Викинги: Sex and Blood - это игра, в которой вам предстоит взять на себя роль налетчика-викинга. Вы поведете зарождающийся клан викингов в путешествие, чтобы расширить свои земли и захватить контроль над всей морозной страной викингов. По пути вам встретится целый зверинец разнообразных и сложных персонажей, с которыми вы сможете подружиться, сразиться и завести романтические отношения. Так что беритесь за топор, поднимайте рог для питья и готовьтесь создавать свой гарем!
0.7.1 Game Engine Overhaul: We've heard your feedback and we've taken action! After listening to player suggestions, we’ve successfully ported the game from Unreal Engine to Ren'Py. This will mean smoother gameplay, faster loading of animations, and a more stable experience. And it will allow us to distribute a MAC, Linux and Android version ( we haven't exported to Android yet, but we will in the coming days ). It also allowed us to reduce the size of the game from a bloated 6.5 GB down to only 1.5 GB! Unfortunately, the old saves, from previous versions are not compatible with this one. So, you will need to start a new game. Content Expansion: Unfortunately, porting the game to Ren’Py took up a significant portion of our time this month, but we still endeavored to work on new scenes. In November we managed to create: 300+ New Renders; 15 New Animations that bring the story to life; and A whole host of new events. New Events: * Continue spying on Freya as she bathes in the evening at the Pond.
* Introduction of a new character: Revna. She was brought into the village as a slave by Sten and it will be up to you how you use her in order to advance your status in the clan.
* Introducing Tove, the village farmer. You will need to gain her trust and love in order to overthrow Sten. There is also a Quest for her.
* A new main story event: Survive an assassination attempt.
Sound and Music: We’ve also expanded the game’s audio with 5 new songs and new sound effects to enhance the atmosphere. Bug Fixes: The writing of the game was reviewed and dozens of fixes were made to typos, as well as general improvements to dialogue to make things feel more immersive. New Save System: One of the most requested features was a better save system. Ren’Py has allowed us to improve upon this and we are pleased to report that players can now save anywhere, anytime they want! Plans for the Future? Adding more content and new characters. Improving and designing minigames for the harvesting and raiding mechanics of the game. Expand the main story. Thanks for sticking with us while we ironed out the bugs from our initial release.
v0.4.3 -over 300 old renders have been improved added ability to click on a building on the minimap and move the camera view to it. added building names on the minimap when they are hovered. added the option to open the Option page on the map with the Escape key. lowered Building Icons on the map so they are easier to see when you hover on them. added a sleep mechanic ( no events for it for now ) meaning that from now on, at night time, to advance the time to morning you will need to go and sleep at the Storehouse added more quests to the Quest Log. Now it should be easier to know what you need to do next. Also, added more details to the quest, making it easier to know what you need to do to complete that quest. added Yrsa model to the map. There are no specific events with her, but some will be added in the next update. did more optimisation work ( reducing texture sizes for Map characters, buildings, etc ), reducing mesh poly count on some of the Map characters and buildings. Hopefully, this should allow the game to work on less performant computers than before. As a side note, I tested the game on a Steam Deck console, and apart from some UI elements getting a bit deformed, the game works great on it.
v0.4.1 The First Raid - Get revenge for the attack on the village. Training Events With Freya -- Test your might against the sword-maiden in a three-stage quest with six variations. Break Shields, Shed Blood and Make an impression. A New Role In Town -- Obtain a position of influence in the village as Hilda's replacement. Manage resources in the storehouse as Krokr's very own Quartermaster. A Brand New Love Interest -- Lei's been taken by the same marauders who invaded the village, only they escaped unharmed. Hunt them down and bring her back to safety. Unraveling Kai -- New interactions that help to illuminate who she is and what her motivations are. Astrid's Herb Quest -- Assist the village witch in acquiring a special herb, but be wary lest you end up somewhere frosty... A Special Spying Event -- Observe Sindri in her quarters and begin a quest-line that's filled with spice! 250 new renders (for a total of 1200 renders) 11 new animations ( 40 total animations ) A rework of more than 300 renders to increase the quality and design of the game. Various rearrangements to the allocation of stats and relationship points to make the game flow better. We are continuously tweaking this process as time goes on and more content is added. A Revamped Audio System : We've added over 40 theme-fitting songs for unique events; we've added over 100 SFX for nearly every event in the game (battle noises, doors opening, etc). We hope to continue adding more depth and richness to our sound design to further immerse the player in the savage world of Vikings: Sex and Blood.
v0.2.1 New Quests and Sub-Plots Over 300 renders were added Extra animations for the Intro Story More sound effects were added to sex and non-sex scenes Performance Improvements Bug Fixes User Interface Enhancements Minimap System added with Points of Interest (POI) and quest indicators Improved Quest Log functionality Fixed Freya's Shield Quest not advancing.
v0.1 Initial Release
4-03-2025 была обновлена английская версия игры Vikings: Sex and Blood.
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