Анимированный симулятор жизни воров! Ешь, расти, преображайся! Вероника вышла из тюрьмы (за поедание людей) и ищет работу, которая использовала бы ее навыки (поедание людей) и увлечения (поедание людей). Более двадцати существующих сцен, каждая из которых тщательно анимирована! Помогите ей остаться на работе и избежать тюрьмы, тщательно взвесив все варианты, улучшив ее статистику и, прежде всего, постоянно обеспечивая ее хорошим питанием! Благодаря многочисленным трансформациям (вызванным поеданием людей) и вариантам гардероба, этот анимированный симулятор жизни хищника подарит вам часы веселья и ненасытного восторга!
v0.3.11 Revised Through unknown mechanisms no doubtr related to computer migration, the game build was made in an old version of Ren'Py, which has caused save incompatibility.
v0.3.11 But any way… the update! This month completes the predation stack for the bar – so the drunk bear and the tiny waitress are finally getting shown off in full animated glory. In addition to that the game’s main antagonist is making her debut (no, Hart’s not the real antagonist... she’s just a bit of a tsun-deer). But anyway, a couple of you have guessed that this was coming from some clues I dropped along the way – so well done! The scene in question will only trigger once all of the town locations have been discovered. After that there is a random chance of it occurring every time you return to the navigation area. Feel free to bunny hop until it loads.
v0.3.10 Anyway, this month's update brings you three new scenes to enjoy. The first two are predation scenes for the club. One same size - where Voronica proves who is the real king of the jungle (hint: it's her), and one tiny where she enjoys the fanciest of cocktails (I think this one looks especially good, fyi). Aside from the fact the bear and waitress sprite scenes need to e be replaced with CGs and animations, this now shows all meals that will be available in the Fox Lounge!
Otherwise, the big news for the new chapter is the introduction of a new dateable character - Jeffrey the cat boy! Jeffrey's got a thing for feeding... but he'd better hope he can keep up with Voronica's appetite! On that note, if you want to cut Jeffrey's story short, there is a Vorception scene for you to enjoy as you skip to the main course. Jeffrey is encountered randomly using the 'explore' button in town (it should only take about four goes or so, but you need 8 free capacity).
v0.3.9 First of all, Voronica has a new outfit – the Foxy Outfit – which will earn her extra money if she wears it while waitressing in the Fox Lounge. In addition, thanks to its mask, she will gain less heat each time she, uh… “lives her truth”.
Taking advantage of this new addition to her wardrobe, the first full stalk scene has now been implemented in the Fox lounge. Some one’s been stepping on Voronica’s turf and she doesn’t take it too well (or takes it entirely too well, depending on your perspective). This scene features a double vore event – so extra nums for the big bun!
Finally, the star of the show, the next entry in Voronica’s relationship with Hart is now available. Just head into her room and things will kick off! I won’t go too far into spoilers, but there are a total of four vore events – making her tied with Tiffany for ‘most people eaten in a single sitting’!
v0.3.8.3 The hippo scene was bugged minorly, so I fixed it and now it's bugged majorly. A replacement file is being uploaded to GDrive. I can't stay and watch the upload, but it should be done in about an hour as of posting. There will be two versions in the folder, 0.3.8 which has some minor bugs but mostly plays and which, when it finishes going up, should be entirely fixed.
v0.3.8 Gotta nice big update for you today! First of all, the full scenes for the park tinies have been added. This includes CGs and animations for the existing farmgirl scene, as well as new scene with a huntress tiny. Actually, I've just realised I've done an agrarian vs hunter gatherer setup... don't read onto it, I've just got food supply on the mind!
Beyond that the big feature of the update is that Voronica finally has the option to do something about the annoying hippo who keeps stealing her shifts at the clothes store. To actually exercise that option you're going to need 16 free capacity (so at least 10 Constitution and zero space taken - she's a big girl!). Now... at one point you're going to think the scenes just about over... but it's not. Not by a long shot :D
v0.3.7 Update 0.3.7 is up and ready to play. It’s a tad delayed because I accidentally set only the first frame of one of the animations to render instead of the full animation. Then, because I didn’t notice that was what had happened… well, as I said, delays. But now its done! This brings the next scene of progress for Naomi’s dating line. That is accessed in the kitchen, triggering randomly every time you enter provided you’ve completed date night (at the moment you can hop in and out to force the scene). Now, in the past you had the opportunity to get onto or miss Naomi’s dating path. If you’re on it then the new scene will play out according to the type of relationship you’ve established. If you are not, you will have one last chance to get with her. You just need to pick whichever of ‘flirt’ or ‘Intimidate’ you’ve selected the most of up to this point. Now, I do plan on this being a genuine branch, with some unique content down both paths. But, as you may imagine, the most is likely to be down the dating path (it certainly is in this update!). So, I suggest you pick the option that puts you in a relationship with her, but maybe make a save file that you can come back to later. Content in this scene includes the game's (and my!) first instance of breast vore, as well as an extended intimate scene. It also includes two new sprite sets for Naomi (huge boobs naked, and huge boobs clothed). Otherwise, I have completed the full scene for the sunbathing lizard girl in the park. The ‘maul’ option turned out particularly well, in so far as such things can be said to “go well”. Otherwise, you may remember that in the previous version there was a bit of off screen play between Voronica and the girl if you chose to let her go. That content’s no longer ‘off screen’. I just thought I’d highlight that because of the heavy possibility that none of you lot ever clicking “Let her go” ;)
v0.3.6.1 Here’s update 0.3.6! Per your votes it features a new scene starring Tiffany as she moves on to bigger and better things. If you’re up to date with her story line (and, of course, if you didn’t eat her) it can be randomly encountered in Voronica’s bedroom. There is a chance of triggering the scene everytime you enter, so feel free to bunny hop between there and the hallway to get it more quickly. Additionally, the Park has been updated with an additional same size scene. This one features a bonus object vore event. A lot of you liked what happened with the baseball bat and this time we’re continuing the sports theme with basketball.
v0.3.5.2 The main feature is new progress on the Hart dating line. Once you’ve met her in the fox club, assuming that you opted to follow her content, a new room at the Halfway will be unlocked – ‘Hart’s room’. Visiting her there will enter you into a new scene where Hart collects rent from some other lodgers. Additionally, there the ‘party girl’ scene in the clothes store is now fully fleshed out with animations and CGs. That completes the base content for the location, although I will be adding more for Mr Herman and his daughter down the line.
Beyond that, the first full (same size) predation scene has now been added with to the Park. To accompany that, there is now an additional outfit in the store the ‘Con-trition outfit’ which will let Voronica offload additional Heat when she does community service in the park.
v0.1 Initial Release
19-11-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Voronica goes to Town.
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