v1.03 - Rework videos the start with Nikki & Emmy. - Add extra H-scene with training sport with Stella. - Add option for buy x5 pills with the doctor. - Charism : Do sport give you 5/5 at one time. - Bonus Making of - Shadow Academy ( top right of the map )
v1.02 - Full games - Multi-langues (EN - FR - IT - RU - CH) - No code / No censored - Contest with Emmy and Stella
v0.21 - add a new mini click games. - Game training for Stella (Chest and butt) - Game training for Nikki (Chest & Bikini) - Game training for Emmy (Chest - 2 levels) - Add steve video Number 15 - Tracy is now best friend of Nikki to stick more to the story. - You can f** Tracy in the casino with follow her story. - Nikki : A*** Training - Contest for Emmy (Emmy Contest / Emmy Sex / Tracy Contest) - MAID have fun with dildo sometime in Nikki's room. - Ajust Maid work for you Need 3 cleaned ( before 5) - Add Quest menu in the computer (Agency page) -Adujt: - Work earn 300$ minimum - Easier to training and love Emmy
v0.20 * More than 50 animations * - Add GUI-interface for call a girls. - Add GUI City Map for go outside. - Nikki first training : Add a HJ scene in last menu option (100$ for ..) - The Seller can test with you the big one ! - Stella can have a Dildo massage. - Emmy can test the pills in the doctor. - Maid : Add a new H-scene when you call her - Add 1 video from steve - Mail (The bounce's specialist) Stats Charisma : - You can now go to the gym for excercices and get Charisma. - The Seller have menu option with Charisma. - Tracy can be Call (Need some Charisma for update the relationship).
Skill Ninja (Fan high support only): - you can learn shadow ability in the secret spot in the map (top-right) - You can spy Nikki in your home. - You can spy Emmy in your home.
v0.19 More than 40 animations - You can bring Stella to sport training - Add Emmy Training Parade - You can meet Nikki Sister in the shopping & casino after see her in Nikki's shooting. - The bathroom is in use more frequently. - Add bonus scenes in Masturbate (Stella & Emmy) - Stella can be unlock only with code. - Random Event : You can meet Tori in the Shopping & casino. - Add Maid Menu : Clean machine, when she work for you. - More option for have a good sleep - Add hide button for dialogue on android - Add 1 video from steve - Mail (The bounce's specialist) - Cheat Code for unlock alls videos - Secret Page of Emmy can be found in the room during her sleep - You can spy Emmy
v0.18 - Total : 9 story scenes with ~50 animations. - Rebuild text. - Nikki can visit you want you sleep - Add icon avatar for all characters (when they speak) - You can buy magic pills to the Doctor and unlock scenes (Maid x2) - The maid can be work at home everyday & you can call her - Maid scene in Hall ( Random... ) - Maid scene in Emmy room ( Random...) - Nikki Pussy training - Doctor dildo Emmy's training - Visit at the Doctor with Nikki breast control
v0.16 - Add +50 animations. - Maid Clean your machin (In first scene : Introduction) - Doctor Dolly : test pills and H-scene random - Second H-scene with Nikki in photoshoot - Emmy : Nude Training (2 Variations) + H-scene - Stella : scene Bus + Shooting + H-scenes - You can go to the Casino for win some money - You can go to shopping for buy naughty thing for your girls - You can Think about the maid after 3 cleaned - Change earn at work : 100$ to 200$ - New event at work (Pregnante lady) - Add 3 hot videos from steve bouncing
v0.15 - Fix sentences & bugs - Add the StripClub (10 Animations) - StripClub, 3 Themes : Dance & H-scene with Stripper & the butt Wall - Nikki shooting & H-scene - Rebuild Enroll Folder & new girl will be ready. - Stella can be recruit and you can train her.(Come after 10days) - You can unlock the folder of Stella - Add one new video mail with Steve. - You can order the second clean from the Maid - Fix the game start in Android (slow video) - The Doctor can collect your Semen Bugs : The Introduction Maid is Bugged (Not good video showned )
v0.14 - Add 3 videos bouncing to unlock with Steve by mail - Add night Thinking option for Emmy / Nikki / Doctor (H-scene if relation > 40) - Add cheat code for Nikki 100% love - Naked training with Nikki + H-scene (titjob) - Photoshoot Emmy : H-scene variation - Add dialogue with Doctor / Nude - The maid can visit/help you to clean your appart (with Naked clean for Supporter) - Video optimization ( Hope is faster) - Design : Add somes icons / Computer folders
v0.13 - You can enter to Nikki's room (4 variations) - Emmy Add visit night variations. - One video archive is open, the Nikki contest. - New design for level / Training. - Thinking about girls > Nikki can watch you sometime. - Add cheat code : Emmy max Love + Training - Add variations for Take a break - You can got mail with training video (5 Videos to unlock) - Random bills in morning ( No money you need to work ) - You can have mail from futur model Stella - Add Emmy training : Photoshoot - Add the doctor (Presentation)
v0.12 Initial Release - Start game ( with personalization ) - Scene Bar with Emmy - Scene Meeting with Emmy / Nikki / Clark - You can improve relationship with Emmy (limit : level 30) - You can training Emmy level 1 (Variation depend of your level training) - You can call Nikki for show training - when you improve relationship you can have random event in appart - Bathroom in 19h / 20h surprise. - You can go outside : Work for earn money. - Add Cheat code ( Uncensored )
4-02-2025 была обновлена русская и английская версия игры The bouncing Agency.
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