Нашего героя-человека швыряет через космос с инопланетной женщиной-исследователем космоса, чей корабль он случайно уничтожил... При поддержке слегка раздражающего дрона и таинственного пассажира задача нашего героя - разбогатеть и отправиться в долгое путешествие домой, сталкиваясь на своем пути с инопланетными женщинами, секс-ботами и искателями приключений...
V2.00_010b CHANGELOG Migration to Python 3.x and Renpy 8.3 Architecture redesign for save game compatibility going forward Combat particle effects Multiplexed sound effects Pet walk system extension New shops (Shady Krell, Pirate Cantina, ...) Introduction of game registry Smart data reinitialization (allows live load of content) Mini-Quest: Crew pony race participation T'Ris Pet Tricks Seraphine Krell Inspection Immersive cutscene(s) F-Type Premium Shell Preference Cubes for Bot likes tuning Single amps now flip stat to Like/Heart Improved & rebalanced yield in Crate RNG many QoL Features many bugfixes V1.50_15 CHANGELOG Pole-dancing T'Ris, Nimhe Expanded Pole-dancing Moira, Seraphine New Seraphine's Krell Quest Nimhe Progressive Hacker Outfit Moira's Krell Quest Milking Machine Pony Pets Pony Race Betting Galaxina Episode Galaxina Bot Replication Parts Gen 1 / 2 Upgrade to 3 by MC from early game Ylyee Scenes (Loot) Balancing and QoL Elite skill modifiers from Precursor crates Improved high end bot crate yields Engine MkIII Prototype Crew Wellness Job Moira Locations: Krell Dome, Krell Dome Plaza, Krell Pet Office, new Pet Shop in game debugging console Spanking Game Moira add Spanking Game: Krell option for all Bugfixes and much more...
V1_40_18b BUGFIX UPDATE CR-2081 / V1.40_18b / Bug / Replicated items not loading CR-2082 / V1.40_18a / GUI / Game Icon (BB-2 instead of Renpy Default)
V1.40_ CHANGELOG Poledancing T'Ris Poledancing Nimhe Moira Seduction Quest Revised NSFW Scenes (Intro, Outro, Interaction, ...) Seraphine Sex Replicator System New Subsys and Items (Cargo MkIII, ...) Galaxina Quest (incl. Galaxina Elite Bot) Improved Accessory (Plugs, ...) Management Expanded Job System (Ship Replating, Torpedo Stocking, Shell Crafting, ...) The Waystation System 4 Beacon Challenges Elite Bot Farming Wrecksite The Assembler End Boss The Return Home Ending and much more...
V1.30_ CHANGELOG New System NX010 Vaultship encounters with new unique shields and weapons New Hull Plating system New Unique G Shell with random stat boosts Racy/Revealing Uniform for Moira Krell Uniform for Moira Vee Signal Inhibitor (NSFW) w/ updated Uniform Order Screen New NSFW Animations for Moira, Tris, Nimhe, Vee New NSFW cutscenes (Belit, Achievements, Uniform Fitting Moira, ...) Vee Revised Main Quest: The Way Home Tons of GUI updates Alternate NSFW angles for some anims V-Type QC (NSFW) Early game balancing improvements and more... V1.20_ CHANGELOG
Main New Features Main Quest: The Pirate Queen Progressive Outfits for T'Ris NSFW T'Ris / variable endings Bot Elite Parts Immersive Announcers (NSFW) Bot QC continued (NSFW) Khelara NSFW Ponygirl Magazine / Posters (Nimhe's Room) Completely reworked and expanded Mission Manager (all Systems) Expanded space events in Quthor Expanded Quthor System Reworked Mining Yields (improved) Reworked dialogues Cargo drones for remote Warehouse requisitions New Shell (P) many QoL changes and more...
V1.10_ CHANGELOG Main New Features New Main Quest Expanded Disciplining Game Verity Poledance Sickbay and Crew Room 2 Dr. Moira onbarded into Crew New job for Seraphine (Shopping, Surprise Crates) GUI updates Voron Hyperdrive Player Base Jumps Cluster Mines Navigateable and Mineable Quthor system Expanded Disciplining Minigame GUI improvements… BOT Balancing (& Slot Upgrades) New exclusive items New NSFW Scenes and animations ... Multiverse Pod Retrieval procedure Nothing to do, it is just there in your new Game :) Multiverse Warehouse: Will autofill at first entry (if you you saved it out with the pod) Known Issues V1.10.10 (non reproducible, under analysis) CR-0804 / V1.10.8 / Bug / Leila Reward Scene cannot be triggered (but advances quest?) in certain circumstances CR-0805 / V1.10.8 / Bug / Command positions quest does not clear under special circumstances
Main New Features Main Quest: The Xenos Library (Voron Space) New Voron Cannon, Launcher, Torpedoes, ... for your ship Player Base on Tenaris (Multiverse Warehouse, Trophy Room, ...) NSFW: Kythera the Librarian NSFW: Sex with T'Ris NSFW: Seraphine NSFW: Khelara NSFW: Nimhe Pony Walk Spanking Minigame: T'Ris, Nimhe, Khelara Ship Deck 3 with Mess Room and Replicator Many GUI & QoL changes Bot Balancing New Precursor Levels New Enemies: Voron Zealots Swarm Mining Spot (unique items) ... Multiverse Pod Retrieval procedure Nothing to do, it is just there in your new Game :) Known Issues V1.00b: Minor graphics/artwork inconsistencies Minor dialogue inconsistencies if subquests / training is done wildly out of order V0.9 saves will _not_ work. Positively. V0.4, V0.5, V0.6, V0.7, V0.8, V0.9 multiverse pods will!
V0.9c1 BUGFIX RELEASE Fixed Nimhe Public Favour Dialogue Crash
Main New Features Revised Favour System (Public / Private Favours) Bot Configurator Overhaul (GUI Unification) Bot Cargo Manager (Stasis Pods With Preview) Cloaking Capability for the Ship Side Mission (Audra NSFW)- Slave Rescue Side Mission (Veronica NSFW) - Rescue Verity Main Quest / The Way Home: Voron System Access Major Quest: The Biolab (NSFW) Nimhe's Favours Continued (NSFW) Nimhe TEC Skill (Better Bot Upgrades) T'Ris Pet Walk (NSFW) Nimhe Walks Public favours (NSFW) Starting Point Day 75 Re-renders of some NSFW scenes Many QoL changes Multiverse Pod Retrieval procedure Nothing to do, it is just there in your new Game :) Known Issues V0.9c: Minor graphics/artwork inconsistencies Minor dialogue inconsistencies if subquests / training is done wildly out of order Minor menu inconsistencies (empty entries) for public favours depending on location / status V0.8 saves will _not_ work. Positively. V0.4, V0.5, V0.6, V0.7, V0.8 multiverse pods will!
Main New Features Completely reworked economy (bots, wares, missions) Revised mission system on central Captain's console Quest: The Holodeck Quest: The Princesses Demands Quest: Toys For Nimhe Ct'd Quest: Nimhe Public Favours Quest: A Favour For Krogneath / Pet Training New Mining Spot Arellarti New High End Krell Enforcer Mob (Mil Drop Guarantee) Galaxina Ct'd MC Tech Skill Mechanics (Stage I) Nimhe Parts Upgrade Skill Arellarti Precursor Wreck Site SW Design: Quest DB sanity checker, skill increment system, ... many QoL feature gameplay and Botlab Multiverse Pod Retrieval procedure Nothing to do, it is just there in your new Game :)
Main New Features New Star System: Arellarti (Krell Space) New Character: Princess Seraphine New Room: Guest Cabin 2 Precursor Junkyard Levels open Quest: Rescue Princess Seraphine Quest Ct'd: Khelara Quest Ct'd: Nimhe Quest Ct'd: V New NSFW Krell Uniforms for all Crewmembers Complete Bot finds (special types) Precursor Bot Crates Precursor Cortex (with Attribute Cubes for Customizing!) Botlab GUI and QoL Updates (Easy Bot Sell / Arcade Management via Bot Terminal now!) Hyperjump Travel & Galaxy Map Extended Quest help System (detailed Popup Hints) Expanded NSFW Gallery and many more Dialogue and QoL updates
Multiverse Pod Retrieval Procedure Nothing to be done with files etc., it is just there in your new Game if you made one in the V0.6 release :)
Known Issues V0.7 Using time forwarding into night during pet quest in Krell station makes T’Ris disappear on board. Workaround: Do not use this function in the Krell base Minor graphics/artwork inconsistencies V0.6 saves will _not_ work. Positively. V0.4, V0.5, V0.6 multiverse pods will!
Main New Features New bounty missions / combat scenarios / loot level 1 to 4 New dangerous mobs (Swarm Scout, Krell, Executor) with improved AI New smuggling missions and re balanced transport missions Totally overhauled repair system with animations Continue Feature at Game Start Revised EXP awarding Bot configurator overhaul (QoL) New bot characteristics (personality, ...) and valuation Bot cortex upgrade and hypertrain features Rare and military bot crates New space location "Outer Fields" with mining expansion Cargo expansion MkII with cloak modules (for smuggling) Side images for Krogneath's staff and Space patrol New special bot shell Multiverse pods now store to saves location / automatically found! Many GUI upgrades for QoL Quest: A Favour For Nimhe Quest: V's reappearance Quest: Uniforms for Khelara Quest Update: T'Ris Expanded NSFW gallery V0.5 saves will _not_ work. Positively. V0.4, V0.5 multiverse pods will!
Multiverse Pod Item Retrieval Procedure Storage automatically in game save files location (copy there only once if you come from from V0.5) Moving around json files manually not necessary any more from V0.6 on (autodetected) Confirmed Issues and Bugs in V0.6b Minor art continuity issues
Main New Features New Location: Pirate Base New Gen 2 and 3 Bot Parts New custom Bot shape New crew character: Chief Engineer Khelara New Pirate NPC Hexagon Field Space Combat System Revised task and uniform assignment Quest: Revealing Uniform for your Crew Quest: The Pirate Outpost Quest: Uniform exhibitionism training for T'Ris Quest: Secret project of BB-2 Custom Bot for the Captain's quarters Improved Nightly reports Lab Manager: Bot retrieval from arcade Lab Manager: Bot Lab high end part direct buy Bot multiverse storage and retrieval compatible with future releases Completely overhauled mission system (transport and combat) A ton of QoL features and of course animations, lewd scenes and gallery expansion Many features have been rewritten from the start compared to V0.4, please start a new game.
Confirmed Issues and Bugs in V0.5c Crashes in some OSX versions when writing the multiverse pod due to file access rights. Workaround: Move app to desktop and run from there Location history crash when returning from space nav in Ylyee quest Occurrence extremely rare . Trigger game state not fully understood. Will be fixed in V0.6 Workaround: Roll back to where you can navigate around in the ship, go from briudge to hallway, go back on bridge and continue
Main New Features Uniform Quest: Racy Uniform for your Crew Ylyee Quest: Help Ylyee complete her mission for a major reward Repair Quest: Fix up your Ship’s Lower Deck New location: Ship Lower Decks Bot Lab Mini game: Configure your own bots and earn money with them Bot Lab Intro Quest T’Ris training progress Multiple revised locations & items Improved and revised Space events Multiple lewd scenes, gallery extensions GUI improvements, QoL improvements Barkeeper dedicated shop Dynamic space background for every room, matching location New loot crates: Bot items , liquor Savepoint mechanics to carry over valuable items to new versions and other
Confirmed Issues and Bugs in V0.4_c1 * CR-0182 / V0.5 / Bug / Occasionally wrong order pulled in bot sale notification (check for correct selection / order purge)
Main New Features New Locations: Space Station Interior New Location: Spacebar New Location: Guest Room Ship Rewritten Tutorial Quest Rewritten and continued T'Ris Quest Rewritten and Continued V's Quest Introducing New Character Nimhe The Hacker New Space Events New Switchable Mini maps Animated Engine Maintenance Circuits Various GUI Updates, Help Screen, ... Expanded Gallery New NSFW Animations and Stills
Known Issues and Bugs in V0.3a CR-0102 / V0.3a / Minor Bug / Possible lock out of nude HJ facial gallery scene once next stage with T’Ris is unlocked CR-0103 / V0.3a / Minor Bug / Possible lock out of clothed HJ facial gallery scene once nude stage with T’Ris is unlocked
Main Features Point and Click Interface Space exploration sandbox game Trading Spacecraft upgrades, configuration and maintenance Mining minigame Space events NSFW stills and animations (Animated) gallery, quest log, mission log ... Known Issues and Bugs in v0.2.1a Minor: Dialogue issue (repetition of task assignment) in first dialogue with T'Ris CR-0057 / V0.3 /Major Bug / Decline first star map offer soft locks mining task trigger (workaround: try to buy map _initially_)
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