В этой истории вы - молодой специалист по психологии, который умудряется потерять работу, свою девушку и жилье всего за два месяца и вынужден вернуться к своей семье: горячей соблазнительной милфе-медсестре за 40 и ее двум дочерям (обеим старше 18 лет, естественно).
Старшая дочь, похоже, ненавидит тебя до глубины души, одевается в готическом стиле, носит длинные темные ногти и имеет самую круглую и сексуальную большую задницу, которую ты когда-либо видел в своей жизни. Младшая сестра гораздо более наивная, милая, милая и добрая. Она очень близка вам, любит конфеты, мягкие игрушки и розовый цвет. Ее свежая миниатюрная грудь постоянно отвлекает вас от того, чтобы помочь ей сделать домашнее задание.
Фортуна позволяет вам познакомиться с местным гипнотерапевтом, и, будучи выпускником факультета психологии, вас нанимают в качестве ее ассистента. Каждый день вы наблюдаете, как она гипнотизирует своих пациентов. Чем больше вы видите, как она это делает, тем более заманчивым становится загипнотизировать женщин дома, чтобы они стали вашими и только вашими...
Episode 2 - v0.015 - Fuck Mom's tits with her eyes open and have Helen lick your cum off them. - Choose whether you want Mom to be your exclusive lover or the family's fucktoy.
Episode 2 - v0.010 bugfix 2 - Finally fixed kitchen table scenes for good - Made game over paths optional in settings - Changeable MC name by popular request
Episode 2 - v0.010 bugfix - Fixed the bug with kitchen table scenes, please redownload
Episode 2 - v0.10 - Fuck conscious Helen and make her your accomplice in corrupting the family. - Decide if Lucy will be your devoted lover or personal slut; includes an intense eye contact blowjob. - Includes all scenes from Episode 1 - Saves are 100% compatible - Bugfixes for Episode 1 - Now playable online in compressed format on itch.io
Episode 1 - v1.00 - end of episode 1 (WARNING: will have to change to AI art in next one, due to financial constrains) - mind-break scene with Helen, including juicy blowjob, deepthroat, awake, no hypnosis - ragdoll mouthfuck Lucy and cum down her throat or all over her - Fuck your unconscious mom's tits and then her moist pussy
v0.33 - a short but juicy update to finish day 7, where Alex hypnotizes, molests, and undresses his mom, eats her pussy and makes her cum. - bugfixes with the remains of custom names and scrolling scenes in the gallery have been fixed
v0.32 - Added new scenes featuring hypnotized Helen and Lucy - Choose from various route options for Helen - Enjoy Lucy's seductive cunt play under your hypnotic influence - Pubic hair option for Tilda in Day 6 (hair or no hair) - Official custom MC name changed to Alex - Minor improvements and bug fixes
v0.31 - Full mind control scene with MC making a woman (not family member) submit to him and eventually support him financially with her husband's money - Full graphic illustration of phone call between Stella and MC, when she drives to her mom's - This marks the end of Part 1 of the game, where MC is still not in full "corrupt my family" mode. Starting from the next game day, he will focus solely on corrupting the girls in the family, making them his and only his, until they are all under his control, then he will choose a route and main girl for Part 3. - Small bugfixes
v0.30 - New Mom scene added - New Lucy scene added - Scene replay gallery, where any sexual event can be watched over and over again - Now pubic hair in all sex scenes can be turned on and off in settings (everyone but Lucy - she shaves her snatch clean) - By popular demand fast Game Overs now don't send you to title screen, but back to the moment you can make another choice - Game Overs that are very long now have warnings when to save the game and if game over is reached, a hint is shown. - All bugs around webcam placement are fixed
v0.29 - All art and writing finally remade and absolutely new content added - Day 4 and Day 5 finished - Stella vs Mom drunk harassment scene - Helen hypnosis scene with first route choice (Sub vs Perv) - Mom hypnosis scene wth first route choice (Love vs Harem) - Multiple ways to screw up and get a game over (Sorry, that's how this game goes: nod to old Sierra adventure games)
- Day 3 finished - Masturbation and squirting scene with mom - MC's dream including all three girls pregnant + pregnant sex with Lucy - Some additional illustrations
v0.27 Release (one big juicy sex scene added):
- Scene with 14 images of Lucy sucking MC's dick - Plus, please, check out previous release log - we didn't push the post to updates during previous update, considering it not big enough, so many users missed that update
v0.26f Release (minor update, while working on bigger release):
- Many bugs and inconsistencies fixed (thank you forum for feedback) - Added art for Helen Yoga scene - New art for Helen shower scene that features juicier ass (we take memed feedback very seriously) - Minor scenes added that were in the old art version, but were skipped in new one (Lucy hugging MC, MC taking a shower)
v0.26 Release:
- Remade art and writing in Day 1 and Day 2 of the game in full (This includes MC's introduction to hypnotherapy in form of two lewd and saucy clients and his first attempt to hypnotize a family member) - Sex scenes animation removed due to multiple request - A lot of small fixes based on customer feedback
v0.25b Release, MAJOR CHANGES, Complete Rework:
- Completely reworked art in the game, both character sprites - Writing is improved - Animation in Sex scene added - So far only the into is playable but we are working hard on update the rest of the game with new art and writing ASAP
v0.21 Release:
- New game day added. - We finally get to hypnotize the big sister, if you made the right choices previously in the game - Character routes are introduced - you get to choose if you want your big sis to be your sub or just obsessed with you. - MC and younger sister are going out (with new music introduced) - MC gets at peace with his guilty consciousness and makes an interesting voyeuristic choice. - A lot about Mom and Stella (the hypnotist) is revealed while they drink wine at night. Some steamy drama is incoming! - A lot of grammar, punctuation, and typos are fixed.
v0.20 fixed: - replaced "stepson" and "stepmom" with "son" and "mom" in a few places (thank you to forum users for pointing this error out)
v0.20 Release A MAJOR Game Update!
- The game is now openly and unapologetically incest-themed. Roles of mom and sisters are fixed as mom and sisters (no "landlady" and "stepsister" nonsense). The story will reference their incest relationships directly in all juicy details. And we've switched to SubscribeStar since our days on Patreon are probably numbered. - A lot of text is improved and rewritten from the very start to remove plot holes and increase realism. User feedback is taken into account. - Another game day added to the story and the game is now around 20,000 words of text. - The Main Character gets hypnotized for the first time and confronts his true deep hidden desires. - First two bad ends appear in the game. Game over music is also specifically created for this purpose (all soundtrack is exclusive to the game) - We finally see some mom action in RL, not in dreams. - Remaining sandbox elements are removed from the game (navigation in the beginning). Now this game is 100% pure multipath visual novel.
v0.15 Release - 6,000 new words and 37 new illustrations - evening of Day 1 and whole Day 2 written and implemented - two more dream sequences (including a visual homage to another great game from this site) - new client with Stella - first attempts to hypnotize family members
v0.135 Release - very minor changes and bug fixes (thank you everyone on the forum for feedback): - instead of opening a Patreon page automatically at the end of current content, now it's a clickable link - during a scene where the older woman and mc talk to the hypnotherapist about him becoming her assistant, older woman is dressed as a nurse - fixed issues with pc version not running on Linux properly
v0.13 Release
30-01-2025 была обновлена английская версия игры My Hypnotized Family.
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