Майя чувствует, что ее жизнь достигла своего пика: ее давняя социальная тревожность усугубляется, учеба в колледже осложняется, и она оказывается в замкнутом круге постоянной, непродуктивной мастурбации. Но, по крайней мере, хуже уже быть не может, верно? То есть до тех пор, пока судьба не призовет ее и не сообщит о ее истинном предназначении: взять в руки оружие в качестве представителя Небес и сражаться против демонов Ада, которые угрожают вторгнуться в мир людей. С ее колоссальным членом-фута в качестве инструмента магии, конечно! Присоединяйтесь к Майе в ее путешествии к душевному здоровью, самопознанию и насыщенным сексуальным встречам, и по пути вы встретите много интересных людей!
Combat: The combat system has been totally rebuilt from the ground-up, now featuring a card battle roguelike RPG experience. Added the new card battle system. Added 12 attack and defend cards. Added 3 potion cards. Added Belial's weapon card - Sanguination - as a boss reward. Added player and enemy buffs, debuffs and actions (21 non-elemental and 11 elemental effects). Added combat action animations and transitions. Added the combat tutorial. Added the potions resource system Added the rewards system (money, cards & potions). Added the level/XP progression system. New bad ending, including 2 new CGS. Reworked the card transitions and added more transitions to all card related screens. UI: Most of the UI elements have been reworked and improved for a more cohesive style. Added the complete interface for the new combat system (deck, discard deck, etc.) The map has been completely redesigned with new buttons, info and mission hints boxes and improved navigation. Added the inventory UI with 4 item categories + stats screen, showing Maya's current stats and level. Added functions to Maya’s PC that are now working as intended. Added new apps for Maya's phone: Cheats, Skill Tree and Bestiary (not functional yet). The game's preferences/options menu has been completely reworked. CGs: Added 10 new CGs with variants (Maya Sleeps in Bed and Bad Ending CGs). Some of the old CGs have been reworked. Added bonus variant for the first Laura's CGs (for the Gatekeeper Edition). Misc: Maya's expressions of older versions have been edited to match the dialogue displayed. Several visual and bug fixes have been done throughout the entire code, as well as the removal of obsolete or outdated code and images. Fixed minor card details and inconsistencies in the game’s art. Added Maya’s energy as a stat. Maya now needs to sleep or nap to recover energy and otherwise won’t be able to perform many actions if she has insufficient energy. The main text font has been replaced by a new one that more closely matches the game’s art style. The original dyslexia-friendly font is still selectable in the game’s options menu.
v0.30 - 16 new CGs depicting lewd content for you to have a gander at and enjoy. - Around 16,000 words of new character and story driven content continuing Maya's Journey. - The implementation of Maya's Sphere as a feature, which will allow you connect with characters to unlock new relationships and spicy events. The first three events are included, focusing on Laura, Nicole and our new character Amanda. - One new character - Amanda - who gets an introduction and her own events in Maya's Sphere. - Updated and improved portraits for Maya, Nicole and Laura, with better lighting and sharper detail. - A full overhaul of the game's UI and graphic design, including a new logo, text box, dialogue option boxes, labels, world navigation elements and more. - 3 new backgrounds which will set the stage for current and future events: The Police Station, Amanda's Office and the laundry room of Maya's house. - Improvements to internal code to make things smoother, more efficient and more stable.
v0.25 - Added 1 new character: Second Lesser Demon. - Added 12 new CGs and variants. - Added 1 new location: Central Park (day and night variants) - All scenes have been reworked with captivating new animations and visual enhancements. - The calendar system has been redesigned as a new icon. Players can now also quickly jump to the next time period by clicking it. - Belial's battle and the first minion encounter have been thoroughly revamped. - New and overhauled battle mechanics, including changes to attacking and blocking, and the addition of special attacks. - Added a battle tutorial explaining how the combat system works for new players. - Added a difficulty system: Easy, Normal and Hard. Each difficulty will impact the game's combat differently, so choose whichever you like. - Added new icons for some UI elements.
v0.2 - Added 3 new characters, including the first of the game's bosses, the first "lesser demon" repeatable eneny and an important character tied to the main storyline. - Added 10 lewd CG illustrations. - Added a new location: The University Commons - Added and replaced Laura's main portrait with her pajamas outfit during v0.10's opening scenes. - Added several facial expressions to Maya's armored variant. - Added the new combat system featuring the first boss battle. - Added a gallery system. - Fixed the spacing issue in the text history screen.
v0.1 Initial release The first build contains 30 min of gameplay, three characters as well as featuring eight hand-drawn CGs.
22-08-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Futariuums Gate.
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