В зависимости от вашего выбора, вы можете навлечь на себя и свою девушку нежелательные неприятности. В этой игре есть вероятность, что вашу девушку на протяжении всей игры будут похищать другие девушки-члены, однако, все будет в порядке, и всего этого можно избежать.
C stands for Christmas and this update is all about Christmas! And lewds, of course!
This time, the story won't be continued, but instead, players can try out the Christmas event, which involves lot of sexy time! The stories are off-cannon - as explained in game - so handle them with a grain of salt and enjoy them for what they are. Some scenes are shorter and some are longer, but there are 18 new scenes (NSFW) and 100+ images in the Christmas update. To access it, simply start a new game and choose "Christmas Event". Enjoy!
Chapter 1v02
- 100+ New scenes, featuring all of the known characters, new interactions, new possibilities to know more about them - Tax day every 30 days. No big consequences yet, just to have a feel what the player will need to focus on - Added the possibility to rewatch scenes the player already unlocked, you can find it in your home, on your laptop - Added the possibility to turn hints On or Off (This will let the player know what resources he will lose\get with a certain choice) - New Adult scenes (3x Male x Female, 4x Futa x Female) - Two bad endings (These also feature Futa x Female scenes and arguably there is a 3rd bad ending if the player doesn't pay the monthly tax) - GF's interactions now raise or decrease her relationship with other characters, changing the dialouge in some scenes, based on what she knows about them and how close they get to each other - Certain choices of the player now also affect GF's behaviour
- Now green outline marks the places, items or persons the player can interact with on every screen or scenario, some might need certain criteria to be met, only one exception to this rule is GF at home - Fixed the reappearing text every time when the player is inside an area and interacts with something - Fixed the music to always restart at certain scenes when the player interacts with something - Profile pictures for every character when they send a message via text (phone) - Further raised the possibility of NSFW scenes to appear while it's RNG (For example Miriam x Fatima in previous patch) - Now red text shows if a character is speaking chinese, whether the player is able to understand it or not - Fixed many coding errors (calls instead of jumps), game should run more smoothly and can be closed quicker - Fixed texts where the text said "Vivi" instead of the player's chosen name for the girlfriend - Fixed grammatical errors
v0.1 Chapter 1: Introduction
- Meet 8 new characters - Experience the continuation of Dennis and Vivi's story - Explore Liv island with various random encounters and events - New adult scenes (2x Futa on female, 1x Futa on male) - Important note: If you save\load or Q.Save\Q.Load random events will be re-generated
Also: - Added the possibility to skip the prologue - Added a "Thank you" screen if you've seen everything the game can currently offer. Like this, you know exactly if you've seen all the encounters or not (Including: Conversations, Random events) - There is a "skip to next day" on the upper right corner once roaming the city, this will be removed in later releases, but for the sake of convenience I left it for now, weekends are uneventful so it allows to skip them quickly - Currently energy is not capping at 100, because there are no events related to it
Bugfixes, corrections from prologue: - Sprites are now smaller (Bottom left corner character images) - Fixed Dennis' sprite wearing sunglasses at home in the prologue - Changed the font (hopefully it's now better\clearer to read) - Fixed Vivi's name to switch colors at the beginning of the prologue - Toned down the sound of cumming - Fixed grammar errors, spelling mistakes in the prologue (Thanks to GL for that) - Lowered down Nomed's tongue length on her sprite image
v0.01 Initial Release
31-12-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры A Debt Paid.
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Если у вас возникли вопросы по установке, не стесняйтесь обратиться к разделу "помощь в установке" для получения подробных инструкций. Не забудьте также поделиться своими впечатлениями и оставить отзыв о игре A Debt Paid, последнее обновление которой состоялось 31-12-2024.
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