11), Saaya (11) Fixed typos and grammar errors Fixed name error in Other scene with Roe and Sammy that labels Roe as Robin Fixed image error in Selfie Gallery for Tina/Robin threesome selfie v0.19.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (19), Anita (17), Tina (17), Marisa (17), Robin (16), Roe (17), Sammy (14), Allison (10), Kara (4) Fixed typos and grammar errors Fixed continuity issue with Anita story 16 if you chose not to have sexy events in Anita Story 15 Fix error in the gallery where Roe/Sammy selfie hover/idle images are swapped
v0.18.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (18), Anita (16), Tina (16), Marisa (16), Robin (15), Roe (16), Sammy (13), Allison (9), Kara (3) Fixed continuity issue with Kaitlin scene in Anita story Removed one audio track due to it being too similar to another Fixed a missing text flag in Ch13 about Apollyon Continuity issue with Roe/Bud/Sammy Continuity fix for Elsewhere scene with Apollyon before Michael meets her v0.17.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (17), Anita (15), Tina (15), Marisa (15), Robin (14), Roe (15), Sammy (12), Allison (8), Kara (2) Fixed typos and grammar errors Added new audio and coded it into older scenes Fixed coding with Mina choice showing up two options at once Fixed image error in Roe story 8 where image scale is 2x what it should be v0.16.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (16), Anita (14), Tina (14), Marisa (14), Robin (13), Roe (14), Sammy (11), Allison (7), Saaya (8), Kara (1) Fixed typos and grammar errors Added new audio. v0.15.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (15), Anita (13), Tina (13), Marisa (13), Robin (12), Roe (13), Sammy (10), Allison (6), Saaya (7) Added code for when the choice menu exceeds 10 options Fixed typos and grammar errors Updated emojis Continuity cleanup Mira/Mina Added new audio. Cleaned up define code for some regularly-used effects. v0.14.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (14), Anita (12), Tina (12), Marisa (12), Robin (11), Roe (12), Sammy (9), Allison (6), Saaya (6) Added new audio. Cleaned up define code for some regularly-used effects. Fixed typos and grammar errors v0.13.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (13), Anita (11), Tina (11), Marisa (11), Robin (10), Roe (11), Sammy (8), Allison (5), Saaya (5) Added Selfie gallery Revised UI for text message conversations Fixed typos and grammar errors v0.12.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (12), Anita (10), Tina (10), Marisa (10), Robin (9), Roe (10), Sammy (6, 7), Allison (4), Saaya (4) Added code for when the choice menu exceeds 10 options Fixed typos and grammar errors Fixed a sound effect in Roe's Story 8 that never ends. v0.11.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (11), Mina (9*), Anita (9), Tina (9), Marisa (9), Robin (8), Roe (9), Sammy (5), Allison (3), Saaya (3) Added code for when the choice menu exceeds 10 options Fixed typos and grammar errors
v0.10.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (10), Mina (8*), Anita (8), Tina (8), Marisa (8), Robin (7), Roe (8), Sammy (4), Allison (2), Saaya (2) Tweaked menu options for players when in a replay from the gallery (the character screen provides no data) Fixed typos and grammar errors Fixed missing audio tags in Robin (6) and Marisa (6) where sound effects don't stop
v0.09.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (9), Anita (7), Tina (7), Marisa (7), Robin (6), Roe (7), Sammy (2-3), Allison (1), ???(1) Fixed typos and grammar errors Fixed some thought-color coding for Marisa other scenes/changed the color for Roe to improve legibility
v0.08.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (8), Mina (6), Roe (6), Robin (5), Marisa (5, Bad End), Anita (6), Tina (6), & Sammy (1) Fixed error where Mina Love points not displaying in the Character screen Fixed an error where Robin is listed as Roe in (4) Added new audio tracks for morning, late night, and additional sexy-times track (for future content).
v0.07.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (7), Mina (5, Bad End), Roe (5), Robin (4), Marisa (5), Anita (5), & Tina (5) Fix an error where Anya is listed as Anita in Kaitlin (6). Fix an error where you don't get the flag for going to the ramen shop with Mina Add End Replay button to gallery replays Added Flash Purple effect for certain transitions. Edited one song to remove seven seconds of dead silence in the intro.
v0.06.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (5-6), Roe (4, *), Marisa (4), Tina (4), Anita (4), Robin (2-3), Mina (*) Fix a small bit of code for the Elsewhere scenes where two didn't immediately return back to main story on completion
v0.50 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin (#4), Mina (#5), Tina (#3), Roe (#3), Marisa (#2-#3), Anita (#3), and Robin (#1) Changed daytime theme music Added the option to turn off/on in-game warning messages
Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin, Min, Tina, Roe, Marisa, and Anita Changed office theme music Added code for Gallery plus one unlockable scene
v0.03.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin, Min, Tina, and Anita Updated backend code to improve moving from main story to side story content and back while reducing excess code
v0.02.0 Added new main story scenes New story for Kaitlin and Mina Added a character stats screen Added a hide button for the Android build
v0.01.0 first release
22-11-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры The Interim Domain.
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