Exilium - Breeding Empire - это взрослая игра NSFW, в которой стратегическая глубина размещения рабочих и механика строительства базы сочетаются с захватывающей задачей выживания в обстановке, наполненной тайнами и опасностями. Действие разворачивается на фоне зловещего инопланетного мира, игроки должны разобраться в сложностях управления ресурсами, укрепления своей базы и назначения заданий разнообразной группе выживших. Каждое решение влияет не только на выживание колонии, но и на ее способность процветать в условиях неизвестности.
v0.1.8.5 - Release New character! Noa a new engineer Pamela sex scene #2 Milia animated sex scene #1 and #2 Fixed Karla card game on mess hall Sierra card game Pamela card game Milia card game You can now directly challenge them through the maid instead of having to randomly wait for them to show in the mess hall Noa's NESI scene Noa's lust scene Pamela lust scene Milia lust scene Karla lust scene Love, lust and talk dialogue implemented for the above characters Blinking animations for all characters and corresponding skins Skins for Pamela, Sarah, Sierra, Karla, Risa, Rachel and all pregnant variations implemented Balance for all rooms regarding resource output and wages Pamela now appears on the 5 day (tutorial needs to be completed) New type contracts implemented New resources implemented New room factory New UI for resources Redesign resources gain after missions Fixed a bug related to the resource allocation when passing the limit of the room v0.1.7.1 - Release Cutscene added for the beginning of mission 3 Custscene added for the boss fight of mission 3 Fixed a bug where the giand dildo image for Sierra wasn't showing Fixed images for Mission 3 panels with correct titles, images and rewards Balance adjustements for the final fight. Replaced the comp with a normal Xeno instead of the Strong Xeno. Will keep re-evaluating if this battle needs further adjustment and some nerfs to the boss Repeatable missions are back with random enemy comps Android release v0.1.7 - Release New Sierra sex scene New Pamela sex scene New Sarah lust scenes New Sierra lust scenes New cutscene after mission one queen defeat cutscene. Now a new cutscene will play developing a bit more Milia 2 new missions added. Missing the videos for the story part since I didn't had the time 3 new enemies implemented, one of them a new boss New Bio screen for all characters with info about them New system for science lab, terraformer and power room to allocate recruitable resources as workers Breeding chambers is now divided in 4 rooms. I'll improve the UI on the next releases. You can also check which character is allocated to each room UI changes with the bio screen/allocating resources/info about the room details implemented Love, lust and energy concept implemented. Only currently functional for Sarah and Sierra Sarah and Sierra dialogue trees completed, using the same system I mentioned you can now hold dialogues with this characters and improve your relationship leading to love and later to lust. They have also energy implemented, when you decide to breed or talk it will spend energy. Will implement a tutorial in the future releases to explain this part, didn't had the time. Gallery implemented. Even though it's working it has only a few images set up for Sarah and Sierra. Will need to keep working on it but it's fully functional, so the hard part is done Wage concept implemented New fighting backgrounds Small balance changes on some of the Xeno values Cutscene added for the beginning of mission 3 Custscene added for the boss fight of mission 3 Fixed a bug where the giand dildo image for Sierra wasn't showing Fixed images for Mission 3 panels with correct titles, images and rewards Balance adjustements for the final fight. Replaced the comp with a normal Xeno instead of the Strong Xeno. Will keep re-evaluating if this battle needs further adjustment and some nerfs to the boss Repeatable missions are back with random enemy comps v0.1.6p - Release New and improved abilities for all units, up to 3 skills Improved the UI with new buttons and tooltips New fight backgrounds Debuffs implemented, attack up, attack down Stun, fire and acid status implemented Implementation of mission system and planet map New enemy unit, Armored alien, with 2 sets of skills New enemy unit, Queen alien, with 4 sets of skills New animation for Sarah, pregnant New animation for Karla New animation for Karla, pregnant New animation for Sierra New breeder, Milia Redesigned a lot of the aspects of the characters to reach a superior quality level New intro video New mission intro video New pre-final mission video Mission conclusion video New breeder, Milia Milia normal and pregnant sex (soft animation) Updated Main menu and intro logos Fixed Karla sprites v0.1.5 New fight engine implemented New classes of units available, medic and samurai New lewd scenes added for the new science researches New researches available that add functionalities to the terraforming room, science labs and power room (lewd) All rooms updated. Now each character interacts with the player when entering the room. Next release I'll add variable dialogue to each character to feel more unique New division mess hall added. Here you can interact with all the people of the ship. You will meet them randomly. New minigame available with Sarah and Karla non the messhall. New characters added to the patreon room: breeder Karla, engineer Alyssa and maid Jeanne Maid is a new type of unit/character, she will be responsible for the mess hall. Right now she just generates you passively 20 food a week, in the future I will give her more functions Names are now shown on the base map of the ship for each division New Sarah animation for her first sex scene Random daily events added. They can be benefecial or not HQ now allows for buying/selling goods. This will be improved on in the future HQ weekly help adjusted gems to give 100 instead of 50 Initial resources, gems were increased from 600 to 800 New music and sound effects added Fixed saving bugs and not being able to hide the text bar Fixed images where there were incorrect anatomies QoL improvements for the return buttons and menus. Does not send you back all the way to the captain quarters Another QoL is the return inside a division brings you to the ship and not the captain quarters Game over screen breaking the game fixed v0.1 Initial release
14-09-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Exilium - Breeding Empire.
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