Колледж монстров - это визуальный роман для взрослых, основанный на множественном выборе. Главный герой этой истории обнаруживает, что он оборотень. Несмотря на то, что он уже учится в хорошем университете, он чувствует себя вынужденным сменить его и поступить в Университет Сильверлиф. В своей новой жизни он встретит красивых женщин, каждая со своими очаровательными особенностями: демонов, вампиров, зомби, оборотней, горгон...
v1.2.3 -over 2500 words -about 75 new images -about 15 animations
v1.2.1 This release adds an extended ending about Olga, hope you like it.
v1.0.0 This release adds Ch09 and closes the story of Monster College!
v0.8.16 -Fixed several bugs; -Added missing music in a couple scenes; -Added 11 animations -Added about 370 images -Added about 10k words
v08.13.3 -Reworked Ch01 and fixed several scenes along the way; -Reworked Diary's entry mechanic -Added 15 animations -Added about 350 images -Added about 8k words
v0.8.11 -added about 7000 words; -added about 160 images; -added 2 animations; -added translations for all languages up to the current release; -reworked Diary's portraits; -reworked Relationship Increase animation and added a new Relationship Decrease animation; -reworked and rebalanced the Relationship Points system; this shouldn't affect existing save files (in case it does, I'm sowwy, pwease fowgive me <3 ); still I'm working on more fixes and changes that will affect the game in a larger way (hopefully coming next month), so you'll probably have to start a new game anyway before Chapter 9 is released.
v0.8.8 -added about 8000 words -added about 175 images -bug fixes
v0.8.6 -added about 2000 words -added about 150 images -generated Beta translations up to the latest scene of Ch08 -added a new portraits for the Main Menu screen
v0.8.5 -added about 4000 words -added about 190 images -added better FRN translations up to Ch07 -added a new Main Menu screen; more portraits coming in the next update (will better adapt the menu to the other languages in a future update) Hope you'll like it :) -revised a couple of details in previous scenes, will keep working more on them to raise the quality of the first chapters, where possible
v0.8.4 -added about 7000 words -added about 230 images -added 4 animations
v0.8.1.2 Bug Fixes
v0.8.1.1 -added about 5500 words -added about 180 images -added 2 animations -completed RUS translations up to the end of Ch07. -added Beta translations for Spanish, German and French up to the end of Ch07. These have been generated via online translators, and thus are not perfect. If anyone is willing to help us fix these Beta versions, contact us via mail monstereyegames@gmail.com or on our Discord server.
v0.8.0.1 a small patch update for the updated chapter 8 version of the game. All bugs found in the update have been fixed, all sound effects have been added, and the game is now 100% translated into Russian.
v0.8.0 The update includes 20 new scenes with: - over 42000 words - over 1600 new images - 19 new animations - 7 new achievements - various bug fixes
v0.7.13 - Added about 5000 words - Added about 150 images - Added music in scene 11 of Ch07 - Reworked scene 02 of Ch07 - Updated dialogues in the rest of Ch07 that reference what happened in the previously mentioned scene
v0.7.10 - 5000+ words - 200+ images - 3 animations
v0.7.8 - 8500 words - 230+ images - Chapter 7 Scena 4A improved english
v0.7.4 - 10k+ words - 350+ images - 5 animations
v0.7.3.2 Bugfix
v0.7.3 - 3 new Ch07 scenes added - 180+ new images - 7000+ words - Russian and French translations for Ch07 will arrive with a later release
v0.7.0 - 6 New Ch06 scenes added. - End of Chapter 6 - Russian and French translations for these and previous scenes. - 550+ new images. - 8 new animations.
v0.6.9 - 2 New Ch06 scenes added. - Added a missing video in a previous Ch03 scene (Grace at the lake). - Russian and French translations for these new scenes will come with next update. - 200+ new images. - 3 new animations.
v0.6.7 - 2023-10-08 - New Ch06 scenes added. - Continued experimental version of Russian and French language (All new Ch06 scenes translated). - 200 new images. - 5 new animations.
v0.6.4 - First part of Ch06 scenes added - Experimental version of Russian language added (first 5 Chapters only). - Fixed non-looping video flicker. - Fixed some typos at the end of Ch05. - +250 new pictures - 3 new videos - few fixing thanks to your help - all my effort!
v0.5.8 - storyline: second half of chapter 0.5 - +600 new pictures - +28 new videos - few fixing thanks to your help - all my effort!
v0.5 - storyline: first half of chapter 0.5 - +400 new pictures - +11 new videos - several fixing thanks to your help - all my effort!
v0.4 - all sex scenes should be avoidable. - the storyline up to the end of chapter 4 - + 600 new pictures - + 11 new videos - new music and new vfx - all my efforts
v0.3 - added some new music and some sound effects - added quest log notifications (so you know when a new journal entry is written) - added colored hearts when a relationship increasing is notified. - added about 1300 new images - added about 15 new videos - the new version includes the whole story up to the third chapter.
v0.2 Initial Release
Сегодня, 08:28 была обновлена русская и английская версия игры Monster College.
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