Вы всегда хотели стать охотником за головами! Вы очнулись от потери памяти и обнаружили, что находитесь внутри своего новенького космического корабля. Смутное воспоминание о встрече с маленьким человеком-свиньей, который одолжил вам денег... и использовал ваше тело, что объясняет некоторые детали, в то время как другие остаются неизвестными. Имея топлива только на то, чтобы долететь до Милмары, родной планеты гоблинов, вы надеетесь получить вознаграждение или другие способы заработать кредиты. Вы также ищете членов экипажа, но не знаете, что ростовщик хочет вернуть свои деньги быстрее, чем вы ожидали. Сможете ли вы вернуть деньги? Или столкнетесь с последствиями.
Scenes + New scene with Grax inside the engine room (3 animations). + New scene with goblin throat fuck (1 animations). + New scene with the scrapshade collective if you lose (4 animations) + New scene with the scrapshade collective will repeat after the first scene (4 animations) + New scene with Grax, if you fake hypnotize this will play the second time. + New scene with Grax, if you fake hypnotize this will play the third time. + New scene defeated by goblin Vaginal sex which can lead to impregnation. (2 animations) + New scene upside down throat fuck by Jamal.(2 animations) + New scene throat fuck by Jamal on table.(2 animations) + New scene jerking throat by Jamal.(2 animations) + New scene anal shop repeated times. + Added 2 animations to one of the doggy anal goblin scenes + Added 4 animations to one of the mounted anal goblin scenes + Changed and added 3 animations to the pigman scene. + Changed and added 1 animation to the gun shop blowjob scene + Changed 2 animations in the old blowjob scene with Jamal.
Shorter scenes + Rewrote the first scene with Grax, if you fail the hypno roll you can still choose to fake being hypnotized with a higher penalty to dom/sub variable. + Rewrote the second scene with Grax, if you fail the hypno roll you can still choose to fake being hypnotized with a higher penalty to dom/sub variable. + Rewrote the third scene with Grax, if you fail the hypno roll you can still choose to fake being hypnotized with a higher penalty to dom/sub variable. + Rewrote the first interaction with Grax when he give you the first quest. Another roll can happen here to flash him. + Rewrote the second interaction with Grax when he ask you if the quest is done. Another roll can happen here to flash him.
New Items + Fleshlight + Lust potion + Frog leg + Grilled frog leg + Gorlax extract
States + New state Masochist will convert 20% of the physical damage received to lust + New state Sadist will convert 20% of inflicted physical damage to lust + New state focus will raise willpower 10% (Resistance to lust.) + New state butt slut, makes the inflicted 200% weaker towards butt seduction spells + New state oral fixated, makes the inflicted 200% weaker towards oral seduction spells + New state pussy lover, makes the inflicted 200% weaker towards pussy seduction spells + New state boob lover, makes the inflicted 200% weaker towards boob seduction spells + New state dick addict, makes the inflicted 200% weaker towards dick seduction spells + New state trip Wire + New state Lust potion, lowers max lust with 20% and increase lust taken with 25% for 2-4 turns.
Events + New event with the goblin inside the engine room (Grax). Will lead to a tattoo and a quest.
Quests + New quest, finding fleshlight. + New quest, deliver liquor.
Enemies + New enemy Troll + New enemy Grax (goblin inside engine room) + Changed the hp of face hugger to 1 hp + New enemy Gorlax Burrower
Battle + Changed the dice roll for battles, adding all bonuses at once instead of one at a time. + Lust give a debuff and buff to seduction skills. Three states; Charmed, seduced and thirsting + 0 lust now trigger a roll at the end of a every battle turn either defeat or resists. + The lust debuff/buff will change at the start of the battle and every turn.
Attack move + New attack meditate, lower your lust meditating twice in a row gives focus for 3 turns. + Changed the normal attack to punch. + Changed the shoot into weapon skill, can only be used if you have bullets to do massive damage. + Added new skill for goblin, repeated punches. + Added new skill for goblin, Tease + Added new skill for goblin, flash dick + Added new skill for goblin, Lust brew + Added new skill for goblin, mischief + Added new skill for goblin, pulling hair + Added new skill for goblin, Nose tweak + Added new skill for goblin, Tricksters laugh + Added new skill for goblin, Trip wire + Added a new skill for Gorlax, Constricting Coil
Other + 22 New animations. + 3 New images + Changed the city central map, made it smaller. + Changed the slum map, made it smaller. + Changed how the maps are connected on Milmara, port <-> slum <-> central <-> residental (central <-> south) + Changed how the sewer maps will move the player. The maps changes are to make the walking less tedious. + From now on you will not walk slow until you drink energy drink or sleep, now you will walk slow for 50 steps if max slowed and 25 if you're almost maxed slowed before walking normal speed. (Sleeping and drinking energy drink will also change the walking speed.)
+ Energy drink will now remove all slow and increase your walking speed for 50 steps. + Walking around naked will now lead to lust roll before battle, losing the roll leads to a sex scene and the same effects as losing a battle + Added a new interaction with the bartender in the gob's (Goblin tavern) + Added 3 puzzle maps to the sewer.
+ Grax will now have a daily schedule, 00:00-12:00 engine compartment | 12:00-13:00 kitchen | 13:00-18:00 Control bridge | 18:00-19:00 kitchen | 19:00-00:00 Engine compartment (Scenes right now is inside engine compartment)
+ Added a new event with Grax, can lead to him joining the ship. + Shower now give charisma buff until sleep. + New event with the goblin gang Scrapshade collectives, Can lead to fight a fight or a quest in the future. + Added a goblin gang to the slum area. + Changed the introduction. Added a trait selection. Player is forced to choose between 9 different traits so far + Reworked the entire introduction, both introductions are in the game right now. Let me know which one you prefer. + Intro number 2 Grax will not be at the ship and needs to be found. Right now he lives on the ship as if the player has unlocked him. + Changed the way Grax hypno gun event works, if the roll fails a battle will start. + Changed battle intro cutscene for all enemies. + New map campsite + new map goblin tavern + new map outside goblin tavern + A new map cliff house + Added a map algorithm to the forest map in the outskirts of Milmara, right now it looks like this. * is the forest and can easily be changed to larger sizes in the future. Milmara Tavern cliff house Goblin Mine cave entrance Bugfix
v0.0.2c Bug fixes - Fixed loading coins2 sound error - Fixed stepping through the maps would teleport you to a black map. - Attempt to fix the save bug on Android. FROM NOW ON YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO LOAD OLD SAVES!!! Starting with 0.0.2b and newer releases! - Attempt to fix save error during rng generated maps.
v0.0.2b Bug fixes - Removed the different morning/evening effects from the day cycle, was too annoying for the eyes. - Fixed tiles that you shouldn't be able to walk on inside the sewer. - Fixed tiles that you shouldn't be able to walk in the city. - Fixed facehugger would fuck you twice. - Fixed loading error on battle in the android version. - Fixed resisting lust check at 0 lust now makes it harder next time. Formula is 10 + (x+1)2 check threshold becomes 10,12,18 etc... Fourth time will automatically be a failure since roll is limited to 20. - Changed the sewer navigation, Residential area, South gate, city central, slum and space port are all reachable from the sewer as shown below. Space port <--> Slum <--> Residential Residential <--> City central <--> Milmara south - Added a new sci-fi/modern icon set instead of the default rpg maker mv icon set - Changed all icon used in the game. - Added all exits in Milmara maps to the compass.
v0.0.2 Scenes(3) - New scene with wild goblin anal. (2 animations) - New scene with wild goblin anal. (2 animations) - New scene with little chubby pigman boss
Items - Energy drink Shrugg, will boost player movement if slowed. - Energy drink Shakka, will boost player movement if slowed.
Events - Vending machine selling Shrugg and Shakka - Cash machine turning Credits to Physical credits. (Only used on Milmara) - Sleeping will reset slow to 0. - Slow will now also slow down the players movement and not just the agility in battle (affects the facehuggers attack to either grip face or not will also increase the frogs attack damage) - Sped up the roll event and changed some graphics.
Quests - New introduction quest, Exordium - New quest, Booty hunter? - New side quest, Shakka - New side quest, who's the captain?
Enemies - New enemy, Giant goblin eating frog - New enemy, Wild goblin - New Troop, 2*goblins with hypno gun - New Troop, 3*goblins with hypno gun - New Troop, enraged goblin - New Troop, enraged goblin - New Troop, 2*wild goblin - New Troop, 3*wild goblin - New Troop, wild goblin - New Troop, pack of goblins (4 enraged goblins) - New Troop, pack of goblins (4 enraged goblins and 1 goblin with hypno gun)
Battle - New state immune to seduction - New state flasher - New state goblin slut (Become a goblin slut after getting fucked 5 times by goblins on the same day) While being a goblin slut, wild goblins seducing attacks are 200% effective. - Changed how the seduction attacks works and how the damage is calculated. - Changed how the player seduction attacks scale with higher lust. - Changed the facehugger/grippers spit attack, now adding temporarily corruption and lowering willpower (Stacks). - Changed the facehugger/gripper grip face attack, the effects of 1 spit will wear off after struggling 1 time.
Attack moves
- Pigman will now roll after giving orders to the player. Losing roll will increase lust. Doing as he orders later will have the same affect. - New attack, shake ass. (2 animation) - New attack, shake ass naked. (2 animation) - New attack, seductive gesture. (2 animation) - Added a new animation to shaking tits attack. - Changed the seudction calculator in an attempt to balance it out. - New attack, hypnogun used by goblin with hypno guns instead of physical attack. - New attack, Punches repeatedly used by enraged goblins. (Will get stronger every turn) - New attack, tongue punch used by giant goblin eating frog (Will slow the player and get stronger every turn) - New attack, tease, used by wild goblins. - New attack, flash dick, used by wild goblins. - Added 5 elements boobs, pussy, Butt, oral, goblins
- Added a beggar goblin outside the spaceport, one short scene with him. - Every third day the little chubby pigman wants you to pay your loan if you can't pay you will be chased down. - Drinking 3 shakka or 50% of the time swallowing goblin cum the player will wake up inside a goblin cave. - Changed willpower to fatigue, willpower is now a constant which will increase with your level. - Fatigue will increment by the number of awake hours, every third hour awake is doubled in value to a max of 100. - If Fatigue reaches 100 you will pass out after 3 hours adding corruption and not fully recover your fatigue. - New time system, battle will add random minutes between 30 and 60. Every 3 seconds add a minute during adventuring. Will affect the light while outside. - New RNG map section (Emsris Grotto) - Updated the HUD adding 16 new states: Pregnant, half pregnant, pregnant naked, half pregnant naked all with 4 different tiers of lust. - Updated the Battle-HUD adding 16 new states: Pregnant, half pregnant, pregnant naked, half pregnant naked all with 4 different tiers of lust. - Changed the introduction. - Changed the compass image - Shower will now remove 25 current corruption. - Added class selection at the start, you can pick from 6 different classes which will all affect the starting stats differently. - Changed the way the player level up, allowing player to add 1 extra point per odd level and 2 extra points per even level. - 10 new animations total (77) - 16 new pictures total (115)
Bugfix - Fixed goblins, frogs and snakes would walk during events. - Fixed, shop owner could get stuck if refusing and talking to him again.
v0.0.1a Initial Release
7-12-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Beasts of Our Beginning.
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