Меня зовут MC, недавно я переехал из родительского дома в квартиру рядом с моим университетом. В моей жизни все шло отлично, пока.. Однажды я поехала навестить своих родителей, а их там не было. Мои родители внезапно исчезли из ниоткуда... Я пытался дозвониться до них, но телефон был вне досягаемости. Через некоторое время я позвонил в полицию, они задали несколько вопросов и сказали, что будут их искать. Я должен выяснить, что с ними случилось, может быть, кто-то, кто работал с ними, что-то знает, или, может быть, друг? Когда я был ребенком, я всегда спрашивал об их работе, и они всегда говорили мне, что они ученые и работают на правительство, но не более того. Но сейчас я переезжаю в дом старого друга моей мамы, так как у меня нет денег, чтобы платить за аренду. Она живет на другом конце города, я не видел ее с детства, мы были лучшими друзьями с ее дочерью, когда она росла. Возможно, у нас с мамой не сложились хорошие отношения после того, как я вырос, так как я не видел ее так долго, я разговаривал с ней по телефону, так как на данный момент она была единственной в городе., и она, казалось, была не против, чтобы я пожил там какое-то время.
v0.1.3 4 new events 215 new images 9 new animations fixed a bunch of gallery bugs This update has 1 event for Brianne and Giannah, 2 for Aurora, and one more interaction with Sue.
v0.1.2 4 New events 175 New images 13 New animations (most of these are for Sue interaction) Fixed a bug that events that didn't meet the prerequisites do be triggered yet in the event order were being triggered without even showing up in the hint list. v0.1.1 4 new events About 187 New images Around 15 New Animations You can open the phone with the 'Z' key now added some eerie music to Brianne's third event Event system re-written, not many changes for the player but now it's much more readable for me and like half of the size and I can make an event appear only after seeing a list of other events if I want to, also I really had to do it, because after playing the game from the beginning I realized that if you chose like one path of the story to follow, and only follow that, sometimes events that are ahead in other characters would start to appear. I think I'm done with events for Sue for now, next content for her will be more advancement on the schedules(when you see her around the house), some content will be triggered only with certain levels of affection and others corruption, and you would be able to see it all after some time, but this is just and idea for now. v0.1.0 5 New events v0.9 4 New events 107 New Renders 7 New Animations Gallery (Go on the PC there's a icon on the upper right corner) v0.8 - 5 New events - Mostly Susannah and Brianne related - Around 156 new images - 10 New animations
v0.7 Around 130 Images 7 new animations 4 Events - Mostly introductions to a bunch of new characters I believe 7 new characters that I had to prepare. 2 New locations that I prepared fully to have scenes in. Advanced the sleep interaction with Susannah(3 animations here without counting the different speeds and simple low count frame animations) Added a new anal animation for Giannah in the living room at night(You can only see this after her third event in the morning living room) 3 Animations for Debra(New Character) working out at the gym. v0.6 - 6 New events - 4 new animations - Around 170 new renders added - The 2 new Giannah's animations are repeatable after you see their events, you just need to find her in the place of the animation at the right time and day of the week.
v0.5 - More spelling errors fixed - 1 Event only with 2 animations - 5 small animations that are triggered with the schedule system(when you talk to characters on the house) - Started adding some repeatable scenes, so now you can repeat Giannah blowjob scene on the living room at night, and Susannah pool scene - I added some interactions with Giannah when she's wearing her "Nightwear" or pajamas, I'm not really sure about this you guys tell me. The upside is, those interactions can occur anywhere she's wearing the same clothes, otherwise I would just have to render different interactions for every place she's in the house(which would be better, but it just would take more time). - Finished making all the buttons for Sue and Giannah, now I just need to start adding small interactions and animations for them, Susannah will have different actions for every place she is. These interactions are unlocked through playing the game, and they can change their reactions based on what part of the game you are with that character. Here's how to see every new content, I'll put this here, so you don't have to keep looking for it, because for new players in the future they will find them naturally through the gameplay hopefully and there will be much more of these (BTW most of these events will have progressions after some updates).
Giannah: Living room bj repeat: Go to the living room at night after having watched her first event, Only Monday I believe. "Show me your boobs": Only after her first event. "Let's fuck" animation : Only after event 2 Pool sunscreen animation: Only after event 1, Tuesday morning and almost everyday at Noon Pool fuck animation: Only after her second event, everyday she's at the pool.
Susannah: Laundry stuck animation; Thursday noon (This is one of the events that will have progress after some updates) Shower animation: Monday evening in her bathroom, only after you can go inside the bathroom, I believe after her pool event. Susannah sleep: Most days at Midnight or Past Midnight except when she's out of the house. (This interaction will have more options if you have seen all of her events, and I will add more later.) Sunscreen and assjob repeated animation: Every Saturday Noon and Thursday Morning after her pool event. Kitchen interaction: Tuesday, Thursday evening.
v0.4 - A lot more spelling errors fixed - Base of the new map finished - Around 150 new images - 3 Animations + some animations that are just a couple or small number of frames - Added phone system (Didn't add receiving messages yet), you can check stats, contacts, money, inventory, teleport, mostly empty for now, but when the game gets bigger there will be alot more.
v0.3 - Fixed a lot of spelling errors from the intro and more. - Added 100+ renders - 3 Animations + some animations that are just a couple or small number of frames - Built a schedule system, so now I can easily alter and keep track of where a character is on the house at certain times, and create interactivity without interfering with the event system. (No interactions implemented yet, only that one where you could see Brianne working out, before that, that interaction was a event, now is just something that you can see on the days she works out in the living room.) - Added some other parts of the house, a laundry room, bathroom and a corridor downstairs, so later I can build Giannah's room access there.
v0.2 Initial Release
Сегодня, 11:21 была обновлена английская версия игры Mad Adventure.
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