Эта игра дает вам возможность взять на себя роль обычного парня, который попадает в мир Наруто по любопытной случайности. Что с ним будет в этом мире, решать только вам! Вы сможете взаимодействовать со знакомыми персонажами, выбирать сюжет, что повлияет на ваш игровой опыт.
v0.31 New 18+ Scenes, New Cutscenes. Animated scenes. Wet Sleep compartment scene. New ‘Multiverse 18+’ section.
v0.30 Continuation of the Sakura branch. Branching the plot into different endings. Animations of 18+ scenes.
v0.28 Continuation of the Sakura branch. Be warned, there are several branching off to future story routes in this update.
v0.27 Continuing with the Sakura branch. This time we have a bit more 18+ scenes, all of them with animations.
v0.26 And so guys, update 0.26 is bigger than previous updates. First of all, the Mirai/Kurenai branch is improved, and significantly. In the previous public version due to inattention, there was a small amount of content available, now this has been fixed. MUST replay the branch Mirai and Kurenai, there will be complete endings, animations and a lot of new things.
Also the basis of the update was the continuation of the Sakura branch, mainly 0.26 is dedicated to the continuation of the Sakura branch, but do not forget about the new Mirai/Kurenai content.
v0.25 Version 0.25 is the final update to the Mirai/Kurenai story. What do we have? Firstly, 2 global endings that completely end both the branch and the story as a whole. Alternate sex scenes both with Mirai solo and with Mirai and Kurenai together, all depending on your answers in dialogues in past updates. As well as how the story ends for you.
v0.24 Progress on the branch with Kurenai/Mirai One of the global endings of the Mirai/Kurenai branch. New scenes New animations The new wet dream scene
Pre final update to the Mirai/Kurenai branch. Be careful, one of the global endings is available in this update. You will see a new character that will appear in the global story later on. If you suddenly don't see the global ending, replay 0.22-0.23, the decisions in these updates determine which endings you get to. This applies not only to update 0.24, but also 0.25, which will be the final Mirai/Kurenai branch.
v0.23 Progress on the branch with Kurenai/Mirai Two new branching branches that lead to different endings New scenes New animations The new wet dream scene
v0.22 Progress on the branch with Sakura New scenes in the training room New collectible card New scenes New animations
v0.21 Progress on the Sakura branch. New "Wet Dream" scene New animations New scenes
v0.20 Progress on Sakura's storyline New 18+ scenes New Sakura card New scenes in the training room
v0.19 Progress on the Sakura branch New scenes in the training room New scenes New collector's card Tsunade model, scenes with Tsunade
v0.18 Public Second update in the Kurenai/Mirai branch New animations new scenes
v0.17 Public First update in the Kurenai/Mirai branch new card New animations new scenes
v0.16 Public Progress in the branch with Sakura New scenes in the training room +3 New animations new scenes
v0.15 Public New animations New scenes New Feature - Training Room Progress in the Sakura branch
v0.14 Public The beginning of the global branching of storylines New animations New scenes Updated figures of Kamiko and Hinata New main menu The beginning of the storyline with Sakura
v0.13 Public The beginning of a new storyline. New animations New scenes New Kage in the shinobi wall New collector card
v0.12 End of romance Two endings in the romance branch Animated 18+ scenes New collectible card
v0.11.5 - The End of the Path of Corruption with Hinata. - Animated 18+ scenes for the Path of Corruption. - New Kage in the title wall. - Two development paths for the "Corruption" branch, with a bad ending and a good one. - Added the ability to hide the interface on android
v0.4 •Expand the storyline with Hinata (A -corruption) •New scenes •New animations •Ability visualization work done
v0.3 •Expand the storyline with Hinata •New scenes •Sound work done in 18+ scenes •New animations •Two ways to develop relationships
v0.2 • New scenes and art • Scene animation • Phone added •Story advancement
v0.1 Released.
4-02-2025 была обновлена русская и английская версия игры Naruto: Shinobi Lord.
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