«Кольцо похоти» - это приключение для взрослых, где вы играете за Билла, молодого человека, который переехал в дом новой жены вашего отца. Игра сосредоточена вокруг установления отношений с новыми членами семьи. Однажды Билл получает магическое кольцо, и все поворачивается.
v0.5.9a - New scene with Beth and Lilly working together - Cleo's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Beth - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.5.8a - Beth's storyline continued - Lilly's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Michelle - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.5.7a - Susan's storyline continued - Michelle's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Ashley - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.5.6a - Two new scenes with Cleo - Lilly's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Jessica - New location on the city map - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.5.5a - Beth's storyline continued - Susan's storyline continued - Stella's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Michelle - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.5.4a - Ashley and Julia's storyline continued - Lilly's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Susan - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.5.3a Changelog: - Michelle's storyline continued - Stella's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Cleo - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.5.2a - 2023-11-05 - Beth and Lilly's storyline continued - Cleo's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Cleo - Added Ashley's scenes to the gallery - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.5.1a - Ashley and Julia's storyline continued - Blindfold library scene reworked - New Jessica's scene it the gym - Added "Unlock gallery" button in the gallery menu - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.5.0b Bugfix
v0.5.0a - Susan's storyline continued - Beth's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Beth and Lilly - Main menu image updated - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.4.9a - Cleo's storyline continued - New scene with Cleo and Lilly - Susan's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Beth - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.4.8a - Beth and Stella's storyline continued - Jessica's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Jessica - Gallery updated - Julia's scenes have been added to the gallery - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.4.7a - Julia's storyline continued - New complex scene with Beth and Lilly - Bonus scene with Michelle - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.4.6a - Bathroom enchantment process started - Complex scene with Michelle and Rati - Scene with Michelle and Bill - Scene with Cleo - Reworked scene with Susan - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.4.5a - Lilly's storyline continued - Beach scene with Michelle - Beach scene with Stella - Beach scene with Beth - Bonus scene with Cleo - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.4.4a - Susan's storyline continued - Julia's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Ashley - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements. v0.4.3a - Cleo's storyline continued - Beth and Stella's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Stella - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.4.2a - Cleo's storyline continued - New scene with Jessica - New location (massage room) - Bonus scene with Michelle - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.4.1a - Beth's storyline continued
- Joint scene with Beth and Stella - New scene with Beth and Lilly - Bonus scene with Beth and Stella - New sound effects added to update scenes. - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v 0.4.0a - Introducing a new ability into the game. - New scene with Ashley and Julia. - New scene with Rati. - Bonus scene with Jessica. - The first steps to adding sound to the game. - Various bugfixes and improvements.
v0.3.9a Changelog: - Michelle's storyline continued - Cleo's storyline continued - Bonus scene with Lilly - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements
v.0.3.8a - Beth and Lilly's story continued
- First double blowjob scene with Stella and Rati
- Ashley's story continued
- Small bonus scene with Michelle
- Gallery updated
- Added a template for the in-game help mode
- Various bugfixes and improvements
v3.7 - Cleo's storyline continued
- Susan's living room scene continued (with variations)
- New scene with Jessica
- Bonus scene with Beth
- Gallery updated
- Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.3.6a - Three scenes in the enchanted kitchen. One for each family member. - New morning outfit for Stella and Beth - Beth and Lilly's storyline continued (with a lot of animations!) - Bonus scene with Cleo - Reworked breakfast renders - Returned good quality to early renders - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements Thanks for your support and stay tuned.
v0.3.5a - Kitchen enchantment completed - Ashley's storyline continued - Two new scenes with Lilly - Bonus scene with Cleo - New option to control sex scenes - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements v0.3.4a - Beth's storyline continued - Progress in enchanting the kitchen - New Scene with Susan - Bonus scene with Julia - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.3.3a - Cleo's storyline continued - New room for enchantment - New Michelle's scene - Bonus scene with Jessica - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.3.2a - Cleo's storyline continued - New scene in two parts with Susan - Bonus scene with Ashley - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.3.1a - Lilly and Beth's storyline continued - New scene with Michelle - New scene with Julia - Bonus scene with Stella - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.3.0a - Michelle's storyline continued - New scene with Susan - New scene with Rati (and a variation of the scene that can be accessed with a hidden button) - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.2.9a - Beth's storyline continued - Lilly's storyline continued - New scene with Stella - Teaser of new location - Gallery updated - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.2.7a - Continuation of Beth's story - New scene with Julia - New location - Fast food - Updated gallery - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.2.6a - Continuation of Ashley's story - Two new scenes with Lilly - Bonus scene with Stella - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.2.5a - Three new scenew with Susan - New scene with Cleo - Updated gallery - Updated title screen - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.2.4a - Rati's storyline continued - Two new scenes with Beth - Two new scenes with Stella - New scene with Michelle - New ability to enchant house rooms with lust energy - Updated gallery - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.2.2a - Three new scenes with Jessica - Ashley's storyline continued - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.2.1a - Cleo's path continued - New scenes with Lilly - New scenes with Michelle - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.2.0a - Stella's path continued - Beth's path continued - New scene with Beth at the kitchen - Reworked part of the intro - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.1.9a - Lilly's path continued - Beth's path continued - New scene with Jilia - Reworked galery - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.1.8a - Jessica's path continued - New scene with Cleo - A little teaser with Lilly - Various bugfixes and improvements (finally I fixed minigame with Jessica)
v0.1.7a Changelog: - Ashley and Julia' paths continued - New scene with Susan - A little teaser with Beth - Various bugfixes and improvements Stay tuned.
v0.1.6a - Two new characters (Cleo's husband and their son) - Neighbor's house open for visiting. - Cleo's path continued - Lilly's path continued - Various bugfixes and improvements
Changelog for 1.5b: -fixed early morning scenes with Michelle (now you again able move further with her and with Susan) -fixed laptop screen (now relations button and stats button works correctly
v0.1.5a - Michelle's path continued - First ffm scene in the game (there will be more of them In the future) - New location (for now it's only for spending time with Michelle) - Added a small teaser for upcoming events - I started to add the gallery into the game (it's not finished yet but the main work is done). You can find it in the laptop menu. - Various bugfixes and improvements
0.1.4a Changelog: - Beth's path continued - New scene with Stella - New way to earn money - A lot of old scenes have been reworked ( Mostly I made the render brighter). - Interface imprevements (added phone button at the top of the screen. At the moment it basically repeats the functions of a laptop but available from any place). - Various bugfixes and improvements
0.1.3a This update is mostly about Stella's storyline. We'll be able to become more closer with her.
Also Lilly get her time too. In this update I've changed the main menu screen. Please let me know what do you think about it.
Have fun!
Changelog: - Stella's path continued
- Lilly's path continued
- New main menu screen
- New location (for now it's only for Stella's storyline)
- Size optimization. Now the game takes up much less space
- Various bugfixes and improvements
Stay tuned.
v0.1.2a - Susan's path continued - Jessica's path started - New parameter (strength) - The gym is now working - Added couple of minigames - Added some teaser about future events - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.1.1a - Ashley's path continued - Beth get new scene in MH room - We'll be able to take a first look at Cleo's workplace. - Living room's scene with Michelle is finished. - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.1.0 -Stella get new scene in the bathroom -Ashley's path started in the library -Lilly's path started -New scene in the clothing shop (characters are chosen randomly, so if you didn't get new scene - try again.) -Added little teaser in the living room -Some interface improvements. (Now acess to Stella's webcam is gained through laptop menu). Also in the laptop interface you can see skills progress and realtions progress. - Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.0.9a -Expanded restaurant scene with Michelle -Continued Cleo's path -New scene in the clothing shop -Fixed annoying bug at the city map -Added alarm clock to Bill's room (to get rid of the unnecessary choice every night. If you need to wake up earlier - use the alarm). -Various bugfixes and improvements
v0.0.8a -Continued Michelle's path -Continued Susan's path (finally we'll be able to visit her house) -New scene with Beth -New scene with Rati (variation of the previous scene) -Various bugfixes and improvements
v.0.0.7a Changelog:
-New scene with Michelle
-Continued Julia's path
-Continued Cleo's path
-New scene with Stella
-The beginning Rati's path
-Various bugfixes and improvements
Hope you'll like it.
v0.0.6f I met some problems with content of my game and had to change certain texts. So I deleted all previous version of 'Ring of Lust' and upload fixed files.
v.0.0.6a Changelog: -New power of the Ring - Invisibility -New scene with Michelle -Continued Susan's path -Continued Beth's path -Scene with Cleo -Added a small teaser in the library. -Various bugfixes and improvements Hope you'll like it
v0.0.5b -Continued Michelle's path -Continued Susan's path -Continued Beth's path -Scene with Cleo -Added buttons to skip day time -Various bugfixes and improvements
v.0.0.5a Changelog:
-Continued Michelle's path
-Continued Stella's path
-New scene with Susan
-Added backyard (Nothing serious for now. Just placeholder for future updates)
-Various bugfixes and improvements
30-12-2024 была обновлена английская версия игры Ring of Lust.
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