Ваша мать умерла несколько лет назад, а ваш отец недавно умер (Счастливое начало, верно?). Вы возвращаетесь в дом своего детства, чтобы навестить лучшую подругу покойной матери Монику и двух дочерей Моники, которых вы выросли.Вы не видели их в течение нескольких лет (по причинам, изложенным в игре). В дополнение к этим трем дамам в игре будет много других персонажей (друзья, враги, соседи, сталкеры и «девушка из кафе»).А теперь иди позвони в дверь. Моника и остальные дамы ждут...
You must first get a point in game then you can use the cheat. Use UnRen to enable console.
Jenna = xxx
JennaL = xxx
Katie = xxx
KatieL = xxx
Monica = xxx
MonicaL = xxx
Zarah = xxx
ZarahL = xxx
Debbie = xxx
DebbieL = xxx
Lily = xxx
LilyL = xxx
Its the first name of the girl with the first letter cap, and for lust you must use a cap L like it is shown.
This also will work on any new girls that get added that gets points.
Season 1 v6.1.2024 BETA
This demo will add days 4 and 5 (second half of day 5 has some issues at the moment, hence the last minute scramble.
The re-do has more pathing (to allow you to choose no interest/ no romance with more women early on if they don't float your boat). This is great for those that felt some romances were "forced on you" in the original, but bad for me, as it significantly increases the number of paths I have to write and keep track of! :) :)
In addition to the upgrade of the original scenes, Day 4 has a lot of new scenes that weren't part of the original, including a full date with Debbie, full date with Lily, a short scene with Jenna, and another short scene with Katie/Jenna.
Ep. 22
game is better
Ep.19 Official Release
There has been some minor changes (stats scores, some dialog change and a new scene at the very end with some plot update).
Ep 19
Patch only
Ep19 (Beta)
Patch Only
You can now name your saves to make it easier to keep track of your different playthru's.
If you don';t want the save name prompt, you can turn this off in the "Preferences" section.
We've added a gallery section wher you can click on a particular lady and join the action in whatever scene you want (with max stats for the lady). This will allow you to sample any scenes that you might have missed out on due to choices or attribute check fails.
Change MC Name:
You can change the MC's name at any point in the game.
Dialog / Text box preferences:
This has been here awhile but we never formally announced it. In "preferences", you can change the following:
Dialog - Changes (or removes) the color of the shading box behind the dialog text.
Choice - Changes (or removes) the color of the shading box behind the menu choice options.
Chars - Toggle if you want to see the mini photo / image of the speaking character.
If you turn off text background completely (works best for me too), there might be some parts of the game where it's easier to read if you turn on a background temporarily.
Ep.16 Beta
BETA version. Doesn't include "the final scene and some polish".
Ep.15 BETA
BETA VERSION expect typos, errors and/or incomplete scenes
This great story continues.
Ep. 12
Finally, it's here:
Almost twice as big as the average episode size. (both in text/dialog and number of images)
Ep. 6X
Episode 6X (extended version of Episode 6) has now been released. It doubles the number of images/renders in Episode 6 and increases the overall script length by approximately 66% (3 new scenes).
Ep.1 v.0.03
For those who've played the previous version, you might notice I've removed/ reduced some scenes from Ep1. These aren't gone -they've just been re-sequenced and will appear at the end of episode 2. This current release contains a revised episode 1 and an unfinished episode 2. The final version of episode 2 will be ready in a week. I also switched from .png to .jpg, to reduce the file size.
New file doesn't progress the story much beyond the last update, but I have made a lot of changes. Most of the internal monologue has been removed. Some option changes, some render updates and one added item to the Monica character's backstory....
20-11-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Where The Heart Is.
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Скачать Where The Heart Is
Обновлена: 20-11-2024
Размер: 565.3MB
Андроид версия: Ep.24 Rus | Eng | S1 v2024-07-10B Rus | S1 Rev 1 Eng